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Release Notes 1.3.0

Philippe DUL edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Capella 1.3.0

"Refresh All Sub Representations" command to force the refresh of Sirius representations (Capella 1.1.4, 1.2.1)

Previous commands "Refresh All Sub Representations" and "Fix Filters On All Representations" have been merged as a single command named "Refresh All Sub Representations". It provides one contextual action to force the refresh of sub Sirius representations, even on Team for Capella (Sirius refreshes disabled by default).

Semantic Browser upgrades

Realizing / Realized Exchange Items with Capella 1.1.4, 1.2.1, 1.3.0

Contextual Elements and Elements of interest selecting a Diagram in Project Explorer, with Capella 1.3.0

Diff/Merge upgrades

To better reflect the most common usages, comparisons are now oriented by default. The orientation is left-to-right: merges can only be applied to the model on the right while the model on the left is guaranteed to remain unchanged.

To slightly improve the readability of the user interface, the number of differences is represented in a distinct color (light blue). Model elements that are containers with no difference are represented in a specific style: gray and italics.

A new tool named "Open in dedicated editor" is applicable to textual properties.

It makes it possible to perform a fine-grained comparison and merge at the level of lines and words in the text. Copy/paste and manual modifications are supported.

In a three-way comparison, the textual value of the property in the ancestor is also visible.

Cloning diagram copy & paste all properties related to diagram

Cloning a diagram paste all features associated to original diagram :

   Contextual Elements
   Elements of Interest
   Management properties
   ... (diagram descriptors)

Parts are hidden by default in Capella Project Explorer and navigation is assisted for filtered elements

Parts are hidden by default in Capella Project Explorer (i.e. the filter Hide all Capella parts is activated by default

Capella Explorer might hide some model elements due to some active filters (e.g. Parts, Ports, Component Exchanges, Properties Values...).

In that case and after a navigation towards Capella Explorer (e.g. "Show in Capella Explorer" (F8); "Show Related Element(s) Capella Explorer" (F7); "Go To/<port name> ..."), a new dialog appears to propose to show automatically these filtered elements.

Note: With Capella 1.3.0, the feature is also available through all Capella Views (including Information View) and takes account of parent visibility (e.g. navigation on a Property Value will propose to unhide Property Package hidden by default).

Physical paths may display some invalid links due to cycles

Physical Path creation provide the ability to define the source of the Path if there is an ambiguity.

With 1.2.1, the computed display of Physical Link does not show some invalid inner links.

With 1.2.2, Physical Path and Functional chains are better displayed (internal arrow) when a category is displayed and deals with same connectors.

Mass Editing & Visualization in Capella =

Two new features for Capella 1.3.0 based on Eclipse NatTable:

   Mass Editing view: ability to perform mass edition operations on the Capella model is a time saver, even for simple fields such as property values or even primitive data type attributes containing booleans, integers, doubles etc.
       Batch edit attributes of model elements through a table-like view
       Control the granularity of your modifications (sorting, filtering … )
       As a User customize your experience (column hide, show, reorder …)
       As a Developer add your own columns and control your user’s interaction

Visualization view : ability to custom and to visualize the common attributes for different model components, or even explore and directly modify the state of query results

   Apply already predefined queries to model elements
   Group model elements according to their attributes, properties and relationships with other elements
   Identify model incoherencies (functions that are not allocated…)

These views are integrated to Capella:

       Contextual menus on cells
       Synchronization with all views and model modification
       Multiple concurrent views
       Multiple sources of data (Project Explorer, Sirius Interpreter, Diagram Elements … )

Tables content can be exported as CSV or through Copy/Paste.

These tables can be customized and extended, see Capella and Kitalapha Eclipse Help and Java doc for more details.

Add an "Elements of Interest" relation between diagrams and model element - (Capella 1.2.2)

The purpose of this work is to provide a new relation called "Elements of Interest" between diagrams and model elements for navigation and documentation purpose


This work will provide:

Definition of the new relation through the Property view on diagrams
Visualization of the new relation in the Semantic Browser

Add tags on diagrams in order to organize them per package - (Capella 1.2.2)

The purpose of this work is to allow organization of diagrams per package when several diagrams are defined under the same model element (e.g. all SAB diagrams are defined under the system)


This work will provide:

Definition of packages through the Property view on diagrams
Organization of the diagrams per packages in the Project Explorer

Import Capella samples

It is now possible to import Sample projects like In-Flight Entertainment System directly using Capella
Furthermore, you can also embed another sample projects by adding them into the Samples folder of the installation location, they will be listed in the import wizard.

Multi selections for 'Show In Capella Explorer' menu

On diagrams, you can now select many elements and highlight them in Capella Project Explorer.

On Mass Visualization, It will also work when many elements are displayed in a cell

Show Related Elements / GoTo menu

Command Show Related Elements (F7 shortcut) was inconsistent between Capella Project Explorer and Diagrams. It has been merged.

Named Go to on project explorer, it was allowing selection of unary related elements, but wasn't allowing selection of all elements at same time.

On contrary, on Diagrams, it was allowing only selection of all elements at the same time.

In Capella 1.3.0 / Capella 1.3.0, F7 shortcut still selects all related elements, but a menu allowing a fine selection like Go to did is also available.

