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llorracc authored Aug 13, 2020
2 parents 6c31ea8 + 66a6643 commit f812249
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,025 additions and 922 deletions.
499 changes: 265 additions & 234 deletions examples/ConsIndShockModel/IndShockConsumerType.ipynb

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390 changes: 192 additions & 198 deletions examples/ConsIndShockModel/

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210 changes: 75 additions & 135 deletions examples/ConsIndShockModel/KinkedRconsumerType.ipynb

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226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions examples/ConsIndShockModel/
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# %% [markdown]
# # KinkedRconsumerType: Consumption-saving model with idiosyncratic income shocks and different interest rates on borrowing and saving

# %% code_folding=[0]
# Initial imports and notebook setup, click arrow to show

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsIndShockModel import KinkedRconsumerType
from HARK.utilities import plotFuncsDer, plotFuncs

mystr = lambda number: "{:.4f}".format(number)

# %% [markdown]
# The module $\texttt{HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsIndShockModel}$ concerns consumption-saving models with idiosyncratic shocks to (non-capital) income. All of the models assume CRRA utility with geometric discounting, no bequest motive, and income shocks are fully transitory or fully permanent.
# $\texttt{ConsIndShockModel}$ currently includes three models:
# 1. A very basic "perfect foresight" model with no uncertainty.
# 2. A model with risk over transitory and permanent income shocks.
# 3. The model described in (2), with an interest rate for debt that differs from the interest rate for savings.
# This notebook provides documentation for the third of these models.
# $\newcommand{\CRRA}{\rho}$
# $\newcommand{\DiePrb}{\mathsf{D}}$
# $\newcommand{\PermGroFac}{\Gamma}$
# $\newcommand{\Rfree}{\mathsf{R}}$
# $\newcommand{\DiscFac}{\beta}$

# %% [markdown]
# ## Statement of "kinked R" model
# Consider a small extension to the model faced by $\texttt{IndShockConsumerType}$s: that the interest rate on borrowing $a_t < 0$ is greater than the interest rate on saving $a_t > 0$. Consumers who face this kind of problem are represented by the $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ class.
# For a full theoretical treatment, this model analyzed in [A Theory of the Consumption Function, With
# and Without Liquidity Constraints](
# and its [expanded edition](
# Continuing to work with *normalized* variables (e.g. $m_t$ represents the level of market resources divided by permanent income), the "kinked R" model can be stated as:
# \begin{eqnarray*}
# v_t(m_t) &=& \max_{c_t} {~} U(c_t) + \DiscFac (1-\DiePrb_{t+1}) \mathbb{E}_{t} \left[ (\PermGroFac_{t+1}\psi_{t+1})^{1-\CRRA} v_{t+1}(m_{t+1}) \right], \\
# a_t &=& m_t - c_t, \\
# a_t &\geq& \underline{a}, \\
# m_{t+1} &=& \Rfree_t/(\PermGroFac_{t+1} \psi_{t+1}) a_t + \theta_{t+1}, \\
# \Rfree_t &=& \cases{\Rfree_{boro} \texttt{ if } a_t < 0 \\
# \Rfree_{save} \texttt{ if } a_t \geq 0},\\
# \Rfree_{boro} &>& \Rfree_{save}, \\
# (\psi_{t+1},\theta_{t+1}) &\sim& F_{t+1}, \\
# \mathbb{E}[\psi]=\mathbb{E}[\theta] &=& 1.
# \end{eqnarray*}

# %% [markdown]
# ## Solving the "kinked R" model
# The solution method for the "kinked R" model is nearly identical to that of the $\texttt{IndShockConsumerType}$ on which it is based, using the endogenous grid method; see the notebook for that model for more information. The only significant difference is that the interest factor varies by $a_t$ across the exogenously chosen grid of end-of-period assets, with a discontinuity in $\Rfree$ at $a_t=0$.
# To correctly handle this, the $\texttt{solveConsKinkedR}$ function inserts *two* instances of $a_t=0$ into the grid of $a_t$ values: the first corresponding to $\Rfree_{boro}$ ($a_t = -0$) and the other corresponding to $\Rfree_{save}$ ($a_t = +0$). The two consumption levels (and corresponding endogenous $m_t$ gridpoints) represent points at which the agent's first order condition is satisfied at *exactly* $a_t=0$ at the two different interest factors. In between these two points, the first order condition *does not hold with equality*: the consumer will end the period with exactly $a_t=0$, consuming $c_t=m_t$, but his marginal utility of consumption exceeds the marginal value of saving and is less than the marginal value of borrowing. This generates a consumption function with *two* kinks: two concave portions (for borrowing and saving) with a linear segment of slope 1 in between.

# %% [markdown]
# ## Example parameter values to construct an instance of KinkedRconsumerType
# The parameters required to create an instance of $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ are nearly identical to those for $\texttt{IndShockConsumerType}$. The only difference is that the parameter $\texttt{Rfree}$ is replaced with $\texttt{Rboro}$ and $\texttt{Rsave}$.
# While the parameter $\texttt{CubicBool}$ is required to create a valid $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ instance, it must be set to $\texttt{False}$; cubic spline interpolation has not yet been implemented for this model. In the future, this restriction will be lifted.
# | Parameter | Description | Code | Example value | Time-varying? |
# | :---: | --- | --- | --- | --- |
# | $\DiscFac$ |Intertemporal discount factor | $\texttt{DiscFac}$ | $0.96$ | |
# | $\CRRA $ |Coefficient of relative risk aversion | $\texttt{CRRA}$ | $2.0$ | |
# | $\Rfree_{boro}$ | Risk free interest factor for borrowing | $\texttt{Rboro}$ | $1.20$ | |
# | $\Rfree_{save}$ | Risk free interest factor for saving | $\texttt{Rsave}$ | $1.01$ | |
# | $1 - \DiePrb_{t+1}$ |Survival probability | $\texttt{LivPrb}$ | $[0.98]$ | $\surd$ |
# |$\PermGroFac_{t+1}$|Permanent income growth factor|$\texttt{PermGroFac}$| $[1.01]$ | $\surd$ |
# | $\sigma_\psi $ | Standard deviation of log permanent income shocks | $\texttt{PermShkStd}$ | $[0.1]$ |$\surd$ |
# | $N_\psi $ | Number of discrete permanent income shocks | $\texttt{PermShkCount}$ | $7$ | |
# | $\sigma_\theta $ | Standard deviation of log transitory income shocks | $\texttt{TranShkStd}$ | $[0.2]$ | $\surd$ |
# | $N_\theta $ | Number of discrete transitory income shocks | $\texttt{TranShkCount}$ | $7$ | |
# | $\mho$ | Probability of being unemployed and getting $\theta=\underline{\theta}$ | $\texttt{UnempPrb}$ | $0.05$ | |
# | $\underline{\theta} $ | Transitory shock when unemployed | $\texttt{IncUnemp}$ | $0.3$ | |
# | $\mho^{Ret}$ | Probability of being "unemployed" when retired | $\texttt{UnempPrb}$ | $0.0005$ | |
# | $\underline{\theta}^{Ret} $ | Transitory shock when "unemployed" and retired | $\texttt{IncUnemp}$ | $0.0$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Period of the lifecycle model when retirement begins | $\texttt{T_retire}$ | $0$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Minimum value in assets-above-minimum grid | $\texttt{aXtraMin}$ | $0.001$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Maximum value in assets-above-minimum grid | $\texttt{aXtraMax}$ | $20.0$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Number of points in base assets-above-minimum grid | $\texttt{aXtraCount}$ | $48$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Exponential nesting factor for base assets-above-minimum grid | $\texttt{aXtraNestFac}$ | $3$ | |
# | $(none)$ | Additional values to add to assets-above-minimum grid | $\texttt{aXtraExtra}$ | $None$ | |
# | $\underline{a} $ | Artificial borrowing constraint (normalized) | $\texttt{BoroCnstArt}$ | $None$ | |
# | $(none) $ |Indicator for whether $\texttt{vFunc}$ should be computed | $\texttt{vFuncBool}$ | $True$ | |
# | $(none)$ |Indicator for whether $\texttt{cFunc}$ should use cubic splines | $\texttt{CubicBool}$ | $False$ | |
# |$T$| Number of periods in this type's "cycle" |$\texttt{T_cycle}$| $1$ | |
# |(none)| Number of times the "cycle" occurs |$\texttt{cycles}$| $0$ | |
# These example parameters are almostidentical to those used for $\texttt{IndShockExample}$ in the prior notebook, except that the interest rate on borrowing is 20% (like a credit card), and the interest rate on saving is 1%. Moreover, the artificial borrowing constraint has been set to $\texttt{None}$. The cell below defines a parameter dictionary with these example values.

# %% code_folding=[0]
KinkedRdict = { # Click the arrow to expand this parameter dictionary
# Parameters shared with the perfect foresight model
"CRRA": 2.0, # Coefficient of relative risk aversion
"DiscFac": 0.96, # Intertemporal discount factor
"LivPrb": [0.98], # Survival probability
"PermGroFac": [1.01], # Permanent income growth factor
"BoroCnstArt": None, # Artificial borrowing constraint; imposed minimum level of end-of period assets
# New parameters unique to the "kinked R" model
"Rboro": 1.20, # Interest factor on borrowing (a < 0)
"Rsave": 1.01, # Interest factor on saving (a > 0)
# Parameters that specify the income distribution over the lifecycle (shared with IndShockConsumerType)
"PermShkStd": [0.1], # Standard deviation of log permanent shocks to income
"PermShkCount": 7, # Number of points in discrete approximation to permanent income shocks
"TranShkStd": [0.2], # Standard deviation of log transitory shocks to income
"TranShkCount": 7, # Number of points in discrete approximation to transitory income shocks
"UnempPrb": 0.05, # Probability of unemployment while working
"IncUnemp": 0.3, # Unemployment benefits replacement rate
"UnempPrbRet": 0.0005, # Probability of "unemployment" while retired
"IncUnempRet": 0.0, # "Unemployment" benefits when retired
"T_retire": 0, # Period of retirement (0 --> no retirement)
"tax_rate": 0.0, # Flat income tax rate (legacy parameter, will be removed in future)
# Parameters for constructing the "assets above minimum" grid (shared with IndShockConsumerType)
"aXtraMin": 0.001, # Minimum end-of-period "assets above minimum" value
"aXtraMax": 20, # Maximum end-of-period "assets above minimum" value
"aXtraCount": 48, # Number of points in the base grid of "assets above minimum"
"aXtraNestFac": 3, # Exponential nesting factor when constructing "assets above minimum" grid
"aXtraExtra": [None], # Additional values to add to aXtraGrid
# A few other paramaters (shared with IndShockConsumerType)
"vFuncBool": True, # Whether to calculate the value function during solution
"CubicBool": False, # Preference shocks currently only compatible with linear cFunc
"T_cycle": 1, # Number of periods in the cycle for this agent type
# Parameters only used in simulation (shared with PerfForesightConsumerType)
"AgentCount": 10000, # Number of agents of this type
"T_sim": 500, # Number of periods to simulate
"aNrmInitMean": -6.0, # Mean of log initial assets
"aNrmInitStd": 1.0, # Standard deviation of log initial assets
"pLvlInitMean": 0.0, # Mean of log initial permanent income
"pLvlInitStd": 0.0, # Standard deviation of log initial permanent income
"PermGroFacAgg": 1.0, # Aggregate permanent income growth factor
"T_age": None, # Age after which simulated agents are automatically killed

# %% [markdown]
# ## Solving and examining the solution of the "kinked R" model
# The cell below creates an infinite horizon instance of $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ and solves its model by calling its $\texttt{solve}$ method.

# %%
KinkyExample = KinkedRconsumerType(**KinkedRdict)
KinkyExample.cycles = 0 # Make the example infinite horizon

# %% [markdown]
# An element of a $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$'s solution will have all the same attributes as that of a $\texttt{IndShockConsumerType}$; see that notebook for details.
# We can plot the consumption function of our "kinked R" example, as well as the MPC:

# %%
print("Kinked R consumption function:")
plotFuncs(KinkyExample.solution[0].cFunc, KinkyExample.solution[0].mNrmMin, 5)

print("Kinked R marginal propensity to consume:")
plotFuncsDer(KinkyExample.solution[0].cFunc, KinkyExample.solution[0].mNrmMin, 5)

# %% [markdown]
# ## Simulating the "kinked R" model
# In order to generate simulated data, an instance of $\texttt{KinkedRconsumerType}$ needs to know how many agents there are that share these particular parameters (and are thus *ex ante* homogeneous), the distribution of states for newly "born" agents, and how many periods to simulated. These simulation parameters are described in the table below, along with example values.
# | Description | Code | Example value |
# | :---: | --- | --- |
# | Number of consumers of this type | $\texttt{AgentCount}$ | $10000$ |
# | Number of periods to simulate | $\texttt{T_sim}$ | $500$ |
# | Mean of initial log (normalized) assets | $\texttt{aNrmInitMean}$ | $-6.0$ |
# | Stdev of initial log (normalized) assets | $\texttt{aNrmInitStd}$ | $1.0$ |
# | Mean of initial log permanent income | $\texttt{pLvlInitMean}$ | $0.0$ |
# | Stdev of initial log permanent income | $\texttt{pLvlInitStd}$ | $0.0$ |
# | Aggregrate productivity growth factor | $\texttt{PermGroFacAgg}$ | $1.0$ |
# | Age after which consumers are automatically killed | $\texttt{T_age}$ | $None$ |
# Here, we will simulate 10,000 consumers for 500 periods. All newly born agents will start with permanent income of exactly $P_t = 1.0 = \exp(\texttt{pLvlInitMean})$, as $\texttt{pLvlInitStd}$ has been set to zero; they will have essentially zero assets at birth, as $\texttt{aNrmInitMean}$ is $-6.0$; assets will be less than $1\%$ of permanent income at birth.
# These example parameter values were already passed as part of the parameter dictionary that we used to create $\texttt{KinkyExample}$, so it is ready to simulate. We need to set the $\texttt{track_vars}$ attribute to indicate the variables for which we want to record a *history*.

# %%
KinkyExample.track_vars = ["mNrmNow", "cNrmNow", "pLvlNow"]

# %% [markdown]
# We can plot the average (normalized) market resources in each simulated period:

# %%
plt.plot(np.mean(KinkyExample.history["mNrmNow"], axis=1))
plt.ylabel("Mean market resources")

# %% [markdown]
# Now let's plot the distribution of (normalized) assets $a_t$ for the current population, after simulating for $500$ periods; this should be fairly close to the long run distribution:

# %%
plt.plot(np.sort(KinkyExample.aNrmNow), np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, KinkyExample.AgentCount))
plt.xlabel("End-of-period assets")
plt.ylabel("Cumulative distribution")
plt.ylim(-0.01, 1.01)

# %% [markdown]
# We can see there's a significant point mass of consumers with *exactly* $a_t=0$; these are consumers who do not find it worthwhile to give up a bit of consumption to begin saving (because $\Rfree_{save}$ is too low), and also are not willing to finance additional consumption by borrowing (because $\Rfree_{boro}$ is too high).
# The smaller point masses in this distribution are due to $\texttt{HARK}$ drawing simulated income shocks from the discretized distribution, rather than the "true" lognormal distributions of shocks. For consumers who ended $t-1$ with $a_{t-1}=0$ in assets, there are only 8 values the transitory shock $\theta_{t}$ can take on, and thus only 8 values of $m_t$ thus $a_t$ they can achieve; the value of $\psi_t$ is immaterial to $m_t$ when $a_{t-1}=0$. You can verify this by changing $\texttt{TranShkCount}$ to some higher value, like 25, in the dictionary above, then running the subsequent cells; the smaller point masses will not be visible to the naked eye.

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