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[8.x] [ES|QL] AST node synthesizer (#201814) (#202409)
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# Backport

This will backport the following commits from `main` to `8.x`:
- [[ES|QL] AST node synthesizer

<!--- Backport version: 9.4.3 -->

### Questions ?
Please refer to the [Backport tool

<!--BACKPORT [{"author":{"name":"Vadim
Kibana","email":"[email protected]"},"sourceCommit":{"committedDate":"2024-12-02T09:12:36Z","message":"[ES|QL]
AST node synthesizer (#201814)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nCloses\r\n\r\nAdds ability to
create ES|QL AST nodes from plain strings and
compose\r\nthem.\r\n\r\nCreate an integer literal:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst
node = expr `42`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCreate any
expression:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(123)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCompose AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst value =
expr `123`;\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(${value})`;\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\nYou can create an
assignment expression AST node as simle as:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport {
synth } from '@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field =
max(10, ?my_param)`;\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nTo construct an equivalent AST node using the `Builder`
class, you would\r\nneed to\r\nwrite the following
code:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport { Builder } from
'@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = Builder.expression.func.binary('=',
[\r\n Builder.expression.column({\r\n args: [Builder.identifier({ name:
'my' }), Builder.identifier({ name: 'field' })],\r\n }),\r\n'max', [\r\n
Builder.expression.literal.integer(10),\r\n Builder.param.named({ value:
'my_param' }),\r\n ]),\r\n]);\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args:
[ ... ]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nYou can nest template strings to create more
complex AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst value = synth.expr `max(10, 20)`;\r\n\r\nconst
assignment = synth.expr`${field} = ${value}`;\r\n// { type: 'function',
name: '=', args: [ \r\n// { type: 'column', args: [ ... ] },\r\n// {
type: 'function', name: 'max', args: [ ... ] }\r\n//
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse the `synth.cmd` method to create command
nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'WHERE', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nAST nodes created by the synthesizer are pretty-printed
when you coerce\r\nthem to\r\na string or call the `toString`
method:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd ` WHERE my.field == 10
`; // { type: 'command', ... }\r\nString(command); // \"WHERE my.field
== 10\"\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n## Reference\r\n\r\n###
`synth.expr`\r\n\r\nThe `synth.expr` synthesizes an expression AST
nodes. (*Expressions* are\r\nbasically any thing that can go into a
`WHERE` command, like boolean\r\nexpression,\r\nfunction call, literal,
params, etc.)\r\n\r\nUse it as a function:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node =
synth.expr('my.field = max(10, 20)');\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser
options:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr('my.field = max(10,
20)', { withFormatting: false });\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse it as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser options, when using as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr({ withFormatting:
false }) `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCombine nodes using
template strings:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst node = synth.expr `${field} = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nPrint the node as a string:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst
node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\nString(node); //
'my.field = max(10, 20)'\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n### `synth.cmd`\r\n\r\nThe
`synth.cmd` synthesizes a command AST node (such as
`SELECT`,\r\n`WHERE`,\r\netc.). You use it the same as the `synth.expr`
function or template\r\nstring tag.\r\nThe only difference is that the
`synth.cmd` function or tag creates a\r\ncommand\r\nAST
node.\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'where', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Checklist\r\n\r\nDelete any items that are
not applicable to this PR.\r\n\r\n- [x] [Unit or
updated or added to match the most common scenarios\r\n\r\n### For
maintainers\r\n\r\n- [x] This was checked for breaking API changes and
AST node
AST node synthesizer (#201814)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nCloses\r\n\r\nAdds ability to
create ES|QL AST nodes from plain strings and
compose\r\nthem.\r\n\r\nCreate an integer literal:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst
node = expr `42`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCreate any
expression:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(123)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCompose AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst value =
expr `123`;\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(${value})`;\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\nYou can create an
assignment expression AST node as simle as:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport {
synth } from '@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field =
max(10, ?my_param)`;\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nTo construct an equivalent AST node using the `Builder`
class, you would\r\nneed to\r\nwrite the following
code:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport { Builder } from
'@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = Builder.expression.func.binary('=',
[\r\n Builder.expression.column({\r\n args: [Builder.identifier({ name:
'my' }), Builder.identifier({ name: 'field' })],\r\n }),\r\n'max', [\r\n
Builder.expression.literal.integer(10),\r\n Builder.param.named({ value:
'my_param' }),\r\n ]),\r\n]);\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args:
[ ... ]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nYou can nest template strings to create more
complex AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst value = synth.expr `max(10, 20)`;\r\n\r\nconst
assignment = synth.expr`${field} = ${value}`;\r\n// { type: 'function',
name: '=', args: [ \r\n// { type: 'column', args: [ ... ] },\r\n// {
type: 'function', name: 'max', args: [ ... ] }\r\n//
