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ejconlon committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent b03285c commit fc87cf6
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Showing 7 changed files with 153 additions and 103 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion minipat-dirt/minipat-dirt.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ library
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51 changes: 0 additions & 51 deletions minipat-dirt/src/Minipat/Dirt/EStream.hs

This file was deleted.

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions minipat-dirt/src/Minipat/Dirt/Strip.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Minipat.Dirt.Strip where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException (..))
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Minipat.Eval (evalPat)
import Minipat.Parser (P)
import Minipat.Stream (Stream)
import Minipat.Stream qualified as S

-- Attempting to add a few things to Streams
-- 1) Tracking errors for later logging
-- 2) IsString instance for seamless parsing
newtype Strip (k :: k1) (a :: Type) = Strip {unStrip :: Either SomeException (Stream a)}
deriving stock (Functor)

type role Strip phantom nominal

instance Applicative (Strip k) where
pure = Strip . Right . pure
liftA2 f (Strip ca) (Strip cb) = Strip (liftA2 (liftA2 f) ca cb)

instance Semigroup (Strip k a) where
Strip es1 <> Strip es2 = Strip (liftA2 (<>) es1 es2)
sconcat = Strip . fmap sconcat . traverse unStrip

instance Monoid (Strip k a) where
mempty = Strip (Right mempty)
mconcat = Strip . fmap mconcat . traverse unStrip

instance Alternative (Strip k) where
empty = mempty
(<|>) = (<>)

stripCast :: Strip k a -> Strip j a
stripCast = coerce

stripMap :: (Stream a -> Stream b) -> Strip k a -> Strip j b
stripMap f (Strip c) = Strip (fmap f c)

stripBind :: Strip k a -> (Stream a -> Strip j b) -> Strip j b
stripBind (Strip c) f = Strip (c >>= unStrip . f)

stripThrow :: (Exception e) => e -> Strip k a
stripThrow = Strip . Left . SomeException

stripFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Strip k a -> Strip j a
stripFilter = stripMap . S.streamFilter

class StripParse k a | k -> a where
stripParse :: Proxy k -> Text -> Strip k a

instance (StripParse k a) => IsString (Strip k a) where
fromString = stripParse (Proxy :: Proxy k) . fromString

stripEval :: P a -> Text -> Strip k a
stripEval ee txt = Strip (evalPat ee txt)

-- instance Pattern (Strip k) where
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions minipat/minipat.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ library
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Flow.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module Minipat.Flow where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Minipat.Pattern (Pattern)
import Minipat.Stream
( Stream
, streamEarly
, streamEarlyBy
, streamFilter
, streamLate
, streamLateBy
, streamPieces
, streamSwitch
import Minipat.Time (CycleDelta, CycleTime)

class (Alternative f, Pattern f) => Flow f where
flowFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
flowEarlyBy, flowLateBy :: CycleDelta -> f a -> f a
flowEarly, flowLate :: f CycleDelta -> f a -> f a
flowSwitch :: f a -> CycleTime -> f a -> f a
flowPieces :: f a -> Seq (CycleTime, f a) -> f a

instance Flow Stream where
flowFilter = streamFilter
flowEarlyBy = streamEarlyBy
flowLateBy = streamLateBy
flowEarly = streamEarly
flowLate = streamLate
flowSwitch = streamSwitch
flowPieces = streamPieces
49 changes: 42 additions & 7 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Pattern.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ module Minipat.Pattern

import Bowtie (pattern JotP)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks, runReader)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import Minipat.Ast
Expand All @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Minipat.Ast
, UnPat
, factorFromRational
import Minipat.Stream

mkPat :: PatF b a (UnPat b a) -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPat pf = asks (\b -> Pat (JotP b pf))
Expand All @@ -39,22 +40,34 @@ mkPatGroup gt = \case
mkPatMod :: ModType b -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatMod mt (Pat pa) = mkPat (PatMod (Mod pa mt))

mkPatSpeedBy :: (Default b) => SpeedDir -> Rational -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatSpeedBy sd f p =
if f == 1
then pure p
else mkPatSpeed sd (patPure f) p

mkPatSpeed :: SpeedDir -> Pat b Rational -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatSpeed sd pf = mkPatMod (ModTypeSpeed (Speed sd (fmap factorFromRational pf)))

mkPatDegBy :: (Default b) => Rational -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatDegBy f p =
| f <= 0 -> patEmpty'
| f >= 1 -> pure p
| otherwise -> mkPatDeg (patPure f) p

mkPatDeg :: Pat b Rational -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatDeg pf = mkPatMod (ModTypeDegrade (Degrade (Just (fmap factorFromRational pf))))

mkPatRep :: Integer -> Pat b a -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatRep n = mkPatMod (ModTypeReplicate (Replicate (Just n)))

mkPatSeq :: (Default b) => Seq (Pat b a, Rational) -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatSeq :: Seq (Pat b a, Rational) -> Reader b (Pat b a)
mkPatSeq = \case
Empty -> mkPat PatSilence
(x, _) :<| Empty -> pure x
xs ->
let w = sum (fmap snd (toList xs))
adjust (x, _) = unPat x
let adjust = unPat . fst
in mkPat (PatGroup (Group 1 (GroupTypeSeq SeqPresSpace) (fmap adjust xs)))

