Kotlin Quality plugin for ekino projects
This plugin configures the following tasks for any ekino Kotlin project :
- Apply the Gradle Java plugin
- Apply the Gradle Jacoco plugin
- Apply the Gradle SonarQube plugin
- Apply the Gradle Ktlint plugin
- Apply the Gradle Detekt plugin
You need to have a JDK 11 at least.
It requires Gradle 7.6.2 or later.
The plugin provides a default configuration for detekt.
However, you can override it with your own in a detekt-config-custom.yml
file at the root of your project
The plugin provides some settings :
configure<KotlinQualityPluginExtension> {
customDetektConfig = "my-detekt.yml" // custom name for your detekt config, detekt-config-custom.yml by default
sonarUrl = "https://my-sonar.com"
kotlinQuality {