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This is a work in progress - and subject to additions and changes.


  1. Remove developer-specific settings from a project's Vagrantfile.
  2. Streamline setup/onboarding.
  3. Avoid stale settings all around.


Install the plugin:

$ vagrant plugin install bib-vagrant

Do not use this command in a directory with a Vagrantfile which requires the plugin. Vagrant does always include the Vagrantfile, and therefore will fail before installation because of the missing plugin. Just cd somewhere else and retry the command, maybe from your homedir?


Developer Settings

The config file with all developer specific settings is currently ~/.config/easybib/vagrantdefault.yml. If no such file exists, the plugin will create the file with default settings.

The content of this file can be retrieved using the plugin as an array, the the Vagrantfile-Example below for usage.

The current default settings and their respective usage in our Vagrantfiles are:

#Use filesystem shares over nfs
nfs: false

#Path to the cookbooks
cookbook_path: ~/Sites/easybib/cookbooks

#Chef Log Level
chef_log_level: debug

#Additional JSON to be merged in the Chef JSON
additional_json: ! '{}'

#Show Virtualbox GUI
gui: false

# Token to use with composer
composer_github_token: <github token>

# npm proxy in the form of "http://npm-proxy.tld/"
npm_registry: <npm registry or proxy url>

# your npm user email address in the form of [email protected]
npm_username: <github or npm username>

# your npm or user email address in the form of [email protected]
npm_usermail: <npm or github users email address>

# Authentication Token to use with npm
npm_userpass: <npm or github authentication token>

Additional parameters can be added to the file and used in the Vagrantfile - but you then have to make sure to use sensible fallback defaults in your Vagrantfile, since not every developer might have this setting in the .yml.


In your Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.require_plugin 'bib-vagrant'

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  bibconfig =
  vagrantconfig = bibconfig.get

  config.vm.define :db do |web_config|


    web_config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
      vb.gui = vagrantconfig["gui"]

    web_config.vm.synced_folder "./../", "/vagrant_data", :owner => "vagrant", :nfs => vagrantconfig["nfs"]

    web_config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
      chef.cookbooks_path = vagrantconfig["cookbook_path"]
      chef.add_recipe "something::here"
      chef.log_level = vagrantconfig["chef_log_level"]

    web_config.vm.provision "bib_configure_npm"


The configuration is located in ~/.config/easybib/vagrantdefault.yml:

nfs: false
cookbook_path: ~/Documents/workspaces/easybib-cookbooks
chef_log_level: debug
additional_json: ! '{}'
gui: true
composer_github_token: <github token>
npm_registry: <npm registry or proxy url>
npm_username: <github or npm username>
npm_usermail: <npm or github users email address>
npm_userpass: <npm or github authentication token>

NOTE: the npm_registry should be in the format of 'http[s]://host.domain.tld/' - The trailing slash is important

Developing and Testing

Make sure you are using a Bundler version which is compatible with Vagrant which comes from GitHub like defined here:

group :development do
  gem 'vagrant', git: ''

Bundler version 1.7.15 works fine and can be installed like this:

gem install bundler -v '~> 1.7.0'

Then, when you want to test Bib Vagrant use:

bundle _1.7.15_ exec vagrant

Happy developing and testing.


See Contributing


A helper library for vagrant







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