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Properly track stab inside container_cursor_to_quoted, closes #13826
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josevalim committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent a7264aa commit 8eba863
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Showing 5 changed files with 156 additions and 52 deletions.
117 changes: 93 additions & 24 deletions lib/elixir/lib/code/fragment.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1099,6 +1099,13 @@ defmodule Code.Fragment do
iex> Code.Fragment.container_cursor_to_quoted("foo +")
{:ok, {:+, [line: 1], [{:foo, [line: 1], nil}, {:__cursor__, [line: 1], []}]}}
In order to parse the left-side of `->` properly, which appears both
in anonymous functions and do-end blocks, the trailing fragment option
must be given with the rest of the contents:
iex> Code.Fragment.container_cursor_to_quoted("fn x", trailing_fragment: " -> :ok end")
{:ok, {:fn, [line: 1], [{:->, [line: 1], [[{:__cursor__, [line: 1], []}], :ok]}]}}
## Options
* `:file` - the filename to be reported in case of parsing errors.
Expand All @@ -1121,46 +1128,108 @@ defmodule Code.Fragment do
* `:literal_encoder` - a function to encode literals in the AST.
See the documentation for `Code.string_to_quoted/2` for more information.
* `:trailing_fragment` (since v1.18.0) - the rest of the contents after
the cursor. This is necessary to correctly complete anonymous functions
and the left-hand side of `->`
@doc since: "1.13.0"
@spec container_cursor_to_quoted(List.Chars.t(), keyword()) ::
{:ok, Macro.t()} | {:error, {location :: keyword, binary | {binary, binary}, binary}}
def container_cursor_to_quoted(fragment, opts \\ []) do
{trailing_fragment, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :trailing_fragment)
opts = Keyword.take(opts, [:columns, :token_metadata, :literal_encoder])
opts = [cursor_completion: true, emit_warnings: false] ++ opts
opts = [check_terminators: {:cursor, []}, emit_warnings: false] ++ opts

file = Keyword.get(opts, :file, "nofile")
line = Keyword.get(opts, :line, 1)
column = Keyword.get(opts, :column, 1)

case :elixir_tokenizer.tokenize(to_charlist(fragment), line, column, opts) do
{:ok, line, column, _warnings, rev_tokens, rev_terminators}
when trailing_fragment == nil ->
{rev_tokens, rev_terminators} =
with [close, open, {_, _, :__cursor__} = cursor | rev_tokens] <- rev_tokens,
{_, [_ | after_fn]} <- Enum.split_while(rev_terminators, &(elem(&1, 0) != :fn)),
true <- maybe_missing_stab?(rev_tokens),
[_ | rev_tokens] <- Enum.drop_while(rev_tokens, &(elem(&1, 0) != :fn)) do
{[close, open, cursor | rev_tokens], after_fn}
_ -> {rev_tokens, rev_terminators}

tokens = reverse_tokens(line, column, rev_tokens, rev_terminators)
:elixir.tokens_to_quoted(tokens, file, opts)

{:ok, line, column, _warnings, rev_tokens, rev_terminators} ->
tokens = :lists.reverse(rev_tokens, rev_terminators)

case :elixir.tokens_to_quoted(tokens, file, opts) do
{:ok, ast} ->
{:ok, ast}

{:error, error} ->
# In case parsing fails, we give it another shot but handling fn/do/else/catch/rescue/after.
tokens =
[{:stab_op, {line, column, nil}, :->}, {nil, {line, column + 2, nil}}] ++, fn tuple ->
{line, column, info} = elem(tuple, 1)
put_elem(tuple, 1, {line, column + 5, info})

case :elixir.tokens_to_quoted(tokens, file, opts) do
{:ok, ast} -> {:ok, ast}
{:error, _} -> {:error, error}
tokens =
with {before_start, [_ | _] = after_start} <-
Enum.split_while(rev_terminators, &(elem(&1, 0) not in [:do, :fn])),
true <- maybe_missing_stab?(rev_tokens),
opts =
Keyword.put(opts, :check_terminators, {:cursor, before_start}),
{:error, {meta, _, ~c"end"}, _rest, _warnings, trailing_rev_tokens} <-
:elixir_tokenizer.tokenize(to_charlist(trailing_fragment), line, column, opts) do
trailing_tokens =
reverse_tokens(meta[:line], meta[:column], trailing_rev_tokens, after_start)

Enum.reverse(rev_tokens, drop_tokens(trailing_tokens, 0))
_ -> reverse_tokens(line, column, rev_tokens, rev_terminators)

:elixir.tokens_to_quoted(tokens, file, opts)

