This is a simple project that aims to generate valid Solar2D definitions for usage with the actual lua LSP in editors like vscode ,sublime text 4, neovim, etc.
It can also be extended to generate definitions for other languages like teal or typescript. If you do that, please commit to this repository, look at solarparsed.lua (generated) and generator.lua to have some inspiration
Clone this repository, then run this commands inside the cloned folder
Clone the official docs repository using
git clone
Run the actual parser using
lua54 main.lua
if you are on Windows. For other systems you need to use your installed lua binary. Don't delete the out folder since that is where the output files will be -
The output declarations will be inside the
folder. Use them according to your needs, for a simple way of integration just create a folder called types (or whatever) on your project and place the lua files there,
If you just want the definition files they are in the Releases
A huge thanks to andrei18 for making a base project for this one´
A huge thanks to EmreErdogan for giving the markdown locations