An entry level for ML beginners using Titanic dataset on kaggle to carry our EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis) and using Machine Learning classification models to predict passenger's survival.
This notebook comprises on the people who sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912.
The dataset comprises of 891 passengers information.
A little description about the passengers aboard Titanic.
Passengers were divided into three passenger classes determined by the price of their ticket: those travelling in first class, most of them the wealthiest passengers on board, included prominent members of the upper class, businessmen, politicians, high-ranking military personnel, industrialists, bankers, entertainers, socialites, and professional athletes. Second-class passengers were predominantly middle-class travellers and included professors, authors, clergymen, and tourists. Third-class or steerage passengers were primarily immigrants moving to the United States and Canada."
Our target data being categorical (determing if surived Yes or No). I shall use Logistic regression SVM,Decision Trees algorithms to predict classification of Titanic passenger survival.