This is the Lao package of the Ecomore 2 project, focused on the epidemiology of dengue in the province of Vientiane prefecture, Lao PDR. The project is funded by the Agence Française de Développement and run by the Institut Pasteur du Laos, in collaboration with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Contact: please contact Dr. Marc Grandadam (PI, [email protected]) for any question regarding the project and its data.
Bug report and feature request: you can report bugs or
inconsistencies or request for additional feature by clicking New issue
- IPL’s epidemiological data (2012-present): CSV (1.2 MB), description
- IPL’s GPS data (2012-present): CSV (66 KB), description
- LBS’s census data (2015): CSV (1.9 MB), description
- LBS’s villages polygons (2015): description
-’s daily meteorological data
(4 stations, 2010-present):
- meteo.csv (905 KB)
- stations.csv (211 B, EPSG:4326 projection in decimal degrees)
- ESA’s
GlobCover’s land
cover data (300-m resolution,
EPSG:4326 projection
in decimal degrees):
- 2005: GlobCover2005_V2.2.tif (37 Ko)
- 2009: GlobCover2009_V2.3.tif (38 Ko)
- EU’s
GHSL’s built-up data (38-m
resolution, EPSG:3857
projection in decimal degrees):
- 1990: builtup1990res38m3857.tif (1 MB)
- 2000: builtup2000res38m3857.tif (1 MB)
- 2014: builtup2014res38m3857.tif (1 MB)
- WorldPop’s population and urbanisation
data (90-m resolution,
EPSG:4326 projection
in decimal degrees):
- Population
data (2010,
- VT_popmap10_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap10adj_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap15_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- VT_popmap15adj_admin001.tif (2.1 MB)
- Urban change
data (2000,
- VT00urbchg.tif (342 KB)
- VT10urbchg.tif (343 KB)
- Population
data (2010,