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ejconlon committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent bd7367f commit f512b46
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Showing 6 changed files with 91 additions and 88 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion minipat/minipat.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ source-repository head
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Ast.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -404,10 +404,10 @@ newtype Pat b a = Pat {unPat :: UnPat b a}
deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Pretty)

type UnPat b = Jot (PatF (Pat b Factor)) b

type PatX b = PatF (Pat b Factor)

type UnPat b = Jot (PatX b) b

type PatK b a = PatX b a (UnPat b a)

instance Traversable (Pat a) where traverse f = fmap Pat . traverse f . unPat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ instance Bitraversable Pat where

type NPat b = Pat (Expansion b)

type UnNPat b = UnPat (Expansion b)

type NPatX b = PatF (NPat b Factor)

type UnNPat b = UnPat (Expansion b)

type NPatK b a = NPatX b a (UnNPat b a)

wrapPatM :: NPatK b a -> NormM b (NPat b a)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Minipat.Types where
module Minipat.Base where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad (ap)
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Interp.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import Data.Foldable1 (fold1, foldl1')
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty qualified as NESeq
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Minipat.Ast qualified as A
import Minipat.Base qualified as B
import Minipat.Rand qualified as R
import Minipat.Types qualified as T

data Err b = ErrTime
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ instance (Show b, Typeable b) => Exception (Err b)

type M b = ReaderT (A.Expansion b) (Except (Err b))

subInterp :: A.NPatX b a (T.Pat a) -> M b (T.Pat a)
subInterp :: A.NPatX b a (B.Pat a) -> M b (B.Pat a)
subInterp = \case
A.PatPure a -> pure (pure a)
A.PatSilence -> pure empty
Expand All @@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ subInterp = \case
let s = R.arcSeed arc'
i = R.randInt l s
el = NESeq.index els i
in T.unPat el arc'
in T.Pat (foldMap' (f . T.spanActive) . T.spanSplit)
in B.unPat el arc'
in B.Pat (foldMap' (f . B.spanActive) . B.spanSplit)
A.GroupPatTypeAlt ->
let l = NESeq.length els
f arc' =
let i = mod (fromInteger (T.timeFloor (T.arcStart arc'))) l
let i = mod (fromInteger (B.timeFloor (B.arcStart arc'))) l
el = NESeq.index els i
in T.unPat el arc'
in T.Pat (foldMap' (f . T.spanActive) . T.spanSplit)
in B.unPat el arc'
in B.Pat (foldMap' (f . B.spanActive) . B.spanSplit)
_ -> undefined

interp :: A.NPat b a -> Either (Err b) (T.Pat a)
interp :: A.NPat b a -> Either (Err b) (B.Pat a)
interp = runExcept . jotCataM subInterp . A.unPat
149 changes: 76 additions & 73 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Looksee
, uintP
, unconsP
import Minipat.Ast
import Minipat.Ast qualified as A
import Minipat.Print (Brace (..), braceCloseChar, braceOpenChar)

-- Should be in Bowtie
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,36 +110,36 @@ stripTokP = stripEndP . tokP
tokP :: Char -> P ()
tokP = charP_

stripIdentP :: P Ident
stripIdentP :: P A.Ident
stripIdentP = stripEndP identP

identP :: P Ident
identP = fmap Ident (takeWhile1P isIdentChar)
identP :: P A.Ident
identP = fmap A.Ident (takeWhile1P isIdentChar)

fracFactorP :: P Factor
fracFactorP :: P A.Factor
fracFactorP = do
stripTokP '('
num <- stripEndP decP
stripTokP '/'
denom <- stripEndP udecP
tokP ')'
pure (FactorRational RationalPresFrac (num / denom))
pure (A.FactorRational A.RationalPresFrac (num / denom))

numFactorP :: P Factor
numFactorP :: P A.Factor
numFactorP = do
d <- decP
pure $ case denominator d of
1 -> FactorInteger (numerator d)
_ -> FactorRational RationalPresDec d
1 -> A.FactorInteger (numerator d)
_ -> A.FactorRational A.RationalPresDec d

