a basic WebRTC chat with NodeJs
run it :
- install npm / nodejs
- clone repo
- cd to repo directory
- run > npm install
- run > node index
test it :
- navigate to http://localhost/hello/everyone
understand it :
- This project contains a basic HTTP server (NOT SECURED && NON PRODUCTION READY)
- Server :
. The main index.js file runs the HTTP server and loads an app, which is a simple ES6 class
. All methods from this app class are exposed as HTTP routes (first URL part) : http://localhost/{method}/some/arguments
- these methods must take at least two arguments : req and res, passed on from main server class
- all remaining url parts are passed as arguments to the method
- methods that begin with a "_" (i.e. _myMethod(){}) are not exposed (kept private)
. file URLs matching /some/dir/file.ext (something followed by a dot and more chars) are served directly from the main server
. urls not handled as method or file are redirected to index.html file if it exists
. The default app (base) is located in apps/base directory
. It extends ModuleBase class to easily respond to clients requests with various HTTP status codes
- Apps :
. directory structure :
- _server : this directory must contain a file named "index.js", which is the entry point of the app (exposed methods)
- all other files and directories are made available to public requests
- Base app
. this app is a simple template :
- index.html : basic index file
- css/style.css : main stylesheet file
- js/main.js : app entry point
- js/utils/comm.js : wrappers for fetch API to exec async GET/POST requests to server
- js/utils/merge.js : deep merge object util
- js/utils/mvc.js : MVC utils
. MVC :
- extend Model / View / Controller classes to create your own classes
- call new MVC("myAwesomeMVC", new MyModel(), new MyView(), new MyController());
- this will initialize mvc components and give cross references between each other :
. this.mvc.model / this.mvc.view / this.mvc.controller