Rotate, scale and position huge (over 100Mpixel) input image and split it to tiles with html5 canvas
Checkout the online demo and explication page:
Plain html/css/javascript uses hammer.js
to support touch screen events.
Canvas / preview creation transformation calculations etc. is in separate class to make it as easy as possible to wrap to splitting to work with any framework.
git clone
cd canvas-image-tiles
open index.html
All the functionality to splitting pieces from source image is written in CanvasShredder
To create shredder instance one has to create preview area div and load image which is used as full size version of source.
creates preview canvas that is smaller scale version of source image which
is used to show preview of full sized image on preview area.
Preview area is just plain <div></div>
elment. When CanvasShredder
is created, it creates
and appends preview canvas in the end of this element.
Easy way to load image, if you have it online would be just to create img element that is not attached to DOM
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.onload = function() { /* image ready to be with for CanvasShredder class */ };
image.src = "";
To select local file on may use <input type='file'>
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
var files =;
var file = files[0]; // just read the first selected file
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.onload = function() {
image.src = URL.createObjectURL(f);
fileInput.addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
Canvas shredder creates preview canvas to preview area and does all the calculations for showing preview canvas in correct orientation. It also provides method to slice piece of full sized source image to destination canvas
var shredder = new CanvasShredder(image, previewArea, {storeOriginalInCanvas: true});
Class also supports option noCssAutoUpdate
which disables auto update of setting
preview canvas inline CSS styles according to changes in orientation.
To change image orientation and place on preview area is done with
deltaRotation: Math.PI/100,
absPosition: { x: 0, y: 0 },
absScale : Math.sin(shredder.rotation) + 0.1
Orientation can be given either with absolute or delta values. Absolute values sets value directly and delta values are changes relative to old orientation.
automatically schedules updating CSS transformation for preview canvas
to happen on next requestAnimationFrame
One can also disable auto update by passing { noCssAutoUpdate: true }
to constructor and
get CSS transformation with shredder.getPreviewCssTransform()
to be able to update
preview canvas CSS manually.
To read current orientation one may directly read them from shredder.rotation
and shredder.position
is pixel coordinates from top-left corner of preview area.
is scale of preview canvas e.g. 1.0
means that preview is shown full scale so
its width or height is 2048px
Finally to read piece from full size source image to destination canvas is done by
shredder.slice(previewAreaX, previewAreaY, previewAreaSize, dstCanvas);
and previewAreaY
are pixel coordinates in preview area where to start reading
pixels to destination.
is pixel width and height how big piece of preview area is captured to
destination canvas.
If one makes captured area size smaller, effectively image written to destination is zoomed in.
In the other hand if one writes whole preview area (from (0,0)
and previewAreaSize
is width of area)
one will get whole preview area written to destination canvas. Effectively one draws preview
area with smaller resolution to destination (supposing that destination is e.g. 256x256
and preview
area 1024x1024
So to make zooming, there are 2 different ways, by actually changing scale
or by reading smaller are
from preview area.
On OSX Safari sampling tiles from over 100M pixel images pauses every now and then. Timeline doesn't show any apparent reason why that is happening (happens only when trying to read frames 60fps).
iOS cannot load big images from file, but if one tries to load over few megapixel image it will get down sampled before it is given to javascript side Also really big images just fail silently.
On IE really big images didn't work perfectly some not enough storage error occurred ().
Please let me know if you try this with some other browsers to know how it works :)