This library provides two implementations of random number generators:
- Pseudo Random Number Generator
- Finite Random Number Generator
This generator provides a pseudo-random number generator with various methods for generating random numbers, selecting random elements, and performing weighted selections.
Import the module to use this library:
import PseudoRandom "mo:pseudo-random/PseudoRandom";
The main type provided by this library, which includes all the methods for random number generation and selection.
Creates a new PseudoRandomGenerator from a Blob.
public func fromBlob(blob : Blob) : PseudoRandomGenerator
Creates a new PseudoRandomGenerator from a 32-bit seed.
public func fromSeed(seed : Nat32) : PseudoRandomGenerator
Returns the current seed of the generator.
getCurrentSeed : () -> Nat32
Generates a random integer within the specified range (exclusive).
nextInt : (min : Int, max : Int) -> Int
Generates a random natural number within the specified range (exclusive).
nextNat : (min : Nat, max : Nat) -> Nat
Generates a random floating-point number within the specified range.
nextFloat : (min : Float, max : Float) -> Float
Simulates a coin flip, returning a random boolean value.
nextCoin : () -> Bool
Returns a boolean based on the specified ratio of true outcomes to total outcomes.
nextRatio : (trueCount : Nat, totalCount : Nat) -> Bool
Selects a random element from the given buffer.
nextBufferElement : <T>(buffer : Buffer.Buffer<T>) -> T
Selects a random element from the given array.
nextArrayElement : <T>(array : [T]) -> T
Selects a random element from the given array of tuples, where each tuple contains an element and its weight.
nextArrayElementWeighted : <T>(array : [(T, Float)]) -> T
Selects a random element from the given array using a provided weight function.
nextArrayElementWeightedFunc : <T>(array : [T], weightFunc : (T) -> Float) -> T
Shuffles the elements of the given buffer in place.
shuffleBuffer : <T>(buffer : Buffer.Buffer<T>) -> ()
Here are some examples of how to use the Pseudo Random Number Generator:
// Create a generator from a seed value
let prng = PseudoRandomX.fromSeed(0);
let randomInt = prng.nextInt(1, 10);
Debug.print("Random integer between 1 and 10 (exclusive): " # Int.toText(randomInt));
let randomCoin = prng.nextCoin();
Debug.print("Random coin flip: " # Bool.toText(randomCoin));
let randomFloat = prng.nextFloat(0.0, 1.0);
Debug.print("Random float between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive): " # Float.toText(randomFloat));
let buffer = Buffer.fromArray<Nat>([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
Debug.print("Shuffled buffer: " # debug_show (Buffer.toArray(buffer)));
// Select a random element from an array
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let randomElement = prng.nextArrayElement(array);
Debug.print("Random element from array: " # Int.toText(randomElement));
Note: This pseudo-random number generator is deterministic and should not be used for cryptographic purposes or in situations where true randomness is required.
This generator provides a finite random number generator using a finite entropy source. It may return null
if there's not enough entropy available.
Import the module to use this library:
import RandomX "mo:xtended-random/RandomX";
The main type provided by this library, which includes methods for random number generation and selection.
Creates a new FiniteX random generator from a seed.
public func fromSeed(seed : Blob) : FiniteX
Simulates a coin flip, returning a random boolean value.
nextCoin : () -> ?Bool
Returns a boolean based on the specified ratio of true outcomes to total outcomes.
nextRatio : (trueCount : Nat, totalCount : Nat) -> ?Bool
Generates a random integer within the specified range (exclusive).
nextInt : (min : Int, max : Int) -> ?Int
Generates a random natural number within the specified range (exclusive).
nextNat : (min : Nat, max : Nat) -> ?Nat
Shuffles the elements of the given buffer in place.
shuffleBuffer : <T>(buffer : Buffer.Buffer<T>) -> ?()
Here are some examples of how to use the Finite Random Number Generator:
let entropy : Blob = ...; // Initialize with a proper seed
let randomGen = RandomX.fromEntropy(seed);
let ?randomInt = randomGen.nextInt(1, 10) else return #err("Not enough entropy");
Debug.print("Random integer between 1 and 10 (exclusive): " # Int.toText(randomInt));
let ?randomCoin = randomGen.nextCoin() else return #err("Not enough entropy");
Debug.print("Random coin flip: " # Bool.toText(randomCoin));
let buffer = Buffer.fromArray<Nat>([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
let _ = randomGen.shuffleBuffer(buffer) else return #err("Not enough entropy");;
Debug.print("Shuffled buffer: " # debug_show (Buffer.toArray(buffer)));
Note: This finite random number generator uses a limited entropy source and may return null
if there's not enough entropy available. It's suitable for use cases where a non-deterministic source of randomness is required, but be prepared to handle cases where randomness may be unavailable.