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Kenneth G. Franqueiro edited this page Jan 31, 2014 · 7 revisions

The tree plugin enables expansion of rows to display children.

    "dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/tree", "dgrid/Keyboard", "dgrid/Selection"
], function(declare, OnDemandGrid, tree, Keyboard, Selection){
    var treeGrid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Selection]))({
        store: myStore,
        columns: [
            tree({ label: "Name", field: "name" }),
            { label:"Type", field: "type", sortable: false},
            { label:"Population", field: "population" },
            { label:"Timezone", field: "timezone" }
    }, "treeGrid");

Store Considerations

The tree plugin expects to operate on a store-backed grid, such as an OnDemandGrid or a grid with the Pagination extension mixed in.

The store connected to the grid is expected to provide a getChildren(object, options) method to return the children for a given item. Note that for best results, getChildren should return results with an observe function as well (like query), so that changes to children can also be reflected as they occur.

When calling getChildren, dgrid will include an originalQuery property in the options argument, containing the value from the grid's query property. This allows getChildren implementations to perform the same filtering on child levels if desired.

The following is a simple example of what a getChildren implementation could look like in an extension to dojo/store/Memory, where hierarchy is indicated by a parent property on child items:

getChildren: function(parent, options){
    // Support persisting the original query via options.originalQuery
    // so that child levels will filter the same way as the root level
    return this.query(
        lang.mixin({}, options && options.originalQuery || null,
            { parent: }),

The store may also (optionally) provide a mayHaveChildren(object) method which returns a boolean indicating whether or not the row can be expanded. If this is not provided, all items will be rendered with expand icons.

Additional Column Definition Properties

The tree plugin supports the following additional column definition properties.

Property Description
shouldExpand(row, level, previouslyExpanded) an optional function which returns a boolean indicating whether the given row should be expanded when rendered. The default implementation simply returns the value of previouslyExpanded, which denotes whether the row in question was previously expanded before being re-rendered.
renderExpando() an optional function which can be overridden to customize the logic for rendering the expando icon beside each tree cell's content.
indentWidth the number of pixels to indent each nested level of children; the default is 9.
collapseOnRefresh a boolean indicating whether to collapse all parents (essentially "forgetting" expanded state) whenever the grid is refreshed; the default is false.
allowDuplicates If this is set to true, a single object (and single id) can be used in multiple places in a tree structure. However, enabling this means that grid.row(id) will only return top-level objects (since it can't disambiguate other levels). The default is false.

Additional Grid APIs

When the tree plugin is applied to a column in a grid, the grid is augmented with the following method.

Method Description
expand(row, expand) Expands or collapses the row indicated by the given Row object (from grid.row(target)) or a dgrid-row element. The optional expand argument specifies whether the row should be expanded (true) or collapsed (false); if unspecified, the method toggles the current expanded state of the row. Returns a promise which resolves after data for the children has been retrieved.
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