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Eboreum/Collections: Moving PHP closer towards generics

license build Code Coverage PHPStan Level

Wish you had generics in PHP? This library provides a sensible means of managing collections of data (i.e. arrays with restrictions), immutably, until such a time that PHP generics are bestowed upon us.

Comes fully equipped with phpstan generics annotations. For details, see:


"php": "^8.1",
"eboreum/caster": "^1.0",
"eboreum/exceptional": "^1.0"

For more information, see the composer.json file.


Via Composer (

composer install eboreum/collections

Via GitHub:

git clone [email protected]:eboreum/collections.git


This library has two core components:

  1. The class Eboreum\Collections\Collection.
  2. The interface Eboreum\Collections\Contract\CollectionInterface.

Eboreum\Collections\Collection by itself imposes no restrictions and may used for storing any data type. It can be thought of as a fancy array. However, it has two crucial differences and advantages over simple arrays: It's immutable and it's type hinted, including annotations for generics (

The true power of this library shows once you start making collection classes, extending Eboreum\Collections\Collection, which have restrictions.

This library comes equipped with the following simple data type collection classes:

  • Eboreum\Collections\FloatCollection: A collection, which only ever contains float numbers.
  • Eboreum\Collections\IntegerCollection: A collection, which only ever contains integers.
  • Eboreum\Collections\ObjectCollection: A collection, which only ever contains objects – any objects. More on how to make collections for specific class instances below.
  • Eboreum\Collections\StringCollection: A collection, which only ever contains strings.

The real shine comes when we start making restrictions on the contents of the collection classes, for instance restrictions on specific classes.

This library has the following predefined class collections:

  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\ClosureCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \Closure.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\DateTimeCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \DateTime.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\DateTimeImmutableCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \DateTimeImmutable.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\DateTimeInterfaceCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \DateTimeInterface.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\DirectoryCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \Directory.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\ErrorCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \Error.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\ExceptionCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \Exception.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\SplFileInfoCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \SplFileInfo.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\SplFileObjectCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \SplFileObject.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\ThrowableCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \Throwable.
  • \Eboreum\Collections\Object_\stdClassCollection: A collection, which may and will only ever contain instances of \stdClass.

You may use the above files as inspiration on how to build your own specific class collections. However, this process can be automated; read more about automation further down.

The above classes utilize the abstract class \Eboreum\Collections\Abstraction\AbstractNamedClassOrInterfaceCollection and subsequently the interface \Eboreum\Collections\Contract\ObjectCollectionInterface.

Automating writing of collection classes

⚠️ NOTICE ⚠️

"eboreum/collection-class-generator" is NOT YET publicly available!

Writing tens or even hundreds of collection classes, which essentially have the same structure, is tedious. This process can be automated by utilizing, which will write all desired collection classes for you, directly into in your own project to one or more locations of your choosing. It even comes with opt-in writing of unit tests (!

Make collections for anything – not just classes

You may make restrictions for anything – not just classes – including unions ( Essentially, you merely have to override the isElementAccepted method in the collection class you are implementing.

Need something that will accept both integers and float numbers (a union)?

Simply do the following:

 * {@inheritDoc}
public static function isElementAccepted($element): bool
    return is_int($element) || is_float($element);

Do remember: If you utilize phpstan, you should also add and/or update the @template and its references throughout your custom collection class.

You should also override methods such as current, find, first, etc. with a suitable return type. For instance:

PHP ^8.1:

 * {@inheritDoc}
public function current(): int|float
    // ...

Notice: Intersection types ( are not supported as they are not supported by PHP 8 due to having been declined.

The reason is that methods such as current, find, first, etc. cannot have nullable return types when handling intersections.


Test/development requirements

"phpstan/phpstan": "^1.4",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5"

Running tests

For all unit tests, first follow these steps:

cd tests
php ../vendor/bin/phpunit

License & Disclaimer

See LICENSE file. Basically: Use this library at your own risk.


We prefer that you create a ticket and or a pull request at, and have a discussion about a feature or bug here.

No \ArrayAccess!

This library does not and will not utilize \ArrayAccess (

It goes against the immutable nature of this library, it's a little bit evil, and it makes code unnecessarily obscure.





This library is greatly inspired by ( and some of the code is indeed copied from that library (acknowledged by inclusion of the LICENSE file contents at the top of select files, as required by