quickFactorP :: P Factor
quickFactorP :: P A.Factor
quickFactorP = do
c <- headP
case quickRatioUnRep c of
case A.quickRatioUnRep c of
Nothing -> throwP (ParseErrRatioChar c)
Just qr -> pure (FactorQuickRatio qr)
Just qr -> pure (A.FactorQuickRatio qr)

factorP :: P Factor
factorP :: P A.Factor
factorP = do
c <- lookP headP
if isAlpha c
Expand All @@ -151,87 +151,87 @@ factorP = do
bracedP :: Brace -> P a -> P a
bracedP b = betweenP (stripTokP (braceOpenChar b)) (tokP (braceCloseChar b))

selectP :: P Select
selectP :: P A.Select
selectP = do
tokP ':'
isNum <- lookP (fmap isDigit headP)
if isNum
then fmap SelectSample uintP
else fmap SelectTransform identP
then fmap A.SelectSample uintP
else fmap A.SelectTransform identP

speedFastP :: P s -> P (Speed s)
speedFastP :: P s -> P (A.Speed s)
speedFastP ps = do
tokP '*'
Speed SpeedDirFast <$> ps
A.Speed A.SpeedDirFast <$> ps

speedSlowP :: P s -> P (Speed s)
speedSlowP :: P s -> P (A.Speed s)
speedSlowP ps = do
tokP '/'
Speed SpeedDirSlow <$> ps
A.Speed A.SpeedDirSlow <$> ps

elongateShortP :: P ShortTime
elongateShortP = ShortTimeElongate <$ tokP '_'
elongateShortP :: P A.ShortTime
elongateShortP = A.ShortTimeElongate <$ tokP '_'

replicateShortP :: P ShortTime
replicateShortP = ShortTimeReplicate <$ tokP '!'
replicateShortP :: P A.ShortTime
replicateShortP = A.ShortTimeReplicate <$ tokP '!'

elongateLongP :: P LongTime
elongateLongP :: P A.LongTime
elongateLongP = do
tokP '@'
LongTimeElongate <$> factorP
A.LongTimeElongate <$> factorP

replicateLongP :: P LongTime
replicateLongP :: P A.LongTime
replicateLongP = do
tokP '!'
LongTimeReplicate <$> optP uintP
A.LongTimeReplicate <$> optP uintP

degradeP :: P Degrade
degradeP :: P A.Degrade
degradeP = do
tokP '?'
fmap Degrade (optP factorP)
fmap A.Degrade (optP factorP)

euclidP :: P Euclid
euclidP :: P A.Euclid
euclidP = do
stripTokP '('
x <- stripEndP uintP
stripTokP ','
y <- stripEndP uintP
mu <- optP (stripTokP ',')
euc <- case mu of
Nothing -> pure (Euclid x y Nothing)
Just _ -> fmap (Euclid x y . Just) (stripEndP uintP)
Nothing -> pure (A.Euclid x y Nothing)
Just _ -> fmap (A.Euclid x y . Just) (stripEndP uintP)
tokP ')'
pure euc

-- * Patterns

type PPat = Pat Loc
type PPat = A.Pat Loc

type UnPPat = UnPat Loc
type UnPPat = A.UnPat Loc

silencePatP :: P (PPat a)
silencePatP = Pat <$> jotP (PatSilence <$ tokP '~')
silencePatP = A.Pat <$> jotP (A.PatSilence <$ tokP '~')

shortElongatePatP :: P (PPat a)
shortElongatePatP = Pat <$> jotP (PatTime . TimeShort <$> elongateShortP)
shortElongatePatP = A.Pat <$> jotP (A.PatTime . A.TimeShort <$> elongateShortP)

shortReplicatePatP :: P (PPat a)
shortReplicatePatP = Pat <$> jotP (PatTime . TimeShort <$> replicateShortP)
shortReplicatePatP = A.Pat <$> jotP (A.PatTime . A.TimeShort <$> replicateShortP)

