Turbo Pascal 3 include library for FabGL Ansi Terminal
Insert into your own TP3 programs using {$i fabgl.inc)
Supports most of the graphics/sound FabGL Specific Terminal Sequences in Ansi Terminal.
Also supports the additional resolution/font change capability of Ansi Terminal Mod.
FabGL Terminal Sequences: http://www.fabglib.org/special_term_escapes.html
Commands SCREEN & APPLY require Ansi Terminal Mods Version of Ansi Terminal.
Ansi Terminal Mods: https://github.com/eightbitswide/FabGL-AnsiTerminal-Mods-
- Adds a simple 16 color font definition.
- Adds the ability to load font data from code or external text file.
Note: I'm a Turbo Pascal beginner. While code has been tested to work, it is likely not optimized.
FabGL Sequence: ESC "_GSPRITECOUNT" count "$" Parameters: count: number of sprites that will be defined by "SPRITEDEFRGB2" Example: // allocates two sprites SPRITECOUNT(2);
FabGL Sequence: ESC "_GSPRITEDEF" spriteIndex ";" width ";" height ";"2" Parameters: spriteIndex: sprite index (0...) width: bitmap width height: bitmap height format: "2" = Assumed bitmap format is 64 colors Example: // allocates one sprite and assign a 16x23 64 Color Sprite. SPRITECOUNT(1); SPRITEDEFRGB2(0,16,23); Important Note: This Command must be followed with either SPRITEDATA or SPRITEFILEDATA, providing the expected data to the sprite being defined.
FabGL Sequence: (Sends the sprite data expected by SPRITEDEFRGB2 when not reading it from an external text file.) ;DATA Parameters: 0-F define 16 colors in the sprite as follows: * 0 = {Black} * 1 = {Grey} * 2 = {Light Grey} * 3 = {Pink} * 4 = {Red} * 5 = {Brown} * 6 = {Peach} * 7 = {Orange} * 8 = {Yellow} * 9 = {Green} * A = {Cyan} * B = {Light Blue} * C = {Blue} * D = {Magenta} * E = {Purple} * F = {White} * $ = {End of Sprite Data} Example: // allocate one sprite, assign a 16x15 16 Color Sprite, sent from code. SPRITECOUNT(1); SPRITEDEFRGB2(0,16,15); SPRITEDATA('0000000000000000'); SPRITEDATA('0000004444000000'); SPRITEDATA('0000444444440000'); SPRITEDATA('0004444444444000'); SPRITEDATA('004FF4444FF44400'); SPRITEDATA('00FFFF44FFFF4400'); SPRITEDATA('00CCFF44CCFF4400'); SPRITEDATA('04CCFF44CCFF4440'); SPRITEDATA('044FF4444FF44440'); SPRITEDATA('0444444444444440'); SPRITEDATA('0444444444444440'); SPRITEDATA('0444444444444440'); SPRITEDATA('0444444444444440'); SPRITEDATA('0440444004440440'); SPRITEDATA('0400044004400040'); SPRITEDATA('$'); Important Note: Sprite data sent from code in this fashion must end with a SPRITEDATA('$'); to finish defining the sprite.
FabGL Sequence: (Sends the sprite data expected by SPRITEDEFRGB2 front an external text file.) ;DATA Parameters: 0-F define 16 colors in the sprite as follows: * 0 = {Black} * 1 = {Grey} * 2 = {Light Grey} * 3 = {Pink} * 4 = {Red} * 5 = {Brown} * 6 = {Peach} * 7 = {Orange} * 8 = {Yellow} * 9 = {Green} * A = {Cyan} * B = {Light Blue} * C = {Blue} * D = {Magenta} * E = {Purple} * F = {White} * $ = {End of Sprite Data} Example: // allocate one sprite, assign a 16x15 16 Color Sprite, sent from code. SPRITECOUNT(1); SPRITEDEFRGB2(0,16,23); SRPITEFILEDATA('MYSPRITE.TXT'); Example Text File: (MYSPRITE.TXT) 0002220000222000 0BBB88BBBB88BBB0 0BBB88BBBB88BBB0 1BBB88BBBB88BBB1 1BBB88BBBB88BBB1 1BBB88BBBB88BBB1 1BBB11111111BBB1 1BB1111111111BB1 0B111111111111B0 0B1B88BBBB88B1B0 0BBB88BBBB88BBB0 0B1B88BBBB88B1B0 0B1B88BBBB88B1B0 0B1B88BBBB88B1B0 1BBB88BBBB88BBB1 1BBB11111111BBB1 1BBB81111118BBB1 1BB88BBBBBB88BB1 1BB88BBBBBB88BB1 0BB88BBBBBB88BB0 0BB88BBBBBB88BB0 0BB88BBBBBB88BB0 0002000000002000 Important Note: Sending SPRITEDATA('$'); is not required. Included in the routine.
FabGL Sequence: ESC "_GSPRITESET" spriteIndex ";" visible ";" frameIndex ";" X ";" Y "$" Parameters: spriteIndex: sprite index (0...) visible: "0" = hidden, "1" = visible X: horizontal position Y: vertical position Example: // make sprite 0 visible at position 50,120 with first added bitmap SPRITESET(0,1,50,120);
Specific to Ansi Terminal Mods which gives resolution and font control to your programs. Parameters: (resolution) * 1280x768x2 * 1024x720x4 * 800x600x8 * 720x520x16 * 640x480@73x16 * 640x480@60x16 * 640x350x16 * 512x384x64 * 400x300x64 * 320x200x64 Parameters: (font) * Auto * VGA 4x6 * VGA 5x7 * VGA 5x8 * VGA 6x8 * VGA 6x9 * VGA 6x10 * VGA 6x12 * VGA 6x13 * VGA 7x13 * VGA 7x14 * VGA 8x8 * VGA 8x9 * VGA 8x13 * VGA 8x14 * VGA 8x16 * VGA 8x19 * VGA 9x15 * VGA 9x18 * VGA 10x20 * BigSerif 8x14 * BigSerif 8x16 * Block 8x14 * Broadway 8x14 * Computer 8x14 * Courier 8x14 * LCD 8x14 * Old English 8x16 * Sans Serif 8x14 * Sans Serif 8x16 * Slant 8x14 * Wiggly 8x16 Example: // make resolution 320x200, 64 Colors with VGA 8x8 font and Apply. SCREEN('320x200x64'); SCREEN('VGA 8x8'); APPLY; Important Note: An APPLY command must be send to make the make the SCREEN changes happen.
Must be executed after use of the SCREEN command.