Release v2.0.5
This is the first release for the merge of the refactor version into master.
- All code migrated to Python 3. Therefore, python3 is now required to run eggnog-mapper scripts.
- HMMER search capabilities moved to new scripts: '''''''''', '''''''''', ''''''''''.
- Changes in output format, specially the "annotations" output file.
- Changes in available parameters and behaviour of existing ones.
- Added some integration and unit tests
- New ''--tax_scope'' modes.
- Added eggNOG DB version to ''-v, --version'' options.
- New eggnog DB version 5.0.1 including PFAM annotations and PFAM HMMs.
- Added expected eggNOG DB version, and warning if found version is different than expected one.
- Added PFAM annotations, which are directly transferred from orthologs.
- Added ''--pfam transfer'' option to ''''.
- Gene prediction step using Prodigal.
- Search and annotation of ORFs using diamond blastx or MMseqs2. This can be used to annotate ORFs of contigs without using Prodigal.
- MMseqs2 support for the search step of eggNOG-mapper.
- Parameters to allow users to control sensitivity of diamond/MMseqs2 searches.
- Improved report of orthologs.
- NCBITaxa support is now included in eggNOG-mapper without relying on ete3.
- ''--md5'' option, which can be used to add the md5 hash of the query as a new column in the annotations output file.
- ''-m cache'' mode and ''-c FILE'' options, to annotate using an annotations file with md5 hashes as cached results. A fasta file with unannotated sequences is output also, which can be used in a subsequent conventional emapper annotation run.
- "Bottom-top" orthology search if no proper orthologs are retrieved from a priori chosen best OG.
- ''--go_evidence all'' option to report all GO terms.
- ''--dbmem'' option to pre-load the ''eggnog.db'' sqlite3 DB into memory.
- if
option is used (along with--itype CDS
), input sequences will be translated to proteins before searching with either diamond "blastp", mmseqs "blastp" or hmmer. If--itype CDS
is used without--translate
, it will raise error for hmmer, but it will run diamond or mmseqs in "blastx" modes. - Bug fix when running hmmer with only-numerical identifiers in input sequences
- Other minor changes