{:error, info, _rest, _warnings, _so_far} ->
{:error, :elixir.format_token_error(info)}

defp reverse_tokens(line, column, tokens, terminators) do
{terminators, _} =
Enum.map_reduce(terminators, column, fn {start, _, _}, column ->
atom = :elixir_tokenizer.terminator(start)

{{atom, {line, column, nil}}, column + length(Atom.to_charlist(atom))}

Enum.reverse(tokens, terminators)

defp drop_tokens([{:"}", _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:"]", _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:")", _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:">>", _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:end, _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:",", _} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens
defp drop_tokens([{:stab_op, _, :->} | _] = tokens, 0), do: tokens

defp drop_tokens([{:"}", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter - 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:"]", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter - 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:")", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter - 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:">>", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter - 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:end, _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter - 1)

defp drop_tokens([{:"{", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:"[", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:"(", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:"<<", _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:fn, _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)
defp drop_tokens([{:do, _} | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter + 1)

defp drop_tokens([_ | tokens], counter), do: drop_tokens(tokens, counter)
defp drop_tokens([], 0), do: []

defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:after, _} | _]), do: true
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:do, _} | _]), do: true
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:fn, _} | _]), do: true
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:else, _} | _]), do: true
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:catch, _} | _]), do: true
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:rescue, _} | _]), do: true

defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:stab_op, _, :->} | _]), do: false
defp maybe_missing_stab?([{:eol, _}, next | _]) when elem(next, 0) != :",", do: false

defp maybe_missing_stab?([_ | tail]), do: maybe_missing_stab?(tail)
defp maybe_missing_stab?([]), do: false
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/elixir/src/elixir.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ quoted_to_erl(Quoted, ErlS, ExS, Env) ->

string_to_tokens(String, StartLine, StartColumn, File, Opts) when is_integer(StartLine), is_binary(File) ->
case elixir_tokenizer:tokenize(String, StartLine, StartColumn, Opts) of
{ok, _Line, _Column, [], Tokens, Terminators} ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Tokens, Terminators)};
{ok, _Line, _Column, [], Tokens, []} ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Tokens)};
{ok, _Line, _Column, Warnings, Tokens, Terminators} ->
(lists:keyfind(emit_warnings, 1, Opts) /= {emit_warnings, false}) andalso
[elixir_errors:erl_warn(L, File, M) || {L, M} <- lists:reverse(Warnings)],
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion lib/elixir/src/elixir_interpolation.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ extract([$#, ${ | Rest], Buffer, Output, Line, Column, Scope, true, Last) ->
{error, Reason};
{ok, EndLine, EndColumn, Warnings, Tokens, Terminators} when Scope#elixir_tokenizer.cursor_completion /= false ->
NewScope = Scope#elixir_tokenizer{warnings=Warnings, cursor_completion=noprune},
Output2 = build_interpol(Line, Column, EndLine, EndColumn, lists:reverse(Tokens, Terminators), Output1),
{CursorTerminators, _} = cursor_complete(EndLine, EndColumn, Terminators),
Output2 = build_interpol(Line, Column, EndLine, EndColumn, lists:reverse(Tokens, CursorTerminators), Output1),
extract([], [], Output2, EndLine, EndColumn, NewScope, true, Last);
{ok, _, _, _, _, _} ->
{error, {string, Line, Column, "missing interpolation terminator: \"}\"", []}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +118,16 @@ strip_horizontal_space([H | T], Buffer, Counter) when H =:= $\s; H =:= $\t ->
strip_horizontal_space(T, Buffer, Counter) ->
{T, Buffer, Counter}.

cursor_complete(Line, Column, Terminators) ->
fun({Start, _, _}, AccColumn) ->
End = elixir_tokenizer:terminator(Start),
{{End, {Line, AccColumn, nil}}, AccColumn + length(erlang:atom_to_list(End))}

%% Unescape a series of tokens as returned by extract.

unescape_tokens(Tokens) ->
Expand Down
19 changes: 4 additions & 15 deletions lib/elixir/src/elixir_tokenizer.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ tokenize(String, Line, Column, Opts) ->
Scope =
({check_terminators, false}, Acc) ->
({cursor_completion, true}, Acc) ->
Acc#elixir_tokenizer{cursor_completion=false, terminators=none};
({check_terminators, {cursor, Terminators}}, Acc) ->
Acc#elixir_tokenizer{cursor_completion=prune_and_cursor, terminators=Terminators};
({existing_atoms_only, ExistingAtomsOnly}, Acc) when is_boolean(ExistingAtomsOnly) ->
({static_atoms_encoder, StaticAtomsEncoder}, Acc) when is_function(StaticAtomsEncoder) ->
Expand All @@ -138,11 +138,10 @@ tokenize(String, Line, Opts) ->
tokenize([], Line, Column, #elixir_tokenizer{cursor_completion=Cursor} = Scope, Tokens) when Cursor /= false ->
#elixir_tokenizer{ascii_identifiers_only=Ascii, terminators=Terminators, warnings=Warnings} = Scope,