withPatDecosP :: P (PPat Factor) -> PPat a -> P (PPat a)
withPatDecosP :: P (PPat A.Factor) -> PPat a -> P (PPat a)
withPatDecosP ps = go
go p@(Pat pp) = do
mp' <- fmap (fmap Pat) . mayJotP $ do
go p@(A.Pat pp) = do
mp' <- fmap (fmap A.Pat) . mayJotP $ do
mc <- lookP unconsP
case mc of
Just '@' -> fmap (Just . PatTime . TimeLong pp) elongateLongP
Just '!' -> fmap (Just . PatTime . TimeLong pp) replicateLongP
Just ':' -> fmap (Just . PatMod . Mod pp . ModPatSelect) selectP
Just '*' -> fmap (Just . PatMod . Mod pp . ModPatSpeed) (speedFastP ps)
Just '/' -> fmap (Just . PatMod . Mod pp . ModPatSpeed) (speedSlowP ps)
Just '(' -> fmap (Just . PatMod . Mod pp . ModPatEuclid) euclidP
Just '?' -> fmap (Just . PatMod . Mod pp . ModPatDegrade) degradeP
Just '@' -> fmap (Just . A.PatTime . A.TimeLong pp) elongateLongP
Just '!' -> fmap (Just . A.PatTime . A.TimeLong pp) replicateLongP
Just ':' -> fmap (Just . A.PatMod . A.Mod pp . A.ModPatSelect) selectP
Just '*' -> fmap (Just . A.PatMod . A.Mod pp . A.ModPatSpeed) (speedFastP ps)
Just '/' -> fmap (Just . A.PatMod . A.Mod pp . A.ModPatSpeed) (speedSlowP ps)
Just '(' -> fmap (Just . A.PatMod . A.Mod pp . A.ModPatEuclid) euclidP
Just '?' -> fmap (Just . A.PatMod . A.Mod pp . A.ModPatDegrade) degradeP
_ -> pure Nothing
case mp' of
Just p' -> go p'
Expand All @@ -244,20 +244,20 @@ spaceSeqPatP pr = go Empty
mcd <- lookP (liftA2 (,) unconsP unconsP)
case mcd of
(Just c, _) | not (isEndChar c) -> do
Pat r <- stripEndP pr
A.Pat r <- stripEndP pr
go (acc :|> r)
_ -> case NESeq.nonEmptySeq acc of
Nothing -> throwP ParseErrEmpty
Just neAcc -> pure neAcc

spaceGroupPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (Anno Loc (GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
spaceGroupPatP = annoP . fmap (GroupPat 0 (GroupPatTypeSeq SeqPresSpace)) . spaceSeqPatP
spaceGroupPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (Anno Loc (A.GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
spaceGroupPatP = annoP . fmap (A.GroupPat 0 (A.GroupPatTypeSeq A.SeqPresSpace)) . spaceSeqPatP

unNestSeqPatP :: Anno Loc (GroupPat (UnPPat a)) -> PPat a
unNestSeqPatP (Anno x p@(GroupPat lvl _ acc)) =
Pat $ case (acc, lvl) of
unNestSeqPatP :: Anno Loc (A.GroupPat (UnPPat a)) -> PPat a
unNestSeqPatP (Anno x p@(A.GroupPat lvl _ acc)) =
A.Pat $ case (acc, lvl) of
(r :<|| Empty, 0) -> r
_ -> JotP x (PatGroup p)
_ -> JotP x (A.PatGroup p)

nestedSeqPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
nestedSeqPatP = fmap unNestSeqPatP . spaceGroupPatP
Expand All @@ -267,20 +267,23 @@ squarePatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
squarePatP pr =
( Pat . annoJot . fmap (\g -> PatGroup (g {gpLevel = gpLevel g + 1}))
( A.Pat . annoJot . fmap (\g -> A.PatGroup (g {A.gpLevel = A.gpLevel g + 1}))
<$> groupPatP
(Just ']')
[(',', GroupPatTypePar), ('|', GroupPatTypeRand), ('.', GroupPatTypeSeq SeqPresDot)]
[ (',', A.GroupPatTypePar)
, ('|', A.GroupPatTypeRand)
, ('.', A.GroupPatTypeSeq A.SeqPresDot)
(spaceGroupPatP pr)