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse the `synth.cmd` method to create command
nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'WHERE', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nAST nodes created by the synthesizer are pretty-printed
when you coerce\r\nthem to\r\na string or call the `toString`
method:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd ` WHERE my.field == 10
`; // { type: 'command', ... }\r\nString(command); // \"WHERE my.field
== 10\"\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n## Reference\r\n\r\n###
`synth.expr`\r\n\r\nThe `synth.expr` synthesizes an expression AST
nodes. (*Expressions* are\r\nbasically any thing that can go into a
`WHERE` command, like boolean\r\nexpression,\r\nfunction call, literal,
params, etc.)\r\n\r\nUse it as a function:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node =
synth.expr('my.field = max(10, 20)');\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser
options:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr('my.field = max(10,
20)', { withFormatting: false });\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse it as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser options, when using as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr({ withFormatting:
false }) `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCombine nodes using
template strings:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst node = synth.expr `${field} = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nPrint the node as a string:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst
node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\nString(node); //
'my.field = max(10, 20)'\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n### `synth.cmd`\r\n\r\nThe
`synth.cmd` synthesizes a command AST node (such as
`SELECT`,\r\n`WHERE`,\r\netc.). You use it the same as the `synth.expr`
function or template\r\nstring tag.\r\nThe only difference is that the
`synth.cmd` function or tag creates a\r\ncommand\r\nAST
node.\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'where', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Checklist\r\n\r\nDelete any items that are
not applicable to this PR.\r\n\r\n- [x] [Unit or
updated or added to match the most common scenarios\r\n\r\n### For
maintainers\r\n\r\n- [x] This was checked for breaking API changes and
AST node synthesizer (#201814)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nCloses\r\n\r\nAdds ability to
create ES|QL AST nodes from plain strings and
compose\r\nthem.\r\n\r\nCreate an integer literal:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst
node = expr `42`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCreate any
expression:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(123)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCompose AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```js\r\nconst value =
expr `123`;\r\nconst node = expr `nested.field =
fn(${value})`;\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\nYou can create an
assignment expression AST node as simle as:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport {
synth } from '@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field =
max(10, ?my_param)`;\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nTo construct an equivalent AST node using the `Builder`
class, you would\r\nneed to\r\nwrite the following
code:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nimport { Builder } from
'@kbn/esql-ast';\r\n\r\nconst node = Builder.expression.func.binary('=',
[\r\n Builder.expression.column({\r\n args: [Builder.identifier({ name:
'my' }), Builder.identifier({ name: 'field' })],\r\n }),\r\n'max', [\r\n
Builder.expression.literal.integer(10),\r\n Builder.param.named({ value:
'my_param' }),\r\n ]),\r\n]);\r\n// { type: 'function', name: '=', args:
[ ... ]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nYou can nest template strings to create more
complex AST nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst value = synth.expr `max(10, 20)`;\r\n\r\nconst
assignment = synth.expr`${field} = ${value}`;\r\n// { type: 'function',
name: '=', args: [ \r\n// { type: 'column', args: [ ... ] },\r\n// {
type: 'function', name: 'max', args: [ ... ] }\r\n//
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse the `synth.cmd` method to create command
nodes:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'WHERE', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\nAST nodes created by the synthesizer are pretty-printed
when you coerce\r\nthem to\r\na string or call the `toString`
method:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst command = synth.cmd ` WHERE my.field == 10
`; // { type: 'command', ... }\r\nString(command); // \"WHERE my.field
== 10\"\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n## Reference\r\n\r\n###
`synth.expr`\r\n\r\nThe `synth.expr` synthesizes an expression AST
nodes. (*Expressions* are\r\nbasically any thing that can go into a
`WHERE` command, like boolean\r\nexpression,\r\nfunction call, literal,
params, etc.)\r\n\r\nUse it as a function:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node =
synth.expr('my.field = max(10, 20)');\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser
options:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr('my.field = max(10,
20)', { withFormatting: false });\r\n```\r\n\r\nUse it as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nSpecify parser options, when using as a template
string tag:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.expr({ withFormatting:
false }) `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nCombine nodes using
template strings:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst field = synth.expr
`my.field`;\r\nconst node = synth.expr `${field} = max(10,
20)`;\r\n```\r\n\r\nPrint the node as a string:\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst
node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, 20)`;\r\nString(node); //
'my.field = max(10, 20)'\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n### `synth.cmd`\r\n\r\nThe
`synth.cmd` synthesizes a command AST node (such as
`SELECT`,\r\n`WHERE`,\r\netc.). You use it the same as the `synth.expr`
function or template\r\nstring tag.\r\nThe only difference is that the
`synth.cmd` function or tag creates a\r\ncommand\r\nAST
node.\r\n\r\n```ts\r\nconst node = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field ==
10`;\r\n// { type: 'command', name: 'where', args: [ ...
]}\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Checklist\r\n\r\nDelete any items that are
not applicable to this PR.\r\n\r\n- [x] [Unit or
updated or added to match the most common scenarios\r\n\r\n### For
maintainers\r\n\r\n- [x] This was checked for breaking API changes and

