based on Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks paper -
For any grading problem please send me an email to [email protected].
The pdf / word report called final_proj.pdf / final_proj.docx.
The project consists of 2 parts:
- Theoretical background to adversarial attacks, detailed summary of the paper, review on related papers and experiments that verify the results on GTSRB (German Traffic Sign Recognition) dataset.
- The implemetation in pytorch on GTSRB case study.
The dataset of GTSRB is taken from
(the exact commands are for GTSRB dataset, for MNIST see the comment below)
- clone this repository (the dataset also included).
- If you run on GPU set a specific GPU using: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=YOUR_GPU_NUMBER
- run from the project directory: "python --dataset-name traffic_signs"
for MNIST - "python --dataset-name MNIST".
see to set configs. The configurations on this reposetory are tested and match the to the report.
- Dataset - please download the dataset from this repo. (clone this repo including data folder)
- Conda Environment - I used hw4_env to execute the project. (Activate using "conda activate hw4_env")
- Libraries: Pytorch, Torchvision and some other known. All apear in hw4_env.
- Both GPU and CPU supported. GPU is more recommnended.
In nova I occurred a bug "ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by home/wolf/sagieb/course/miniconda3/envs/hw4_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/". To fix the bug I add: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/wolf/sagieb/course/miniconda3/lib/"
see an_example_of_execution_results folder
- - the main file of the project. To execute the project run this file as explained in the previous section.
- - the adversarial attacks implementations. PGD and FGSM classes are the specific attacks.
- - contains auxiliary tools. Hyperparameter generators and specific tasks searching methods are implemented there. Also contains plotting method for images vector as a grid.
- - contains logger object that is used globally as it's imported in every file. It is initialized in
- - here are all the networks architectures and generators are implemented. There is a networks generator that is used in experiment 4 (capacity and robustness relation) and specific architectures for the rest of the experiments.
- - the GTSRB dataset is given as a folder of ppms files. GTSRB class is a Dataset type that parse this folder. There are also Dataloaders methods.
- - here is the training method (both typical training and adversarial training). It contains implementations to training management tools (Epochs, StoppingCriteria classes).
- - this file contains all the configurations to the project - both system configurations and hyperparams. It is imported only in