A mobile app (Android/iOS) for people drinking celery juice. Highly inspired by @medicalmedium. 🥬🍓
- user can see how many people drink celery juice daily (live-ticker)
- user can see yesterday´s score and the current highscore
- user can drink celery juice (max. once per day)
- user can see his longest streak of drinking celery juice (in days)
- user can share emotes (max. 3 per day)
- use can see shared emotes in real-time (i.e. live)
- 📱 Frontend: Flutter
- using primarily Provider and ChangeNotifier
- 🖥️ Backend: Node.js
- Building a custom backend with Node.js
- How to properly implement real-time client-server communication (WebSockets)
- That using BloC-Pattern for state-management in Flutter is often times overkill and ChangeNotifier with Provider works like a charm for small to medium projects (also results in highly readable code imo)
- Writing highly-reusable animation widgets in Flutter
- Implementing a custom AppBar in Flutter
- Implementing a custom animated score text (animates when the score changes)
- Getting more used to the Git workflow
- Done is better than perfect (rly, just get startet; took me a while to understand this)
I am a junior mobile developer who´s completing his Bachelors degree in CS this year. I love browsing good UI/UX and implementing my own ideas using Flutter. I still have a lot to learn (Git collaboration, Backend dev, etc.) but am highly motivated. Would be cool if I could join some project and learn a lot of things from experienced devs. TODO: add contact deatails