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[ML] Add multi metric job wizard test (#45279) (#45395)
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This PR adds functional UI tests to create a machine learning job using the multi metric wizard.
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pheyos authored Sep 11, 2019
1 parent 94e5dca commit 84683cc
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Showing 11 changed files with 354 additions and 38 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export const AnomalyChart: FC<Props> = ({
const data = chartType === CHART_TYPE.SCATTER ? flattenData(chartData) : chartData;
const xDomain = getXRange(data);
return (
<div style={{ width, height }} data-test-subj="mlAnomalyChart">
<div style={{ width, height }} data-test-subj={`mlAnomalyChart ${CHART_TYPE[chartType]}`}>
<LoadingWrapper height={height} hasData={data.length > 0} loading={loading}>
<Settings xDomain={xDomain} tooltip={TooltipType.None} />
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ export const DetectorTitle: FC<DetectorTitleProps> = ({
return (
<EuiFlexGroup gutterSize="s" justifyContent="spaceBetween">
<span style={{ fontSize: 'small' }}>{getTitle(agg, field, splitField)}</span>
<span style={{ fontSize: 'small' }} data-test-subj="detectorTitle">
{getTitle(agg, field, splitField)}

{children !== false && (
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export const ChartGrid: FC<ChartGridProps> = ({
<EuiFlexGrid columns={chartSettings.cols}>
{, i) => (
<EuiFlexItem key={i}>
<EuiFlexItem key={i} data-test-subj={`detector ${i}`}>
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Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ export const MultiMetricSettings: FC<Props> = ({ setIsValid }) => {
return (
<EuiFlexGroup gutterSize="xl">
<EuiFlexItem data-test-subj="mlJobWizardSplitFieldSelection">
<SplitFieldSelector />
<EuiFlexItem data-test-subj="mlJobWizardInfluencerSelection">
<Influencers />
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Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,13 @@ export const SplitCards: FC<Props> = memo(
return (
<div key={fieldName} ref={ref => storePanels(ref, marginBottom)} style={style}>
<EuiPanel paddingSize="m" style={{ paddingTop: '4px' }}>
<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 'small' }}>{fieldName}</div>
<EuiPanel paddingSize="m" style={{ paddingTop: '4px' }} data-test-subj="splitCard back">
style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 'small' }}
Expand All @@ -80,13 +85,16 @@ export const SplitCards: FC<Props> = memo(

return (
<EuiFlexItem data-test-subj="dataSplit">
{(fieldValues.length === 0 || numberOfDetectors === 0) && <Fragment>{children}</Fragment>}
{fieldValues.length > 0 && numberOfDetectors > 0 && splitField !== null && (
{jobType === JOB_TYPE.MULTI_METRIC && (
<div style={{ fontSize: 'small' }}>
style={{ fontSize: 'small' }}
data-test-subj={`dataSplitTitle ${}`}
defaultMessage="Data split by {field}"
Expand All @@ -98,8 +106,17 @@ export const SplitCards: FC<Props> = memo(

<EuiPanel paddingSize="m" style={{ paddingTop: '4px' }}>
<div style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 'small' }}>{fieldValues[0]}</div>
style={{ paddingTop: '4px' }}
data-test-subj="splitCard front"
style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 'small' }}
<EuiHorizontalRule margin="s" />
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@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import expect from '@kbn/expect';

import { FtrProviderContext } from '../../ftr_provider_context';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
const esArchiver = getService('esArchiver');
const ml = getService('ml');

const jobId = `fq_multi_1_${}`;
const jobDescription =
'Create multi metric job based on the farequote dataset with 15m bucketspan and min/max/mean(responsetime) split by airline';
const jobGroups = ['automated', 'farequote', 'multi-metric'];
const aggAndFieldIdentifiers = ['Min(responsetime)', 'Max(responsetime)', 'Mean(responsetime)'];
const splitField = 'airline';
const bucketSpan = '15m';
const memoryLimit = '20MB';

describe('multi metric job creation', function() {
this.tags(['smoke', 'mlqa']);
before(async () => {
await esArchiver.loadIfNeeded('ml/farequote');

after(async () => {
await esArchiver.unload('ml/farequote');
await ml.api.cleanMlIndices();
await ml.api.cleanDataframeIndices();

it('loads the job management page', async () => {
await ml.navigation.navigateToMl();
await ml.navigation.navigateToJobManagement();

it('loads the new job source selection page', async () => {
await ml.jobManagement.navigateToNewJobSourceSelection();

it('loads the job type selection page', async () => {
await ml.jobSourceSelection.selectSourceIndexPattern('farequote');

it('loads the single metric job wizard page', async () => {
await ml.jobTypeSelection.selectMultiMetricJob();

it('displays the time range step', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertTimeRangeSectionExists();

it('displays the event rate chart', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.clickUseFullDataButton();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertEventRateChartExists();

it('displays the pick fields step', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.clickNextButton();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertPickFieldsSectionExists();

it('selects detectors and displays detector previews', async () => {
for (const [index, aggAndFieldIdentifier] of aggAndFieldIdentifiers.entries()) {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertAggAndFieldInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.selectAggAndField(aggAndFieldIdentifier);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDetectorPreviewExists(aggAndFieldIdentifier, index, 'LINE');

it('inputs the split field and displays split cards', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertMultiMetricSplitFieldInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.selectMultiMetricSplitField(splitField);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertMultiMetricSplitFieldSelection(splitField);

