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Domain Object Model

Manuel Meister edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

On this page, a rough overview of the entity model is given. For better readability, the model was split into several sections. Each section shows the association model and provides a short description of each entity. For detailed documentation, please check the documentation provided in the source code of each entity class:

If you are not familiar with UML class diagram notation, check out any of the public available documentation on UML, e.g.

User (Auth) (TODO this is outdated)

User Auth

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Entity Description
User List of all users, including active users with an own login and inactive users (i.e. pending invitations)
MailAddress Used to control verification of users' email addresses.
Login Stores users' login credentials (e.g. password - yes, hashed and salted)
UserIdentity Used to register any 3rd party authentication providers (e.g. Google, Facebook, etc.)

User & Groups (TODO this is outdated)

User and Groups

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Entity Description
AbstractCampOwner Generalization class to ensure that both users and groups have the capability to own a camp. Only 1 party can own a camp at any given time.
Camp List of all camps (incl. courses). Camps are connected to users in multiple ways: Each camp has a creator (User); Each camp has an owner (User or Group trough AbstractCampOwner); Each camp can have multiple users collaborating trough CampCollaboration
CampCollaboration Link table to allow collaboration of users in camps with different roles.
User List of all users
Post MVP
List of all groups (=einzelne Pfadiabteilungen oder andere lokale Vereine). The list is organized in a tree structure (parent/children associations), with a few nodes on the top (=Dachverbände wie PBS)
Post MVP
Users can have different roles (e.g. member, manager) in groups trough the GroupMembership link table.



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Entity Description
Camp List of all camps
Period A camp can consist of different periods (=Teillager). These periods may currently not overlap, so they must be distinct (z.B. Vorlager und Hauptlager). Most camps will have 1 single period.
Day Uses to store information connected to a single Day (e.g. Tageschef )
Activity Starting point for all content connected with a single activity (=Lager-/Kursblock). Note that the timing of an activity is not included in this entity but in ScheduleEntry.
ScheduleEntry Responsible for the timing of activities. This allows the same activity to occur multiple times within the same camp without the need to hardcopy the content.
Category Categorization of activities incl. color coding and adjustment of behavior and look&feel of the activity. Examples: Essen, Lagersport, Leitersitzung, etc.



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Entity Description
Camp List of all camps
Category List of all categories
Activity List of all activities
AbstractContentNodeOwner Generalization class to ensure that both Category and Activity have the capability to own a ContentNode. It is a Root-ContentNode of a tree.
ContentNode Each ContentNode defines some content. The kind of content is defined by ContentType. ContentNode can have Child-ContentNodes. It is a tree-structure.
ContentType Defines the kind of content. Each ContentType can have it's own sub-entities (e.g. StorboardSection, SingleText).
CategoryContentType Liste of prefered ContentTypes to be used in a Activity