Simple traefik configuration that uses an external waf. Traefik is used as reverse proxy, submitting every request to an exteral WAF. The http response is replaced by the WAF one if http response code is 418.
- have the website listening on localhost:8080 only
- have a eestisinised/modsec-ng WAF runing
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
- only return WAF response if http response code is 418 instead of >400
- if an error occur during the plugin execution, pass the traffic instead of blocking it
- uses definition of local VMs mimicking the various configurations
- run it with
ansible-playbook -i ./inv-example --limit test_vm_ipv4 playbook.yml
- non standard (pure 80/443 single service) sites are added in host_vars
- WAF waf.personal.url:4444 (waf running on dedicated server, port exposed to internet)
- WAF rules localhost:4445 (runing on my personal, internet exposed, server))
- website localhost:8080
- traefik example.local:80, *:443
Anisible, configuration on local machine:
- /etc/ansible/hosts:
- ~/.ssh/config:
Host webserver.local
Hostname localhost
User root
Port 2222
- ssh key added to webserver to allow Ansible authentication
- tls cert and key persent on local machine under
Wayren/Docker adjustments:
- tunnels mounted between local machine and Wayren webserver: (need to bind localhost:80 and localhost:443 because of reverse proxy)
ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey,password -J [email protected] -L 80:localhost:80 -L 443:localhost:443 -L 8432:localhost:5432 -L 2222:localhost:22 [email protected]
- because the Wayren env lacks DNS resolution:
- webserver /etc/hosts: add example.local
- local machine /etc/hosts: add example.local
- webserver /app/exercice/ replace
withALLOWED_HOSTS = ["example.local"]
and restart django (/usr/bin/poetry run uwsgi -c /etc/uwsgi.ini &
- webserver /etc/hosts: add
- Start the rule server
- Configure and start eestisinised/modsec-ng (listennig to *:4444, exposed to internet)
Note that before configuring and running traefi, I added tasks to expose the server only to localhost run the playbook:
- name: Build the traefik bundle locally
hosts: localhost
- name: Build the traefik bundle
name: traefik-build-bundle
dns_name: example.local
centralized_waf_url: http://internet_exposed_waf_url:4444
backend_url: http://localhost:8080
enable_http: true
enable_tls: true
tls_crt_path: "files/certs/tls.crt"
tls_key_path: "files/certs/tls.key"
unprivileged_user: www-data
### APP specific tasks to expose nginx to localhost only
- name: Expose website to localhost only
hosts: webserver
- name: Edit nginx configuration - http port
path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
regexp: 'listen 80'
replace: "listen"
- name: Edit nginx configuration - ssl port
path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
regexp: 'listen 443 ssl'
replace: "listen ssl"
- name: restart nginx (for some unknown reason reload does not work)
shell: /etc/init.d/nginx restart
- name: Deploy the traefik bundle to the webserver
hosts: webserver
- name: deploy traefik bundle
name: traefik-deploy-bundle
bundle_local_path: traefik_bundle.tar.gz
- the build-bundle can be done beforhand
- the deploy-bundle role had to be adapted as follow in roles/traefik-deploy-bundle/tasks/main.yml:
#fix nedded for wayren exercice
#- name: Extract the bundle archive
# unarchive:
# src: "traefik_bundle.tar.gz"
# dest: "/opt"
# remote_src: true
- name: Extract the bundle archive
shell: cd /opt && tar xvf ~/traefik_bundle.tar.gz && cd ~
# fix nedded for wayren exercice
#- name: reload daemons
# systemd:
# daemon_reload: true
#- name: Start traefik
# systemd:
# name: traefik
# state: started
- name: Start traefik
shell: cd /opt/traefik_bundle && nohup su www-data -s /bin/bash -c "/opt/traefik_bundle/traefik --configFile static.yml" >log.txt 2>&1 &
- make sure traefik run as expected (chek for errors in webserver: /opt/traefik-bundle/log.txt)
- connect to http://example.local and https://example.local -> web site is ok
- connect to http://example.local/?test=../../etc/passwd -> forbidden, error 418