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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 14, 2024. It is now read-only.


Eclipse Tractus-X quality checks

status: archive

The current repository content was moved to another repository. The new location is sig-release/release-automation

Note❗ This repository is currently not under active maintenance and therefore archived. If you plan on picking up this product again, feel free to reach out ot the Eclipse Tractus-X projects leads via mailing list.

The Eclipse Tractus-X quality checks is an automation effort to ensure basic quality alignment across Tractus-X OSS products.

The checks will be aligned with the Tractus-X release guidelines and are available as library to use in multiple usecases. These could be:

  • PR checks to test, if contributions follow release guidelines
  • Dashboards to show overall alignment of products
  • Binaries to check code locally (manual run, pre-commit hooks, ...)
  • ...

Local build

If you want to build the command locally, you just need Golang version 1.20 and run go build on the root level of this repository.

Git pre-commit hook

It is possible to add quality checks as git pre-commit hook in the repository which will run checks triggered by git commit command. To achieve that please follow below steps:

  1. Download latest version of the tractusx-quality-checks tool for your platform under Asset section at
  2. Add executable permission if necessary and copy the binary (changing file name to tractusx-quality-checks) into one of the $PATH location depending on your OS.

macOS example:

$ chmod +x tractusx-quality-checks-0.8.0-darwin-arm64
$ sudo cp tractusx-quality-checks-0.8.0-darwin-arm64 /usr/local/bin/tractusx-quality-checks
  1. Inside your repo copy below to .git/hooks/pre-commit:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # ^ Note the above "shebang" line. This says "This is an executable shell script"
    # Name this script "pre-commit" and place it in the ".git/hooks/" directory

    # Exit immediately with that command's exit status if the command fails
    set -eo pipefail

    # Run Tractus-X quality checks
    tractusx-quality-checks checkLocal
    echo -e "\n\n--- TRG checks passed! ---\n\n"
  1. Make .git/hooks/pre-commit executable.
  2. Pre-commit setup is complete and initiates checks each time git commit is ran.

Custom GitHub action

The tractusx-quality-checks can be run as a GitHub action. This action is build as a composite action. This approach was chosen, because it allows us to run our Golang code without the need to maintain a container image for it.

      # Checkout your repo, since the quality action is working on a local copy
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # Setup go as a prerequisite for the quality-check action
      - name: Set up Go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v4
          go-version: 1.20

      # Use the quality check aciton
      - name: Run quality check command
        uses: eclipse-tractusx/tractusx-quality-checks@v1


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