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Okay, it's pretty easy to instantiate objects in Java through standard reflection. However there are many cases where you need to go beyond what reflection provides. For example, if there's no public constructor, you want to bypass the constructor code, or set final fields. There are numerous clever (but fiddly) approaches to getting around this…


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Objenesis is a library dedicated to bypass the constructor when creating an object. On any JVM there is.

You can find the website and user documentation at

Developer information

Project status

Build Status Maven Central

Environment setup

I'm using:

  • Maven 3.9.6
  • IntelliJ Ultimate 2024.1 (thanks to JetBrains for the license) (it should also work with Eclipse)

To configure your local workspace:

  • Import the Maven parent project to Eclipse or IntelliJ
  • Import the Eclipse formatting file objenesis-formatting.xml (usable in Eclipse or IntelliJ)

To build with Maven

There are two different levels of build.

Build without any active profile

It is a basic compilation of the application.

mvn install

Full build

This build will create the source and javadoc jars and run spotbugs.

mvn install -Pfull

To run special builds

Run the Android TCK

Install required tools:

MacOs / *nix
  • Install the Android SDK (brew cask install android-sdk)
  • Install platform-tools and build-tools using the sdkmanager (sdkmanager "platform-tools" "build-tools")
  • Add an ANDROID_HOME to target the Android SDK (export ANDROID_HOME=$(realpath $(echo "$(dirname $(readlink $(which sdkmanager)))/../..")))
  • Install Android Studio
  • Launch studio and install SDK and emulator
  • Add an ANDROID_HOME to environmental variables (path used to install SDK on previous step)


  • Configure a device (real or simulated) and launch it (use API 26, after that it asks for a signature, that isn't supported yet)
  • Activate the debug mode if it's a real device
  • mvn package -Pandroid

Run the benchmarks

mvn package -Pbenchmark
cd benchmark

Generate the website

mvn package -Pwebsite

To update the versions

  • mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y -Pall
  • mvn versions:commit -Pall if everything is ok, mvn versions:revert -Pall otherwise

Configure to deploy to the Sonatype maven repository

  • You will first need to add something like this to your settings.xml
  • Then follow the instructions from the site below to create your key to sign the deployed items

To check dependencies and plugins versions

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates -Pall

To upgrade the Maven wrapper

mvn wrapper:wrapper

To update the license

mvn validate license:format -Pall

To run modernizer

mvn modernizer:modernizer -Pall

Reproducible build

We make sure a build will always create the same result with done from the same sources. It follows these guidelines.

Useful commands:

# Checks that all plugins are compatible
mvn artifact:check-buildplan -Pfull,all
# Build and install the artifact
mvn clean install -Pfull,all
# Build and compare the artifact with the installed one
mvn clean verify artifact:compare -Pfull,all

To release

  • Add the release notes in website/site/content/notes.html You use this code to generate it. If you have more than 100 items, do it again with &page=2
# Get the milestone matching the version
version=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout | cut -d'-' -f1)
milestone=$(curl -s "" | jq ".[] | select(.title==\"$version\") | .number")
echo "<h1>Version $version ($(date '+%Y-%m-%d'))</h1>"
echo "<ul>"  
curl -s "${milestone}&state=all&per_page=100" | jq -r '.[] | "  <li>" + .title + " (#" + (.number|tostring) + ")</li>"'
echo "</ul>"
  • Make sure you have Java 9+ in the path
  • Launch ./
  • Answer the questions (normally, just acknowledge the proposed default)
  • Follow the instructions

If something fails, and you need to rollback a bit, the following commands might help:

mvn release:rollback -Pall
git tag -d $version
git push origin :refs/tags/$version
git reset --hard HEAD~2

If you find something went wrong you can drop the staging repository with mvn nexus-staging:drop.

Deploy the website

  • Make sure the pom is at the version you want to release
  • Launch ./


Okay, it's pretty easy to instantiate objects in Java through standard reflection. However there are many cases where you need to go beyond what reflection provides. For example, if there's no public constructor, you want to bypass the constructor code, or set final fields. There are numerous clever (but fiddly) approaches to getting around this…



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