Diagram selection with ALT pressed - (Capella 1.2.1)

In a diagram containing multiple hierarchical components (with a model element in background for instance), the user can select elements using Alt + continuous left mouse click to select elements without selecting the element behind the first click.

Same behavior of the mouse selection from Right to Left (i.e. it selects the elements contained in the selection area AND also those which cross it ) and Left to Right (i.e. it selects the elements contained in the selection area) will be applied with the Alt button.

New diagram selection tools

New diagram selection tools for your most used selection routines, to be combined with other Sirius features to layout diagram for instance.

The following features are currently available and a single or multiple selection:

   Elements of Same Type (selects all the diagram elements that have the same type as the current selection)
   Resembling Elements (selects all the diagram elements that have the same mapping as the current selection)
   Owned ports (selects all the ports owned by the current selected elements)
   Owned elements (selects all the elements owned by the current selected elements)
   Related connections (selects all the connections for the current selection)

For instance, select a function and right click on the contextual menu "Select/Elements of Same Type" to select all functions of a SAB diagram:

Export Representations as Images with auto-scaling with better resolution - 1.2.1

With Capella 1.2.1, auto-scaling is enabled by default (level 2 / 10) in order to have smart exported documents and with a slight impact on the extraction time of Sirius Diagrams as Image.

The performance of exporting image with increased image size is optimized and you can select the image size for all your export in the preference page Sirius > Sirius Diagram, or custom it for each export Export Representations as Images.

Mode State Machine and Sirius ("Make height and width same size", "Auto size") - 1.2.1

Both command from diagram tool bar "Make height and width same size" and "Auto size" are applicable on States and Regions in MSM diagrams

Add the ability to add blank space vertically on Sequence diagrams

The goal of this feature is to allow the end-user to add vertical space between existing elements in a sequence diagram.

Also on 1.2.1:

   First, display the "ruler" of the diagram to avoid interference with existing diagram elements (Properties of the Sequence Diagram or Preferences).
   Press Ctrl key and drag'n'drop a zone in the ruler:  feedback is drawn during the drag and space is added when you drop.

With 1.3.0, a new keyboard shortcut is available to ease this diagram arrangement capability: CTRL+SHIFT+"mouse movement on canvas"
combination on Sequence diagrams (even if grid is not displayed).

Note: for the moment, this capability is not available on other kinds of diagram, more complex story to prioritize.

Create graphical links toward existing diagrams - 1.2.1

The purpose of this work is to provide a way to create graphical links toward existing diagrams with text, through a new palette tool "Representation Link" next to Note/Text features.

This work provide:

   New kind of notes in order to create a graphical link toward existing diagrams
   Synchronization of the note with the diagram name (except for the optional comment)
   Navigation capabilities toward the linked diagrams

“Generic Edge Creation Tool” to create an edge by starting to select the source and the target

This new tool (next to Notes) allows to restrict the list of possible edge creation tools (possibly only one edge or no one) according to the selected source and target.

Provide facilities to arrange diagrams: new Sirius layers to manage hidden elements

New Sirius toolbar group of buttons to ease diagram analysis and arrangement:

   Visibility Mode (delivered with Capella 1.3.0)

The "Visibility Mode" allows to visualize all diagram elements either visible or invisible because of a filter or a previous hiding action. Invisible elements will be shown with transparency.

This mode also allows to change visibility of diagram elements without modifying semantic models, so when you double click:

   on a visible diagram element, it will hide it like the “hide” menu action.
   if not visible, it will show it like the “show” menu action.

Additional features of the double click are the following:

   If the diagram element to make visible is contained by other invisible elements, then all its parent elements will be made visible.
   If the diagram element to make visible has children, these children will be made visible if they are not hidden. Otherwise they will be displayed with transparency.
   A double click on an edge to show will also show its source and target.
   If a diagram element is invisible because a filter hiding is activated, then you will be asked if you want to deactivate this filter to make it visible after a double click on it.
   If a diagram element is invisible because the layer showing it is not activated, then you will be asked if you want to activate this layer to make it visible after a double click on it.

This sort of "layer" is non persisted: when a diagram is closed, the "Visibility mode" is automatically disabled.

Previously, this analysis was possible only through diagram toolbar wizards (Show ), non ergonomic way to manage visibility or pinning.

For better performance, if a diagram has a lot of hidden elements, it is recommended to clean it (using this "layer" or wizard or better "Remove Hidden Elements" command) and use "Unsynchronized" mode clicking on diagram background.

Quick Fix to clean invalid link of Constraints

A new Quick Fix for the validation Rule DWF_D_48 is available and can be used to delete invalid and dandling href on Constraints.

New diagram preference to either display or not "Invalid" and "Incomplete" status for Chain/Path/Process

A new diagram preference is available to display the status of a Function chain, Physical Path or Operational Process. By default, showing an Incomplete Chain/Path/Process is deactivated.


Have a look to "User-Visible Changes" delivered on Sirius for Capella 1.3.x at

Release Notes (API changes & Metamodel changes) are embedded in Eclipse Help of Capella and Team for Capella

Capella Tips & Tricks are up-to-date with all facilities to improve user daily work

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