A game bot for the Roycemore Discord server.
This is a Discord bot for the Roycemore Discord server. It is a game bot made from submitted community bots and games.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
First install Python, Poetry, and Docker from their websites. If you're on Linux, also download Compose v2.
Now install everything you need using Poetry. This will also create a virtual environment.
poetry install
Now set up pre-commit
poetry task run precommit
Now you should be able to do development on the bot! For more details on contributing, see the Contributing file.
Starting the bot:
docker compose up
poetry task run lint
This bot is built using Docker and then deployed through the use of remote docker compose. To deploy it, create a docker context (see the link), then run start.sh CONTEXT_NAME
or start.bat CONTEXT_NAME
, depending on your platform.
- Discord.py - Discord API interface
- Uvloop - Event loop
- Flake8 - Linting
- Black and Isort - Formatting
- Poetry - Package manager
- Docker - Containerization and deployment
- @MrAwesomeRocks - Idea & Initial work
- @AlemSnyder - Minesweeper