This was a code challenge for Dott (2021).
Read in a bitmap from standard input, apply distance transformation, and write the resulting distance map to standard output.
This task had to be completed in TypeScript.
- Write the code logic based on the C/C++ approach I'm familiar with. (codeLogix.txt)
- Input validation
- Transformation algorithm
- Output generation
- Watch some TypeScript tutorials or courses to get comfortable with the fundamentals.
- Let's get it TypeScripted!
Run the program by entering the following command in the root folder:
npm run start
or build the .js files first and then run with node;
npm run build
node build/main.js
The program reads from standard input. It's recommended to pipe a file with testcases to the executable, e.g.:
cat test.txt | npm run start
I've added some maps and a map generator script in the /test_maps folder. Generate your own test map (requires perl):
./ (x) (y) (density)
where x y and density are all integers, and the density is a number between 0 and 2 * y. The higher the density, the more black pixels there are.
- Good readability
- For better formatting: Use ESLint (or lookup the company's code formatting standard; it'd make my code easier to read to the evaluator)
- Add a test folder with unit tests (and mention the expected output), such that functions are more clear to the evaluator
- Get rid of the nested for/if in my main
- In my readme explain my use of type any
- Some naming improvements: (const CHARCODEZERO instead of const ZERO, numberOfTests instead of nbrOfTests), for TS, the more verbose the better