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SolidJS Compiler for Meteor

This package enables full use of the SolidJS JSX compiler, including these key features:

  • Server-Side Rendering support (via ssr: true)
  • Server-only rendering (via hydratable: false)
  • Applying to just a subset of files, for mixed React + SolidJS projects (via match and ignore options).
  • JavaScript (JSX), TypeScript (TSX), and CoffeeScript (CSX) input files

A demo repository illustrates the use of this package in a Meteor project. If you're coming from Blaze, you might also check out this example of porting Blaze to SolidJS Both of these examples use solid-meteor-data library, which provides tools for combining SolidJS and Meteor reactivity. Related, edemaine:solid-meteor-helper enables use of SolidJS components within Blaze templates (e.g. for gradual transitions from Blaze).


The edemaine:solid package replaces the standard Meteor modules ecmascript, typescript, and coffeescript. To install it, run the following commands within your Meteor project:

meteor remove ecmascript typescript coffeescript
meteor add edemaine:solid

Additionally, to enable CoffeeScript support, you should explicitly add coffeescript-compiler (which coffeescript also depends on):

meteor add coffeescript-compiler

In addition, you must install SolidJS and the SolidJS compiler via NPM:

npm install solid-js
npm install -D babel-preset-solid

The edemaine:solid package should support all the same ECMAScript features from the ecmascript package, all the same TypeScript features from the typescript package, and the same CoffeeScript features from the coffeescript package.

Upgrades to TypeScript happen in the babel-compiler package, and upgrades to CoffeeScript happen in the coffeescript-compiler package so you should be able to update these by depending on the latest version within your Meteor application.


This package can be configured by adding a solid property to package.json. Here is a complete example with all the possible options:

  "solid": {
    "ssr": true,
    "hydratable": true,
    "match": ["**/*.tsx", "**/*.jsx"],
    "ignore": "react/**",
    "verbose": true

ssr (default: false)

The default setup just supports client-side render. Server code doesn't use the SolidJS compiler at all.

If you want to use Server-Side Rendering (SSR), set this to true. The same file will be compiled differently on client and server to enable server-side rendering + client-side hydration.

hydratable (default: true)

If ssr is turned it, then the assumption is that you want to hydrate on the client too. If you rather want to render only on the server side, you can set hydratable to false. This will avoid running the compiler on client code, and sets the server-code compiler to non-hydratable mode.

match (default: everything)

To only apply the SolidJS compiler to certain files, specify one or more paths or micromatch patterns in match. Paths are relative to the project root without a leading slash; for example, imports/ui/filename.jsx or lib/filename.js.

Combined with the meteor/nodeModules/recompile option, you can use this to apply the Solid compiler to JSX distributed in NPM packages. For example, you could include node_modules/solid*/**/*.[jt]sx as a match pattern to compile JSX from all NPM packages starting with solid (that you also tell Meteor to recompile).

ignore (default: nothing)

To prevent applying the SolidJS compiler to certain files, specify one or more paths or micromatch patterns in ignore. Paths are relative to the project root without a leading slash; for example, imports/ui/filename.jsx or lib/filename.js.

If you specify both match and ignore, then ignore overrides match: the set of compiled files consists of those matching match minus those matching ignore.

Any files not passed through the SolidJS compiler are processed in the standard Meteor way, which is to enable React. If you want to use react-fast-refresh, you need to manually add it via meteor add react-fast-refresh (whereas ecmascript adds it for you).

verbose (default: false)

It can be hard to tell whether your configuration is applying the compiler to the right files with the right options. Setting verbose to true will report messages like this:

react/main.tsx on client using React
client/main.tsx on client using Solid with Babel preset ["solid",{"generate":"dom","hydratable":true}]
client/main.tsx on server using Solid with Babel preset ["solid",{"generate":"ssr","hydratable":true}]

Note that the CoffeeScript compiler caches compilation results on disk, so you won't see how .coffee files got compiled on subsequent startup until you modify those files (or change settings) again. Alternatively, you can reset the cache by deleting the directory .meteor/local/plugin-cache/edemaine_solid and restarting Meteor.


If you just want to use client-side SolidJS, with no SSR, and you do not need to co-exist with React code, you do not need this package. Instead, it's enough to add a babel property to your package.json, along the following lines:

  "babel": {
    "presets": [

Indeed, this is how early versions of solid-meteor-demo worked.


Meteor compiler plugin for SolidJS including SSR






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