await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDetectorSplitExists(splitField);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDetectorSplitFrontCardTitle('AAL');
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDetectorSplitNumberOfBackCards(9);

await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertInfluencerSelection([splitField]);

it('displays the influencer field', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertInfluencerInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertInfluencerSelection([splitField]);

it('inputs the bucket span', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertBucketSpanInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.setBucketSpan(bucketSpan);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertBucketSpanValue(bucketSpan);

it('displays the job details step', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.clickNextButton();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobDetailsSectionExists();

it('inputs the job id', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobIdInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.setJobId(jobId);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobIdValue(jobId);

it('inputs the job description', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobDescriptionInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.setJobDescription(jobDescription);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobDescriptionValue(jobDescription);

it('inputs job groups', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobGroupInputExists();
for (const jobGroup of jobGroups) {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.addJobGroup(jobGroup);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertJobGroupSelection(jobGroups);

it('opens the advanced section', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.ensureAdvancedSectionOpen();

it('displays the model plot switch', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertModelPlotSwitchExists();

it('enables the dedicated index switch', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDedicatedIndexSwitchExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.activateDedicatedIndexSwitch();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertDedicatedIndexSwitchCheckedState(true);

it('inputs the model memory limit', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertModelMemoryLimitInputExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.setModelMemoryLimit(memoryLimit);
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertModelMemoryLimitValue(memoryLimit);

it('displays the validation step', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.clickNextButton();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertValidationSectionExists();

it('displays the summary step', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.clickNextButton();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertSummarySectionExists();

it('creates the job and finishes processing', async () => {
await ml.jobWizardCommon.assertCreateJobButtonExists();
await ml.jobWizardCommon.createJobAndWaitForCompletion();

it('displays the created job in the job list', async () => {
await ml.navigation.navigateToMl();
await ml.navigation.navigateToJobManagement();

await ml.jobTable.waitForJobsToLoad();
await ml.jobTable.filterWithSearchString(jobId);
const rows = await ml.jobTable.parseJobTable();
expect(rows.filter(row => === jobId)).to.have.length(1);

it('displays details for the created job in the job list', async () => {
const expectedRow = {
id: jobId,
description: jobDescription,
recordCount: '86,274',
memoryStatus: 'ok',
jobState: 'closed',
datafeedState: 'stopped',
latestTimestamp: '2016-02-11 23:59:54',
await ml.jobTable.assertJobRowFields(jobId, expectedRow);

const expectedCounts = {
job_id: jobId,
processed_record_count: '86,274',
processed_field_count: '172,548',
input_bytes: '6.4 MB',
input_field_count: '172,548',
invalid_date_count: '0',
missing_field_count: '0',
out_of_order_timestamp_count: '0',
empty_bucket_count: '0',
sparse_bucket_count: '0',
bucket_count: '479',
earliest_record_timestamp: '2016-02-07 00:00:00',
latest_record_timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:59:54',
input_record_count: '86,274',
latest_bucket_timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:45:00',
const expectedModelSizeStats = {
job_id: jobId,
result_type: 'model_size_stats',
model_bytes: '1.8 MB',
model_bytes_exceeded: '0',
model_bytes_memory_limit: '20971520',
total_by_field_count: '59',
total_over_field_count: '0',
total_partition_field_count: '58',
bucket_allocation_failures_count: '0',
memory_status: 'ok',
timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:30:00',
await ml.jobTable.assertJobRowDetailsCounts(jobId, expectedCounts, expectedModelSizeStats);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,9 +146,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {

it('displays details for the created job in the job list', async () => {
const rows = await ml.jobTable.parseJobTable();
const job = rows.filter(row => === jobId)[0];
const expectedRow = {
id: jobId,
description: jobDescription,
Expand All @@ -157,18 +155,10 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
jobState: 'closed',
datafeedState: 'stopped',
latestTimestamp: '2016-02-11 23:56:59',

const countDetails = await ml.jobTable.parseJobCounts(jobId);
const counts = countDetails.counts;

// last_data_time holds a runtime timestamp and is hard to predict
// the property is only validated to be present and then removed
// so it doesn't make the counts object validation fail
delete counts.last_data_time;
await ml.jobTable.assertJobRowFields(jobId, expectedRow);

const expectedCounts = {
job_id: jobId,
processed_record_count: '2,399',
processed_field_count: '4,798',
Expand All @@ -184,17 +174,8 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
latest_record_timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:56:59',
input_record_count: '2,399',
latest_bucket_timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:30:00',

const modelSizeStats = countDetails.modelSizeStats;

// log_time holds a runtime timestamp and is hard to predict
// the property is only validated to be present and then removed
// so it doesn't make the modelSizeStats object validation fail
delete modelSizeStats.log_time;

const expectedModelSizeStats = {
job_id: jobId,
result_type: 'model_size_stats',
model_bytes: '47.6 KB',
Expand All @@ -206,7 +187,8 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
bucket_allocation_failures_count: '0',
memory_status: 'ok',
timestamp: '2016-02-11 23:00:00',
await ml.jobTable.assertJobRowDetailsCounts(jobId, expectedCounts, expectedModelSizeStats);
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions x-pack/test/functional/apps/machine_learning/index.ts
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Expand Up @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ export default function({ loadTestFile }: FtrProviderContext) {

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