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Release Notes 1.2.0

Philippe DUL edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Capella 1.2.0


Capella 1.2.0 is based on:

  • Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3)
  • Kitalpha 1.2.0
  • Sirius 5.1.0

Projects migration

Migrate your Capella projects created with Capella 1.1.x to Capella 1.2.0.

Embedded documentation

Capella 1.2.0 documentation is available inside the workbench (Help menu). The documentation has been reviewed and updated.

New features

Usage monitoring support

A new preference is available to activate a logger named "Usage Monitoring". This logger is aimed to track Capella usages (Project creation, ...). Information are kept in a log file named "Usage.log". The goal is to provide metrics (e.g. which features are used) and later, measure related performances. Only a short list of commands are tooled up in order to reduce performance impacts:

  • Open Session
  • Close Session
  • Create Representation
  • Open Representation
  • Transition
  • Validation

If this file reaches the size of 20 MB, another file is created. The maximum number of files is 30. If this limit is reached, the first file is destroyed. By default, these files are generated into the current workspace. This functionality is activated by default and can be deactivated via the dedicated preference page.

Capella based on Eclipse Neon

Capella 1.2. is based on a stable Eclipse Neon 4.6.3, embedding bug fixes, better performances and component upgrade (EMF...). Have a look to Eclipse Neon What's New and Tips and Tricks at

For instance, we can mention 2 nice ergonomic features available in Capella Project Explorer:

  • From a copied Eclipse project named "MyProject", new pasted project is named "MyProject1" instead of "Copy of MyProject"
  • Quick access to the location of your Eclipse project via its "Properties" dialog

Basic ergonomic enhancements for Linked Text of Opaque Expression (back-ported to Capella 1.1.2)

Linked Text editor is now editable. Users can use the key "Ctrl+Space" to add links to model elements

Unused Constraint are detected through a new Validation Rule I_36 (back-ported to Capella 1.1.2)

New validation rule (I_36) with related quickfix checks whether a Constraint isn't used in the model (constraining an element or used through Guard / Pre-Postcondition, context)

Ease the Constraint edition for Guards, Pre/Post condition, Exchange Context, Change Event, Time Event and Owned Specification (back-ported to Capella 1.1.2)

Constraint edition is facilitated, with Linked Text and Content Assist for:

  • Guards
  • Pre/Post condition on scenario and Capability/Realization
  • Exchange Context on Scenario
  • Expression on Change Event and Time Event
  • Owned Specification on Constraint

Provide a specific blue color for functions allocated to Actors (back-ported to Capella 1.1.2)

In Project Explorer, Semantic Browser and wizards, Functions directly allocated to Actors (i.e. Actor Functions) are now displayed in blue.

Project migration more explicit and better documented (back-ported to Capella 1.1.1)

To avoid migration mistakes, Capella migration documentation has been updated and only Project migration menu is available by default. Advanced migration menus (on model or diagram files) hare been masked by default. A new Migration category is available in Preferences: Capella > Commands Configurability > Commands

Optimize DCON_01 Pattern Conformance check and provide quickfix to clean unreferenced patterns (back-ported to Capella 1.1.1)

If there is no catalog at all or all catalogs are closed, the rule DCON_01 stops with the error message “No catalog found or all catalogs are closed”.

In case of pattern not being loaded, the rule DCON_01 proposes 2 quickfixes:

  • The first one is a soft delete in which only pattern instances are deleted, instantiated pattern elements are kept.
  • The second one is a hard delete in which both pattern instances and instantiated pattern elements are deleted.

New validation rule DCON_03 to detect invalid pattern instances and provide quickfix to clean them (back-ported to Capella 1.1.1)

Rule DCON_03 can detect dangling Pattern Instances whose references are missing. A quickfix is then provided to clean invalid pattern instances. Note that DCON_03 must be launched from the Capella Project element (hidden by default) which can be shown by checking Capella > Project Explorer > Project preference.


New Validation Rule DCOM 21 – Unused Function Port Exchange Items (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

This new rule triggers a warning when a Function Port conveys an Exchange Item which is not allocated to any connected Functional Exchange. A quickfix allows to remove those exchange items from the allocating port.

New Validation Rule DCOM 22 – Unsynchronized Function Port Exchange Items (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

This new rule generates a warning if i) outgoing Functional Exchanges from the same Function Port do not convey the same Exchange Items or ii) incoming Functional Exchanges to the same Function Port do not convey the same Exchange Items. The rule is by default disabled.

New Validation Rule I 35 – Related Functional Exchanges must have identical names (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

This new rule generates a warning for Functional Exchanges connected to the same Function Port and do not have identical names. The rule is by default disabled.

