Repickle makes it possible to serialize Python constructs not supported by the default pickle module from the Python standard library. Repickle just extends cloudpickle and add support for load and dump to files.
The latest release of repickle
is available from
pip install repickle
Pickling a lambda expression:
>>> import repickle
>>> squared = lambda x: x ** 2
>>> repickle.dump_to_file(squared, "pickled_lambda.pkl")
>>> new_squared = repickle.load_from_file("pickled_lambda.pkl")
>>> new_squared(2)
Pickling a function interactively defined in a Python shell session
(in the __main__
>>> CONSTANT = 42
>>> def my_function(data: int) -> int:
... return data + CONSTANT
>>> import repickle
>>> repickle.dump_to_file(my_function, "pickled_lambda.pkl")
>>> depickled_function = repickle.load_from_file("pickled_lambda.pkl")
>>> depickled_function(43)