TODO: add change detection high-level description
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Submitting the workflow
- Community and Documentation
- Authors
- Questions, bugs, and suggestions
- License
To run this application you will need a Developer Cloud Sandbox, that can be either requested from from Terradue's Portal, provided user registration approval.
A Developer Cloud Sandbox provides Earth Sciences data access services, and helper tools for a user to implement, test and validate a scalable data processing application. It offers a dedicated virtual machine and a Cloud Computing environment. The virtual machine runs in two different lifecycle modes: Sandbox mode and Cluster mode. Used in Sandbox mode (single virtual machine), it supports cluster simulation and user assistance functions in building the distributed application. Used in Cluster mode (a set of master and slave nodes), it supports the deployment and execution of the application with the power of distributed computing for data processing over large datasets (leveraging the Hadoop Streaming MapReduce technology).
Log on a developer sandbox (with at least 16GB of RAM) and install the pre-requisites:
sudo yum install -y miniconda snap
export PATH=/opt/anaconda/bin:$PATH
sudo conda install gdal -c terradue
Then run these commands in a shell:
git clone
cd dcs-satcen-sentinel1-cd
git checkout develop
mvn clean install
Run this command in a shell on the developer sandbox:
Or invoke the Web Processing Service via the Sandbox dashboard providing a master and a slave products' URL, e.g.:
- (master)
- (slave)
To learn more and find information go to
- Paulo Nunes - SatCen
- Fabrice Brito - Terradue
Please file any bugs or questions as issues or send in a pull request.
TODO: define and add license here