-- | 'Pat' and 'Stream' can be constructed abstractly with this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,10 +148,32 @@ instance (Default b) => Pattern (Pat b) where
patRep' = mkPatRep
patFast' = mkPatSpeed SpeedDirFast
patSlow' = mkPatSpeed SpeedDirSlow
patFastBy' = patFast' . patPure -- patFast . patPure
patSlowBy' = patSlow' . patPure -- patSlow . patPure
patFastBy' = mkPatSpeedBy SpeedDirFast
patSlowBy' = mkPatSpeedBy SpeedDirSlow
patDeg' = mkPatDeg
patDegBy' = patDeg' . patPure
patDegBy' = mkPatDegBy

instance (Default b) => PatternUnwrap b (Pat b) where
patUnwrap' = patCon'

instance Pattern Stream where
type PatM Stream = Identity
type PatA Stream = ()
patCon' = const . runIdentity
patPure' = Identity . pure
patEmpty' = Identity mempty
patPar' = Identity . streamPar
patAlt' = Identity . streamAlt
patRand' = Identity . streamRand
patSeq' = Identity . streamSeq
patEuc' e = Identity . streamEuc e
patRep' r = Identity . streamRep r
patFast' p = Identity . streamFast p
patSlow' p = Identity . streamSlow p
patFastBy' r = Identity . streamFastBy r
patSlowBy' r = Identity . streamSlowBy r
patDeg' p = Identity . streamDeg p
patDegBy' r = Identity . streamDegBy r

instance PatternUnwrap b Stream where
patUnwrap' = const . runIdentity
54 changes: 10 additions & 44 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ module Minipat.Stream
, streamRand
, streamAlt
, streamPar
, streamSwitch
, streamPieces

import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap', foldl', toList)
import Data.Heap (Entry (..), Heap)
import Data.Heap qualified as H
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Minipat.Ast (Euclid (..))
import Minipat.Pattern (Pattern (..), PatternUnwrap (..))
import Minipat.Rand (arcSeed, randFrac, randInt, spanSeed)
import Minipat.Time
( Arc (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,21 +160,9 @@ instance Monoid (Stream a) where
mempty = Stream (const mempty)
mconcat ss = Stream (\arc -> mconcat (fmap (`unStream` arc) ss))

-- TODO alt should be invariant under shifts, but that is expensive
-- -- | 'empty', like 'mempty', is the empty stream
-- instance Alternative Stream where
-- empty = mempty
-- Stream k1 <|> Stream k2 = Stream (foldl' merge mempty . spanSplit) where
-- merge t0 (_, Span arc _) =
-- let t1 = k1 arc
-- t2 = if tapeNull t1 then k2 arc else t1
-- in t0 <> t2

instance (IsString s) => IsString (Stream s) where
fromString = pure . fromString

-- forall p a. streamRun p a == spanSplit a >>= \(_, a') -> fmap (_) (streamRun p a')
instance Alternative Stream where
empty = mempty
(<|>) = (<>)

streamFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamFilter f (Stream k) = Stream (tapeFilter f . k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,11 +200,11 @@ streamFast, streamSlow :: Stream Rational -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamFast = streamAdjust streamFastBy
streamSlow = streamAdjust streamSlowBy

streamEarlyBy, streamLateBy :: CycleTime -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamEarlyBy t = streamTimeMapInv id (subtract t)
streamLateBy t = streamTimeMapInv id (+ t)
streamEarlyBy, streamLateBy :: CycleDelta -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamEarlyBy (CycleDelta t) = streamTimeMapInv id (CycleTime . subtract t . unCycleTime)
streamLateBy (CycleDelta t) = streamTimeMapInv id (CycleTime . (+ t) . unCycleTime)

streamEarly, streamLate :: Stream CycleTime -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamEarly, streamLate :: Stream CycleDelta -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamEarly = streamAdjust streamEarlyBy
streamLate = streamAdjust streamLateBy

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,25 +297,3 @@ streamPieces x = \case
-- streamInteg :: Num n => Stream n -> Stream n
-- streamInteg = undefined

instance Pattern Stream where
type PatM Stream = Identity
type PatA Stream = ()
patCon' = const . runIdentity
patPure' = Identity . pure
patEmpty' = Identity mempty
patPar' = Identity . streamPar
patAlt' = Identity . streamAlt
patRand' = Identity . streamRand
patSeq' = Identity . streamSeq
patEuc' e = Identity . streamEuc e
patRep' r = Identity . streamRep r
patFast' p = Identity . streamFast p
patSlow' p = Identity . streamSlow p
patFastBy' r = Identity . streamFastBy r
patSlowBy' r = Identity . streamSlowBy r
patDeg' p = Identity . streamDeg p
patDegBy' r = Identity . streamDegBy r

instance PatternUnwrap b Stream where
patUnwrap' = const . runIdentity

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