Co-authored-by: Vadim Kibana <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
kibanamachine and vadimkibana authored Dec 2, 2024
1 parent c3ad53e commit cff07f7
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Showing 16 changed files with 658 additions and 12 deletions.
24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions packages/kbn-esql-ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,32 @@ building, traversal, pretty-printing, and manipulation features on top of a
custom compact AST representation, which is designed to be resilient to many
grammar changes.

Contents of this package:

- [`builder` &mdash; Contains the `Builder` class for AST node construction](./src/builder/
### Contents of the package

At the lowest level, the package provides a parser that converts ES|QL text into
an AST representation. Or, you can use the `Builder` class to construct the AST

- [`parser` &mdash; Contains text to ES|QL AST parsing code](./src/parser/
- [`builder` &mdash; Contains the `Builder` class for AST node construction](./src/builder/

The *Traversal API* lets you walk the AST. The `Walker` class is a simple
to use, but the `Visitor` class is more powerful and flexible:

- [`walker` &mdash; Contains the ES|QL AST `Walker` utility](./src/walker/
- [`visitor` &mdash; Contains the ES|QL AST `Visitor` utility](./src/visitor/

Higher-level functionality is provided by the `mutate` and `synth` modules. They
allow you to traverse and modify the AST, or to easily construct AST nodes:

- [`mutate` &mdash; Contains code for traversing and mutating the AST](./src/mutate/
- [`synth` &mdash; Ability to construct AST nodes from template strings](./src/synth/

The *Pretty-printing API* lets you format the AST to text. There are two
implementations &mdash; a basic pretty-printer and a wrapping pretty-printer:

- [`pretty_print` &mdash; Contains code for formatting AST to text](./src/pretty_print/
- [`mutate` &mdash; Contains code for traversing and mutating the AST.](./src/mutate/

## Demo
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/kbn-esql-ast/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export {
} from './src/parser';

export { Walker, type WalkerOptions, walk } from './src/walker';
export * as synth from './src/synth';

export {
Expand Down
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions packages/kbn-esql-ast/src/synth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# ES|QL `synth` module

The `synth` module lets you easily "synthesize" AST nodes from template strings.
This is useful when you need to construct AST nodes programmatically, but don't
want to deal with the complexity of the `Builder` class.