{CursorColumn, CursorTerminators, AccTokens} =
{CursorColumn, AccTerminators, AccTokens} =
add_cursor(Line, Column, Cursor, Terminators, Tokens),

AllWarnings = maybe_unicode_lint_warnings(Ascii, Tokens, Warnings),
{AccTerminators, _AccColumn} = cursor_complete(Line, CursorColumn, CursorTerminators),
{ok, Line, CursorColumn, AllWarnings, AccTokens, AccTerminators};

tokenize([], EndLine, EndColumn, #elixir_tokenizer{terminators=[{Start, {StartLine, StartColumn, _}, _} | _]} = Scope, Tokens) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1747,16 +1746,6 @@ error(Reason, Rest, #elixir_tokenizer{warnings=Warnings}, Tokens) ->

%% Cursor handling

cursor_complete(Line, Column, Terminators) ->
fun({Start, _, _}, AccColumn) ->
End = terminator(Start),
{{End, {Line, AccColumn, nil}}, AccColumn + length(erlang:atom_to_list(End))}

add_cursor(_Line, Column, noprune, Terminators, Tokens) ->
{Column, Terminators, Tokens};
add_cursor(Line, Column, prune_and_cursor, Terminators, Tokens) ->
Expand Down
55 changes: 45 additions & 10 deletions lib/elixir/test/elixir/code_fragment_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1228,7 +1228,9 @@ defmodule CodeFragmentTest do
assert cc2q!("foo(bar do baz ") == s2q!("foo(bar do baz(__cursor__()) end)")
assert cc2q!("foo(bar do baz(") == s2q!("foo(bar do baz(__cursor__()) end)")
assert cc2q!("foo(bar do baz bat,") == s2q!("foo(bar do baz(bat, __cursor__()) end)")
assert cc2q!("foo(bar do baz, bat") == s2q!("foo(bar do baz, __cursor__() -> nil end)")

assert cc2q!("foo(bar do baz, bat", trailing_fragment: " -> :ok end") ==
s2q!("foo(bar do baz, __cursor__() -> :ok end)")

test "keyword lists" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1283,6 +1285,48 @@ defmodule CodeFragmentTest do
assert cc2q!("<<foo, bar::baz") == s2q!("<<foo, bar::__cursor__()>>")

test "anonymous functions" do
assert cc2q!("(fn", trailing_fragment: "-> end)") == s2q!("(fn __cursor__() -> nil end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn", trailing_fragment: "-> 1 + 2 end)") ==
s2q!("(fn __cursor__() -> 1 + 2 end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x", trailing_fragment: "-> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn __cursor__() -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x", trailing_fragment: ", y -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn __cursor__(), y -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x,", trailing_fragment: "y -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x, __cursor__() -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x,", trailing_fragment: "\ny -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x, __cursor__()\n -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x, {", trailing_fragment: "y, z} -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x, {__cursor__(), z} -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x, {y", trailing_fragment: ", z} -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x, {__cursor__(), z} -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x, {y, ", trailing_fragment: "z} -> :ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x, {y, __cursor__()} -> :ok end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x ->", trailing_fragment: ":ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn x ->", trailing_fragment: ":ok end)") ==
s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")

assert cc2q!("(fn") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")
assert cc2q!("(fn x") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")
assert cc2q!("(fn x,") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")
assert cc2q!("(fn x ->") == s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x -> x") == s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x, y -> x + y") == s2q!("(fn x, y -> x + __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x, y -> x + y end") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")

test "removes tokens until opening" do
assert cc2q!("(123") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")
assert cc2q!("[foo") == s2q!("[__cursor__()]")
Expand All @@ -1299,15 +1343,6 @@ defmodule CodeFragmentTest do
assert cc2q!("foo bar, :atom") == s2q!("foo(bar, __cursor__())")

test "removes anonymous functions" do
assert cc2q!("(fn") == s2q!("(fn __cursor__() -> nil end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x") == s2q!("(fn __cursor__() -> nil end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x ->") == s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x -> x") == s2q!("(fn x -> __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x, y -> x + y") == s2q!("(fn x, y -> x + __cursor__() end)")
assert cc2q!("(fn x, y -> x + y end") == s2q!("(__cursor__())")

test "removes closed terminators" do
assert cc2q!("foo([1, 2, 3]") == s2q!("foo(__cursor__())")
assert cc2q!("foo({1, 2, 3}") == s2q!("foo(__cursor__())")
Expand Down

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