Go implementation of EdgeX security API-Gateway service.
- Reverse proxy for the existing edgex microservices
- Account creation with optional either OAuth2 or JWT authentication for existing services
- Account creation with arbitrary ACL gourp list
The service can be started with 2 different methods listed below:
- start with docker-compose file like other normal EdgeX services do.
- build from source code & start with single docker container.
Method 1. Run the Security Service with Docker-compose file. Make sure other EdgeX services start as usual (especially volume), then
docker-compose up -d vault
docker-compose up -d vault-worker
docker-compose up -d kong-db
docker-compose up -d kong-migrations
docker-compose up -d kong
docker-compose up -d edgex-proxy
The repo includes a Dockerfile to dockerize the security service. Run the docker-componse commands same as in method one except the last step, then
go get github.com/edgexfoundry/security-api-gateway
cd security-api-gateway
make build
make docker
docker-compose run edgexfoundry/docker-edgex-proxy-go
Other options for security service, E,g, reset the proxy to initial status, create account, delete account
docker-compose run edgex-proxy -h
docker-compose run edgex-proxy --reset=true
docker-compose run edgex-proxy --useradd=<account> --group=<groupname>
docker-compose run edgex-proxy --userdel=<account>
curl -k -v https://{api-gateway-ip}:8443/command/api/v1/ping -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token from account creation>"
- Chat: https://edgexfoundry.slack.com/
- Mainling lists: https://lists.edgexfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo