This service maintains TAP escrow balances on behalf of a gateway sender.
The following data sources are monitored to guide the allocation of GRT into the TAP Escrow contract:
- Graph Network Subgraph
- TAP Subgraph
- The gateway's Kafka topic for indexer query reports, to account for outstanding debts from receipts sent to indexers
Configuration options are set via a single JSON file. The structure of the file is defined in src/
The sender address used for tap-escrow-manager expects authorizedSigners:
- Sender: Requires ETH for transaction gas and GRT to allocate into TAP escrow balances for paying indexers
- Authorized signer: Used by the gateway and tap-aggregator to sign receipts and RAVs
The tap-escrow-manager will automatically setup authorized signers set in the configuration on startup. This requires the secret keys for the authorized signer wallets to be present in the signers
config field.
To set up authorized signers for tap-escrow-manager:
- Find the escrow-contract address for your network.
- Navigate to the relevant blockchain explorer (e.g.,
- Connect the sender address (the address tap-escrow-manager is running with, or the address whose private key you provide in the
field oftap-escrow-manager
config). - Go to the "Write Contract" tab and find the
function. - Generate proof and proofDeadline using the script below.
mkdir proof-generator && cd proof-generator
npm init -y
npm install ethers
cat > generateProof.js << EOL
const ethers = require('ethers');
async function generateProof(signerPrivateKey, proofDeadline, senderAddress, chainId) {
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(signerPrivateKey);
const messageHash = ethers.solidityPackedKeccak256(
['uint256', 'uint256', 'address'],
[chainId, proofDeadline, senderAddress]
const digest = ethers.hashMessage(ethers.getBytes(messageHash));
const signature = await signer.signMessage(ethers.getBytes(messageHash));
return signature;
const signerPrivateKey = process.argv[2];
const senderAddress = process.argv[3];
const chainId = parseInt(process.argv[4]);
const proofDeadline = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600; // 1 hour from now
if (!signerPrivateKey || !senderAddress || !chainId) {
console.error('Usage: node generateProof.js <signerPrivateKey> <senderAddress> <chainId>');
generateProof(signerPrivateKey, proofDeadline, senderAddress, chainId)
.then(proof => {
console.log('Proof:', proof);
console.log('ProofDeadline:', proofDeadline);
console.log('Human-readable date:', new Date(proofDeadline * 1000).toUTCString());
console.log('Chain ID:', chainId);
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
echo "Setup complete. Run the script with:"
echo "node generateProof.js <authorizedSignerPrivateKey> <senderAddress> <chainId>"
- Pass signerAddress, proofDeadline, and proof to the contract and sign the transaction. Repeat if using multiple authorisedSigners
Log levels are controlled by the RUST_LOG
environment variable (details).
example: RUST_LOG=info,tap_escrow_manager=debug cargo run -- config.json
rpk group seek tap-escrow-manager-mainnet --to $unix_timestamp