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Releases: edemaine/svgink


29 Oct 20:38
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  • Add --clean command-line option to delete would-be output files, similar to make clean
    • Corresponding setting clean in API
    • New cleaned events for this case

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0


25 Oct 17:20
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  • Resolve input/output filenames to absolute paths by default
    • Fixes bug when process's working directory changes between job scheduling (which happens in SVG Tiler)
    • Resolve input and output filenames to absolute paths when scheduling jobs, in case of future working directory change.
    • Jobs and results now include inputAbs and outputAbs attributes with these absolute paths. input and output remain the shorter names for showing to the user.
    • All of the above is disabled when settings.relative is true, available as --relative on the command line. This might be useful to keep path names short, or as a Cygwin workaround.
    • Watch mode doesn't (yet) respect this setting — it still keeps paths relative — so be careful not to change the working directory or to resolve the path before starting watch mode.

Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.3.0


13 Oct 19:22
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  • Fix (and document) handling of backslashes (\) in glob patterns on Windows: foo\bar gets converted to foo/bar, but \* (and other escaped glob patterns) remain as is, so foo\* gives a file with name foo*, whereas foo/* gives all files within directory foo.

Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4


01 Oct 17:29
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  • Fix missing error message when no conversion formats specified on the command line
  • Many documentation improvements

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3


02 Jun 17:56
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More watch-mode fixes:

  • Prevent directory removal from crashing on Windows
  • Prevent errors from crashing all of svgink

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2


02 Jun 17:49
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Various watch-mode fixes:

  • Fix detection of new files within directories
  • Detect new directories with matching files in some cases (at least on Windows)
  • Avoid crashing when a file gets deleted

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1


02 Jun 17:19
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  • You can now specify a directory name to automatically convert *.svg within that directory, or specify an arbitrary glob pattern (e.g. figs/**/*.svg).
  • This feature works especially well in combination with watch mode: svgink will automatically detect new matching files in addition to changed existing files. Just be sure to quote globs so that your shell doesn't expand them.
  • API gains convertGlob() for converting directories or globs.
  • API now has events, which includes notifications for all matching input files, all successful conversions, all successful run jobs, and all errors. This is an easy way to consume what happens from convertGlob() and watch().
  • BREAKING CHANGE in API: watch() no longer asynchronously generates results. Instead, you're encouraged to use the event interface.

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0


01 Jun 00:09
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  • Watch feature: svgink -w continuously watches SVG files for changes, and then converts. (#3)
  • Selective conversion: svgink will not convert SVG files that are older than the corresponding outputs. Use -f to override/force. (#2)
  • Inkscape processes now auto-close after a minute of inactivity.
  • Automatically make directories specified with command-line options.
  • New API methods: convertTo, wait, watch, main, SVGProcessor's run
  • New API settings: outputDir*, settle
  • API improvement: resolved job data now includes original job information
  • Fix idle handling and error reporting
  • More documentation

Full Changelog: v0.0.0...v0.1.0


31 May 18:17
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  • Initial release
  • SVG → PDF and/or PNG conversion
  • PDF sanitization (blanking out /CreationDate for better version control)
  • Parallel Inkscape jobs, defaulting to half the number of logical processors
  • Inkscape shell control
  • Custom output directories