:: Maybe Char
-> [(Char, GroupPatType)]
-> [(Char, A.GroupPatType)]
-> P (PPat a)
-> P (Anno Loc (GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
-> P (Anno Loc (GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
-> P (Anno Loc (A.GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
-> P (Anno Loc (A.GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
groupPatP delim opts pr pg = goStart
goStart = do
Expand All @@ -291,32 +294,32 @@ groupPatP delim opts pr pg = goStart
else do
case mc >>= \c -> fmap (c,) (lookup c opts) of
Just (subDelim, subTy) -> do
let Pat p = unNestSeqPatP g
let A.Pat p = unNestSeqPatP g
stripTokP subDelim
annoP (goRest subTy subDelim (NESeq.singleton p))
Nothing -> pure g
goRest subTy subDelim !totalAcc = do
Pat acc <- nestedSeqPatP pr
A.Pat acc <- nestedSeqPatP pr
let totalAcc' = totalAcc |> acc
mc <- lookP unconsP
if mc == delim
then pure (GroupPat 0 subTy totalAcc')
then pure (A.GroupPat 0 subTy totalAcc')
else do
when (mc == Just subDelim) (stripTokP subDelim)
goRest subTy subDelim totalAcc'

anglePatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
anglePatP = bracedP BraceAngle . fmap Pat . jotP . fmap (PatGroup . GroupPat 0 GroupPatTypeAlt) . spaceSeqPatP
anglePatP = bracedP BraceAngle . fmap A.Pat . jotP . fmap (A.PatGroup . A.GroupPat 0 A.GroupPatTypeAlt) . spaceSeqPatP

curlyPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
curlyPatP pr = fmap Pat $ jotP $ do
ps <- bracedP BraceCurly (fmap NESeq.unsafeFromSeq (sepBy1P (stripTokP ',') (fmap unPat (nestedSeqPatP pr))))
curlyPatP pr = fmap A.Pat $ jotP $ do
ps <- bracedP BraceCurly (fmap NESeq.unsafeFromSeq (sepBy1P (stripTokP ',') (fmap A.unPat (nestedSeqPatP pr))))
mx <- lookP unconsP
mc <-
if mx == Just '%'
then tokP '%' >> fmap Just uintP
else pure Nothing
pure (PatPoly (PolyPat ps mc))
pure (A.PatPoly (A.PolyPat ps mc))

singlePatP :: P a -> P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
singlePatP pa pr = do
Expand All @@ -328,18 +331,18 @@ singlePatP pa pr = do
Just '~' -> silencePatP
Just '_' -> shortElongatePatP
Just '!' -> shortReplicatePatP
_ -> fmap Pat (jotP (fmap PatPure pa))
_ -> fmap A.Pat (jotP (fmap A.PatPure pa))

-- | Parses a recursive pattern (atoms and explicit braces).
rePatP :: P a -> P (PPat Factor) -> P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
rePatP :: P a -> P (PPat A.Factor) -> P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
rePatP pa pf pr = singlePatP pa pr >>= withPatDecosP pf

-- | Parses `x y . z w` sequence groups. Can consume the entire input.
outerGroupPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (Anno Loc (GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
outerGroupPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (Anno Loc (A.GroupPat (UnPPat a)))
outerGroupPatP pr =
[('.', GroupPatTypeSeq SeqPresDot)]
[('.', A.GroupPatTypeSeq A.SeqPresDot)]
(spaceGroupPatP pr)

Expand All @@ -348,9 +351,9 @@ outerPatP :: P (PPat a) -> P (PPat a)
outerPatP = fmap unNestSeqPatP . outerGroupPatP

-- | Parses a top-level pattern given parsers for atoms and signals.
patP :: P a -> P (PPat Factor) -> P (PPat a)
patP :: P a -> P (PPat A.Factor) -> P (PPat a)
patP pa pf = spaceP >> outerPatP (fix (rePatP pa pf))

-- | Parses a top-level pattern with variables.
identPatP :: P (PPat Ident)
identPatP :: P (PPat A.Ident)
identPatP = patP identP (fix (\pf -> rePatP factorP pf pf))

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