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This repository consists of configuration for any tools I use within my Linux (Arch) and Vim development environment. I use my terminal as my IDE, so there's a lot of tools I depend on. I link all of this configuration into my home directory using stow.

I'd highly recommend yaourt to abstract away the AUR as well as installing infinality fonts, they look excellent.


Here's my current list of tooling and quick descriptions of their jobs. It doesn't include everything I depend on, but it's certainly the majority. packages.txt contains a more complete list of the packages I depend upon, such as compton, my window compositor.

  • bin Simple scripts that are placed in my path.
  • dunst Lightweight notifications.
  • git Kind of obvious. Awesome version control.
  • gtk Theme and font configuration for GTK applications.
  • i3 My tiling window manager of choice.
  • tmux Terminal multiplexer, main part of my workflow.
  • vim The best text editor. Highly customised.
  • termite Simple, modal and configurable terminal. Replacing my xfce4-terminal usage.
  • zsh My shell of choice, depends upon oh-my-zsh.
  • x The X windowing system. I bootstrap autorandr and i3 in there.
  • xchat An IRC client.

You can install everything listed in my packages.txt with yaourt -S --needed --noconfirm $(cat packages.txt). The --noconfirm is optional, but it makes the AUR stuff far quicker, there's a lot of questions otherwise.

You may have to install termite separately first since it asked me a question on install which stopped the process. It wanted to replace a conflicting package which I agreed to.

You can set zsh as your shell with chsh -s $(which zsh).


Oliver Caldwell / @OliverCaldwell


Find the full unlicense in the UNLICENSE file, but here's a snippet.

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.

Do what you want. Learn as much as you can. Unlicense more software.


All of my configuration in one place







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  • Python 57.9%
  • Vim Script 31.4%
  • Shell 10.7%