## Usage

You can create an assignment expression AST node as simle as:

import { synth } from '@kbn/esql-ast';

const node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, ?my_param)`;
// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [ ... ]}

To construct an equivalent AST node using the `Builder` class, you would need to
write the following code:

import { Builder } from '@kbn/esql-ast';

const node = Builder.expression.func.binary('=', [
args: [Builder.identifier({ name: 'my' }), Builder.identifier({ name: 'field' })],
}),'max', [
Builder.param.named({ value: 'my_param' }),
// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [ ... ]}

You can nest template strings to create more complex AST nodes:

const field = synth.expr `my.field`;
const value = synth.expr `max(10, ?my_param)`;

const assignment = synth.expr`${field} = ${value}`;
// { type: 'function', name: '=', args: [
// { type: 'column', args: [ ... ] },
// { type: 'function', name: 'max', args: [ ... ] }
// ]}

Use the `synth.cmd` method to create command nodes:

const command = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field == 10`;
// { type: 'command', name: 'WHERE', args: [ ... ]}

AST nodes created by the synthesizer are pretty-printed when you coerce them to
a string or call the `toString` method:

const command = synth.cmd ` WHERE my.field == 10 `; // { type: 'command', ... }
String(command); // "WHERE my.field == 10"

## Reference

### `synth.expr`

The `synth.expr` synthesizes an expression AST nodes. (*Expressions* are
basically any thing that can go into a `WHERE` command, like boolean expression,
function call, literal, params, etc.)

Use it as a function:

const node = synth.expr('my.field = max(10, ?my_param)');

Specify parser options:

const node = synth.expr('my.field = max(10, ?my_param)',
{ withFormatting: false });

Use it as a template string tag:

const node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, ?my_param)`;

Specify parser options, when using as a template string tag:

const node = synth.expr({ withFormatting: false }) `my.field = max(10, 20)`;

Combine nodes using template strings:

const field = synth.expr `my.field`;
const node = synth.expr `${field} = max(10, 20)`;

Print the node as a string:

const node = synth.expr `my.field = max(10, 20)`;
String(node); // 'my.field = max(10, 20)'

### `synth.cmd`

The `synth.cmd` synthesizes a command AST node (such as `SELECT`, `WHERE`,
etc.). You use it the same as the `synth.expr` function or template string tag.
The only difference is that the `synth.cmd` function or tag creates a command
AST node.

const node = synth.cmd `WHERE my.field == 10`;
// { type: 'command', name: 'where', args: [ ... ]}
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions packages/kbn-esql-ast/src/synth/__tests__/cmd.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License
* 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side
* Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at
* your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public
* License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1".

import { BasicPrettyPrinter } from '../../pretty_print';
import { cmd } from '../cmd';
import { expr } from '../expr';

test('can create a WHERE command', () => {
const node = cmd`WHERE >= 12.123123`;
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.command(node);

expect(text).toBe('WHERE >= 12.123123');

test('can create a complex STATS command', () => {
const node = cmd`STATS count_last_hour = SUM(count_last_hour), total_visits = SUM(total_visits), bytes_transform = SUM(bytes_transform), bytes_transform_last_hour = SUM(bytes_transform_last_hour) BY extension.keyword`;
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.command(node);

