🤖 A list of Reddit bots
- /u/stabbot - A Reddit bot that stabilizes videos
- /u/stabbot_crop - A Reddit bot that stabilizes videos, also crops it
- /u/DeepFryBot - Deep fries images
- /u/gifreversingbot - Reverses a gif in a comment or post
- /u/vredditshare - Reuploads Reddit hosted video
- /u/VredditDownloader - Provides downloadable links for videos hosted on Reddit
- /u/morejpeg_auto - Adds jpeg compression to an image
- /u/gifendore - Extracts the last frame of a gif
- /u/r2tg_bot - Uploads Reddit videos to Telegram
- /u/WololoBot - Responds with a link to wololobot.herokuapp.com
/u/tippr - A Bitcoin Cash tipbot that allows you to reward good content
/u/RemindMeBot - Remind a user about a comment or thread for later use
/u/profanitycounter - Generate a comprehensive, automatic profanity report for any user, or yourself.
/u/Eminem_Bot - Replies with the youtube and spotify links and statistics for any Eminem song/album.