- Download test dataset
wget https://mondriantestdata.s3.amazonaws.com/10x_test_data.tar.gz
tar -xvf 10x_test_data.tar.gz
- Download reference datasets.
wget https://mondriantestdata.s3.amazonaws.com/reference_grch38_scrna.tar.gz
tar -xvf reference_grch38_scrna.tar.gz
- Launch pipeline
nextflow run shahcompbio/scrna_demultiplexing \
-profile singularity \
--output_dir outputs \
--jobmode local \
--numcores 16 \
--meta_yaml $PWD/10x_test_data/meta.yaml \
--gex_fastq $PWD/10x_test_data/gex \
--gex_id PBMC-ALL_60k_universal_HashAB1-4_BL_4tags_Rep1_gex \
--cite_fastq $PWD/10x_test_data/cite \
--cite_id PBMC-ALL_60k_universal_HashAB1-4_BL_4tags_Rep1_ab \
--reference $PWD/reference_grch38_scrna/GRCh38/ \
--vdj_reference $PWD/reference_grch38_scrna/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-7.1.0 \
--sample_id SAMP123 \
--bcr_fastq $PWD/10x_test_data/cite \
--bcr_id PBMC-ALL_60k_universal_HashAB1-4_BL_4tags_Rep1_ab
Gene Expression | Cite Seq | HTO | VDJ-B | VDJ-T | Steps | Testing |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | NonMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | NonMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | NonMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | NonMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | NonMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✔️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | DeMultiplex | ✔️ |
Logic can be summed up with this pseudocode
if HTO:
CELLRANGERMULTI(gex_fastq, cite_fastq) -> {raw_h5, [['sample': filtered_h5, bam], ...]}
for sample in CELLRANGERMULTI:
CELLRANGERMULTI(bam2fastq.gex_fastq, cite_fastq,vdj_b_fastq, vdj_t_fastq) -> {raw_h5, ['sample': filtered_h5, bam]}
CELLRANGERMULTI(gex_fastq, cite_fastq,vdj_b_fastq, vdj_t_fastq) -> {raw_h5, ['sample': filtered_h5, bam]}