'STATS count_last_hour = SUM(count_last_hour), total_visits = SUM(total_visits), bytes_transform = SUM(bytes_transform), bytes_transform_last_hour = SUM(bytes_transform_last_hour) BY extension.keyword'

test('can create a FROM source command', () => {
const node = cmd`FROM index METADATA _id`;
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.command(node);

expect(text).toBe('FROM index METADATA _id');

test('throws if specified source is not a command', () => {
expect(() => cmd`123`).toThrowError();

test('can compose expressions into commands', () => {
const field = expr`a.b.c`;
const cmd1 = cmd` WHERE ${field} == "asdf"`;
const cmd2 = cmd` DISSECT ${field} """%{date}"""`;
const text1 = BasicPrettyPrinter.command(cmd1);
const text2 = BasicPrettyPrinter.command(cmd2);

expect(text1).toBe('WHERE a.b.c == "asdf"');
expect(text2).toBe('DISSECT a.b.c """%{date}"""');
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions packages/kbn-esql-ast/src/synth/__tests__/expr_function.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License
* 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side
* Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at
* your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public
* License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1".

import { BasicPrettyPrinter } from '../../pretty_print';
import { ESQLProperNode } from '../../types';
import { Walker } from '../../walker/walker';
import { expr } from '../expr';

test('can generate integer literal', () => {
const node = expr('42');

type: 'literal',
literalType: 'integer',
name: '42',
value: 42,

test('can generate integer literal and keep comment', () => {
const node = expr('42 /* my 42 */');

type: 'literal',
literalType: 'integer',
value: 42,
formatting: {
right: [
type: 'comment',
subtype: 'multi-line',
text: ' my 42 ',

test('can generate a function call expression', () => {
const node = expr('fn(1, "test")');

type: 'function',
name: 'fn',
args: [
type: 'literal',
literalType: 'integer',
value: 1,
type: 'literal',
literalType: 'keyword',
value: '"test"',

test('can generate assignment expression', () => {
const src = 'a.b.c = AGG(123)';
const node = expr(src);
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.expression(node);


test('can generate comparison expression', () => {
const src = 'a.b.c >= FN(123)';
const node = expr(src);
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.expression(node);


describe('can generate various expression types', () => {
const cases: Array<[name: string, src: string]> = [
['integer', '42'],
['negative integer', '-24'],
['zero', '0'],
['float', '3.14'],
['negative float', '-1.23'],
['string', '"doge"'],
['empty string', '""'],
['integer list', '[1, 2, 3]'],
['string list', '["a", "b"]'],
['boolean list', '[TRUE, FALSE]'],
['time interval', '1d'],
['cast', '"doge"::INTEGER'],
['addition', '1 + 2'],
['multiplication', '2 * 2'],
['parens', '2 * (2 + 3)'],
['star function call', 'FN(*)'],
['function call with one argument', 'FN(1)'],
['nested function calls', 'FN(1, MAX("asdf"))'],
['basic field', 'col'],
['nested field', 'a.b.c'],
['unnamed param', '?'],
['named param', '?hello'],
['positional param', '?123'],
['param in nested field', 'a.?b.c'],
['escaped field', '`😎`'],
['nested escaped field', 'emoji.`😎`'],
['simple assignment', 't = NOW()'],
['assignment expression', 'bytes_transform = ROUND(total_bytes / 1000000.0, 1)'],
'assignment with time intervals',
'key = CASE(timestamp < (t - 1 hour) AND timestamp > (t - 2 hour), "Last hour", "Other")',
'assignment with casts',
'total_visits = TO_DOUBLE(COALESCE(count_last_hour, 0::LONG) + COALESCE(count_rest, 0::LONG))',

for (const [name, src] of cases) {
test(name, () => {
const node = expr(src);
const text = BasicPrettyPrinter.expression(node);


test('parser fields are empty', () => {
const src = 'a.b.c >= FN(123)';
const ast = expr(src);

const assertParserFields = (node: ESQLProperNode) => {

Walker.walk(ast, {
visitAny: (node: ESQLProperNode) => {

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