This is a simple Meteor package that lets you
write static Pug code in .pug
files, and automatically
compiles them to static HTML that gets pushed by Meteor in the initial bundle
(no dynamic rendering).
Like the standard package
this is useful especially when you want to handle the DOM manually or with a
framework like Angular or React, and just need to seed the DOM with basic
content. This package is a drop-in replacement for static-html that
supports .pug
files instead of .html
Similar to static-html, this plugin parses all of the .pug
files in
(the client side of) your app, and looks for all top-level <head>
tags, which get appended to the head or body section of your app's
HTML (specifically, the initial bundle sent by Meteor.
You can have multiple <head>
and/or <body>
tags; they get concatenated.
You can also give attributes to the <head>
and/or <body>
tags themselves,
though these will be applied dynamically via JavaScript.
(I believe this is a limitation of Meteor.)
First, add the package to your app:
meteor add edemaine:static-pug
Second, add pug
as a peer NPM dependency in your app:
meteor npm install pug
Then write .pug
files in your client
directory (say). For example:
title My Meteor App
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
body(style="background: purple")
h1 Welcome to My Meteor App!
Files ending in .import.pug
will be treated as imports, and not
automatically converted to HTML. You can use Pug's
include feature to include such
files within a regular .pug