New Validation Rule DWF_I 23 – Compare expected and actual Exchange Items on generated Interfaces (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

This rule compares the expected and the actual exchange items on Interfaces that have been generated by the “Generate Interfaces from allocated Functions” modelling accelerator and proposes several quickfixes.

  • In case of Exchange Item being present on the Interface but not on any Functional/Component Exchanges

  • In case of Exchange Item being present on Functional/Component Exchanges but not on any generated Interfaces

Propagate/Synchronize Exchange Items to Function Ports (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

The old accelerator “Propagate Exchange Items to Function Ports” as been renamed to “Synchronize Exchange Items on Function Ports”. The new accelerator no longer deletes Exchange Item allocated to Function Ports. It is available when one or more Functions or Functional Exchanges are selected.

Generate Interfaces from Allocated Functions (back-ported to Capella 1.0.5)

The modelling accelerator “Generate Interfaces from Allocated Functions” has been completely reimplemented with the following changes:

  • Internal Functional Exchanges are not considered when the accelerator is executed on a given component
  • Component Ports are no longer generated. Component Ports must now exist prior to accelerator execution, and at least one of the following must hold:
  1. A Function Port is allocated to the Component Port

  1. A Functional Exchange is allocated on a Component Exchange that is connected to the Component Port

  • The accelerator optionally propagates Exchange Items to Function Ports and creates a Component Exchange between each unconnected Component Port pair. These options are set in the Capella preferences under Capella->Transitions/Generation

Integration of new Acceleo Query Language (AQL) to navigate and query an EMF model

AQL is a language used to navigate and query an EMF model. It is advised to use it for diagram specification (odesign) for better performance, compared to legacy Acceleo 2 or Acceleo 3. A new "Interpreter" View is available to query your model using AQL language (see AQL documentation, link available in Capella Help Content) and supporting legacy Acceleo 2.

Diagram palette tool ergonomic: merge insert Function and insert Actor Function tools

In XDFB diagram, the "insert Actor Functions" tool was removed and its behavior was merged with the "insert Functions" tool.

New information added in Semantic Browser for Capability Realization elements (back-ported to Capella 1.1.2)

From a Capability Realization, involved Actors and Components can be navigated:

From either a Logical Actor or a Logical Component, involving Capability Realizations can be navigated:

Do not allow to modify Physical Component Nature through Properties to avoid model inconsistency

By default, changing the Nature of a Physical Component after creation is disabled. This policy is controlled by a preference in the Capella/Model preference page.

Enhance Capella diff merge matching policies to manage complex use cases

Advanced matching policies have been added to Capella (e.g. based on name or structure, etc... instead of identifier). Additionally, a revamp of the GUI has been made in order to distinguish between simple predefined usages and advanced usages, and avoid exposing non-experts to the advanced features.

Each item in the GUI has an associated tooltip that provides some explanations

The Diff Merge editor has been enhanced, providing for instance the ability to reload ("Update ..." menu) a new comparison if models have changed.

Computed simplified links between parent components

The goal is to display computed exchanges that are defined between children components (deployment or breakdown).

On LAB and PAB diagrams, if a Component Exchange (CE) or a Physical Link (PL) has its target Component/Node hidden or removed from diagram, its target become the target parent and the edge is dashed.The target port is not displayed because it is not an actual port of the Component/Node.

Two new filters (disabled by default for new Diagrams created) are added in LAB and PAB to hide these "computed" exchanges :

  • Hide Computed Component Exchanges
  • Hide Computed Physical Links

Existing LAB and PAB diagrams coming from previous major releases are not impacted (i.e upper filters applied to hide these computed simplified links in order not to modify the current display).

Provide Migration in command line for Capella filesystem models

The command imports the model into the specified workspace and migrate the project inside. It is documented in Help Content > Capella Guide.

Example: <CapellaInstallationPath>/eclipse.exe -nosplash -application org.polarsys.capella.core.commandline.core -appid org.polarsys.capella.migration -import D:/Projects/ -data <workspacePath>

(Prototype) Ability to transfer model elements from one project/library to another referenced library

A first prototype is available in order to get feedback. New fixes will be delivered in the next Capella 1.2.1. This capability has to be used with caution: you have to check the resulted source/target model/library. A new View "Move Elements View" located in "Capella (Incubation)" category provides the capability to transfer model elements from a project/library to a referenced library.

It detects illegal backreferences and check Capella Semantic Validation based on Business Queries (same as Properties "Browse") in order to avoid model inconsistency.

