Manual Install , WARNING! The variable are different from official guide and this guide
wget -O && chmod +x && ./
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Note : You have to synced to the lastest block , check the sync status with this command
evmosd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Create validator wallet using this command, Dont forget to save the Mnemonic!
evmosd keys add $validatorkey --keyring-backend file
(OPTIONAL) To recover using your previous saved wallet
evmosd keys add $validatorkey --recover
To get current list of wallet
evmosd keys list --keyring-backend file
To get private key of validator wallet (SAVE IT SOMEWHERE SAFE!)
evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key validatorkey --keyring-backend file
EVMOSD_WALLET_ADDRESS=$(EVMOSD keys show $validatorkey -a)
EVMOSD_VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(EVMOSD keys show $validatorkey --bech val -a)
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Fill the form with your funds wallet info , NOT VALIDATOR WALLET!!! FAUCET FORM , Usually the funds will be sent 24 Hour
Now while you're waiting for the node to sync, you need to send funds to your validator address. As mentioned, you should have received an airdrop of 1024 XPOINT if you filled in the form. To see them, you can import the private key into a wallet like Metamask (not a good idea for mainnet security, but ok for testnet tokens).
Then you need to add XNet-Triton into Metamask:
Network Title: Point XNet Triton
Chain ID: 10721
Add the wallet with your 1024 XPOINT Remember the wallet you sent to us to be funded? In the form? It now has 1024 XPOINT.
Import the wallet with the private key into your wallet (e.g. Metamask), and you should see 1024 XPOINT there. But this is your fund wallet, not validator wallet.
Evmos has two wallet formats: Cosmos format, and Ethereum format. Cosmos format starts with evmos prefix, and Ethereum format starts with 0x. Most people don't need to know about Cosmos format, but validators should have a way to change from one to another.
evmosd keys list --keyring-backend file
you will see a list of keys attached to your node. Look at the one which has the name validatorkey
, and note its address (it should be in Cosmos format and start with evmos prefix).
(In most cases it is not needed, but if something goes wrong and if you ever want to import your validator wallet in your Metamask you will need the private key. You can get it with this command:
evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key validatorkey --keyring-backend file)
Use this tool to convert it to Ethereum format:
This is your validator address in Ethereum format.
Finally, use the wallet to send however much you need from your fund address to the validator address (you can send all 1024 or choose a different strategy).
Before creating validator please make sure you have the funds already in your wallet minimum 100 point To check wallet balance :
evmosd query bank balances $EVMOSD_WALLET_ADDRESS
To create a validator with 1000point delegation use this command below :
evmosd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000000000000000000apoint \
--pubkey=$(evmosd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker=$NODENAME \
--chain-id=point_10721-1 \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000000000000000000" \
--gas="400000" \
--gas-prices="0.025apoint" \
--from=validatorkey \
--keyring-backend file
Check TX HASH ( Which is your txhash from the transaction
evmosd query tx <txhash>
If the transaction was correct you should instantly become part of the validators set. Check your pubkey first:
evmosd tendermint show-validator
You will see a key there, you can identify your node among other validators using that key:
evmosd query tendermint-validator-set
There you will find more info like your VotingPower that should be bigger than 0. Also you can check your VotingPower by running:
evmosd status
Check Logs
journalctl -fu evmosd -o cat
Start Service
sudo systemctl start evmosd
Stop Service
sudo systemctl stop evmosd
Restart Service
sudo systemctl restart evmosd
Synchronization info
evmosd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Validator Info
evmosd status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
Node Info
evmosd status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo
To delegate to your validator run this command : Note : Change to your like , for example : 100000000000000000000apoint is 100point
evmosd tx staking delegate $(evmosd tendermint show-address) <ammount>apoint --chain-id=point_10721-1 --from=<evmosvaloper> --gas=400000 --gas-prices=0.025apoint
Change <evmosvaloper>
to your valoper address
To check valoper address run this command :
evmosd debug addr <evmos address>
evmosd tx slashing unjail --from=validatorkey --chain-id=point_10721-1 --gas-prices=0.025apoint
Check if your validator is active: (if the output is non-empty, you are a validator)
evmosd query tendermint-validator-set | grep "$(evmosd tendermint show-address)"
See the slashing status: (if Jailed until year 1970 means you are not jailed!)
evmosd query slashing signing-info $(evmosd tendermint show-validator)
sudo systemctl stop evmosd
sudo systemctl disable evmosd
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/evmos* -rf
sudo rm $(which evmosd) -rf
sudo rm $HOME/.evmosd -rf
sudo rm $HOME/point-chain -rf