Python tools to build background galaxy samples for cluster weak lensing analysis.
Python 2.6+, numpy, astropy, corner, scipy, matplotlib. Also uses functions from the and modules.
simply clone all modules included here into your python path.
This module contains function that select, displays and analyses the weak lensing signal of background galaxies selected to lie behind galaxy clusters. The color-color selection method predominately used here has been developed and describe fully in Medezinski et al. (2010), and rcently further developed and demonstrated in Medezinski et al. (2017). If you find these useful, please cite these papers.
This exmaple produced a number density map in color-color space
import ColorColor as CC
plotargs = {'color':'0.25','label':'All','s':2}
obj = CC.CCplot(sample,'z','r','i','g',axis=[[-1, 2.5],[-0.5, 3.5]],
plotpoints=False, levels = [0.2,0.90],**plotargs)
- Make module into a class
- Add some plots
- Add Demo folder