Provide a read only capability on instantiate RPL

Capella provides a validation rule for RPL with Blackbox compliance. If it is enabled, live validation will occur on all RPL which have the "Enfore RPL Compliance on the Fly" flag checked in its properties. If this live validation detects a violating change, the change is rolled back and an error dialog will open, indicating which changes were not in line with the current compliancy setting of the RPL.

Straighten Edges Horizontally or Vertically enhancement

Four additional contextual menus are added under "Layout > Straighten" for selection of one or more edges.

  • "To Top" or "To bottom"

  • "To left" or "To right"

Some special cases when less straightening options are proposed:

  • "To bottom" is disable because over lapping of ports are not possible

  • "To top" is disable because not possible to straighten the edge in void space

Usability of Straighten layout of edges

The "Straighten To..." tool is now added directly in the toolbar of a diagram too, not only on right clicking (Layout/Straighten/...). It is now possible to select several exchanges (with or without ports) to align them and it applies the layout on all available edges, even if some cannot be modified. New capabilities to combine with other existing layouting features (Align, Distribute...):

  • "Straighten\With left side pinned" and "Straighten\With right side pinned" for horizontal layouting
  • "Straighten\With top side pinned" and "Straighten\With bottom side pinned" for vertical layouting

Remove "Bend-points" works on Rectilinear edges

The "Remove Bend-points" option on rectilinear edge, like Oblique Style Routing, is now available.

Edge creation improvements

  • Edge creation with ports are now snap correctly.
  • When a new "Rectilinear" edge is created horizontal or vertical, it is correctly created horizontal or vertical, without useless rectilinear Bend-points.

Do not automatically scroll or provide a way to select element without scrolling

When diagram element is selected while it is partially displayed, there is no automatically scroll / focus on this element to display it completely.

Enhancement of the display of synchronization status on diagrams

  • Diagram visualization:

A new Diagram decorator appear in the bottom right of the opened diagram to indicate if the diagram is Synchronized or not (decorator appearing dynamically and not printed). It is disabled by default in Capella: a new Sirius/Sirius Diagram preference ("Show Synchronization status decorator on diagram") is available.

  • Perspective status bar Information:

An Eclipse status bar message indicates if the selected diagram is "Synchronized" or "Unsynchronized", at the end of the qualified patch of it.

It is possible to create an edge to the opposite side of a node

When creating an edge, it is now possible to force to select the opposite side of a node when the mouse is next to it

Ease the resize of fragments and inner Operands inside a Scenario

Inside a scenario, fragment resizing is now automatically done when:

   * User selects and resizes the Message execution from the bottom
   * User selects and resizes the bottom of the lower Operand side (inside this fragment)
   * User selects and resizes the top of the upper Operand side (inside this fragment).

Perform Sirius Actions on Multi-Selected Set of Model Elements

  • "Show Label" and "Hide Label work with a subset of diagram elements which can perform this feature (e.g. edge, edge label etc..).
  • Line Styles (Tree Routing Style, Oblique Routing Style and Rectilinear Routing Style) work with a subset of diagram elements with edges.

Export as image with better resolution

Provides auto-scaling (i.e. better resolution when exporting image from Sirius).

Due to performance issue, this functionality is not enabled by default in Capella 1.2.0. However, a new Sirius preference is available:
Sirius/Sirius Diagram preference ("Auto-scale when exporting as image") to activate it. You can also enable auto-scaling by default in order to have smart exported documents, through an eclipse.ini customization.

Performance enhancement

  • The first launch of Capella is much quicker in Capella 1.2.0 thanks to the fix about plugin resolution algorithm in Eclipse Neon

  • Global Capella performance enhancement when refreshing diagrams: refresh time is divided by 2

  • Class Diagram performance enhancement when inserting/removing data or assigning a type to a property

  • New preferences not to expand trees in Transfer viewer Dialogs and to reduce label computation time

  • Avoid unnecessary refresh operations when executing tools & optimize refresh operations: more than 30% of gain on diagram modification

  • Session opening is faster (opening time almost dived by 2)

  • Existing logs MDEReport.html or CapellaCommandLineLog.html are now disabled by default to avoid non mandatory logs

  • Cross Referencer/eAdapter optimization to make massive modifications/navigation faster

Document enhancement

  • Provide quick access to capella help content from the Welcome page
  • Provide a way to extract and print all Capella subtopics and section hyperlinks. To extract all sub chapters, select each Eclipse Help book and click on button "Print Select Topic and its Subtopics"
  • Capella embedded documentation is enriched with:
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Capella developer Guides
  • Release Notes
  • Kitalpha Guides
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