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MusicQ - an online jukebox

Build Status

Project Background & Tenets

Inspiring Features / Integration Potentials

  • Reddit, Microscope, Crater, other - vote up / down model
  • Mixlr - ability to chat / chat room while listening to music
    • also check out
    • distributed listening parties
      • stream music
      • synchronized play list (played local)
  • Players (TBD)


  • Visibility, Transparency
  • Give back to the artists
    • pay for songs played?
    • provide data, how often played, voting data, FF / skip data
  • ...


  • ...



  • The intention is to be able to use...
    • 'jest / enzyme' for unit testing
    • 'meteor test' for complex integration testing
    • 'chimp' for end to end testing

Test Runner File Naming Conventions

Default test file names / locations for Jest, Meteor, and Chimp

  • jest:
    • loads all test files: (/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.jsx?$)
  • 'meteor test':
    • loads all test files: "*.test[s].js[x]" or "*.spec[s].js[x]"
      • ignores any files in any tests/ directory
    • DOES NOT eagerly load application code, only modules imported by tests
  • 'meteor test --full-app':
    • loads all test files: "*.app-test[s].js" or "*.app-spec[s].js"
      • ignores any files in any tests/ directory
    • DOES eagerly load application code, as meteor build normally would
  • chimp:
    • loads cucumber tests from: ./features

Project test file location and naming convention

  • The following convention allows you to colocate test files in the same or sub directory of the system under test, without the test runners picking up the incorrect test file
    • place all meteor test files in the same directory as the module / system under test
    • place all jest unit tests in 'tests' sub directory of the module / system under test
    • place all chimp tests in 'tests' sub directory of the project root
      • set npm script for chimp to chimp --path=tests/end-to-end
      • NOTE: create additional sub directories in this directory to organize tests
  • example:
    • <project-root>/.../system-under-test/tests/AppContainer.jest.jsx (tests run by jest only)
    • <project-root>/.../system-under-test/AppContainer.tests.jsx (tests run by 'meteor test' only)
    • <project-root>/.../system-under-test/ (tests run by 'meteor test --full-app' only)
    • <project-root>/tests/end-to-end/.../featureName.feature or .js (tests to be run by 'chimp')

NOTE: placing all 'non meteor application' code, such as tests and storybook stories, in tests/ directories prevents meteor server from restarting when in development mode


Mocking Meteor packages

  • Many commonly used meteor packages were mocked, by creating mock modules, and using the moduleNameMapper configuration setting
  • Other helpful meteor mocking resources
  • One specific, complex example, was mocking SimpleSchema. It took some effort, and trial and error, to mimic being able to reference a returned function from an inline instantiated object
    • eg const myValidator = new SimpleSchema({...}).validator();
    • see the aldeed:simple-schema.js mock for validator()


  • when initially creating, or even updating, be sure to examine the contents of the snapshot file
    • it is possible to capture incorrect code or even 'undefined' in cases
  • snapshot files are to be kept in the default location, a __snapshots__ subdirectory


  • Story file location and naming convention
    • story file names are to follow the convetion filename.stories.js
    • story files are to be placed in a tests/__stories__/ subdirectory of the module / component


  • flow package installed
    • place 3rd party and custom created libdefs in .types/ (see setting in .flowconfig file)
  • list notable flowtype conventions here
  • installed eslint package for flowtype
  • Use flow-typed package to download community created libdefs and create generic libdefs for installed pacakges
    • flow-typed libdefs reside in flow-typed/, which is git ignored
    • copy or move libdefs from there to .types/ and edit as needed
    • they can be checked in to the repo from .types/
  • NOTE, anytime you download libdefs in to flow-typed/, you need to nuke or hide that directory, else Meteor will see it and try to load it


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