Create your own private docker registry with ssl by letsencrypt and basic auth
Official docs:
Before you can start registry service, you should make a little setup: config your domain, create htpasswd for auth
Open docker-compose.yml
and replace <your_domain>
and <your_email>
to your domain name and email.
mkdir auth
docker run --entrypoint htpasswd registry:2 -Bbn testuser testpassword > auth/htpasswd
Note: do not use default login \ pass form example!
Just up service:
docker-compose up
This configuration will get security cert automatically by lets-nginx. It may take a bit of time.
Now you can login and try to upload some image into your private docker registry:
docker pull alpine
docker tag alpine <your_domain>:5000/alpine
docker login <your_domain>:5000
Username: testuser
Password: testpassword
Login Succeeded
docker push <your_domain>:5000/alpine
Bug reports, bug fixes, and new features are always welcome. Please open issues, and submit pull requests for any new code.