This is the java client library purely written using apache http client for parasut api v4. Parasut is the most commonly used, cloud based pre-accounting tool in Turkey.
This client api currenty supports below functionalities :
- get/refresh oauth token,
- create contact
- create product
- create sales invoice
Add this library to your projects build file (pom.xml)
With your teminal window run below command in the root folder of the project ( where pom.xml located).
mvn clean install
This client api follows builder design pattern useful structure. In below I try to explain some of the use cases, but for detailed information take a look at the test cases under src/test folder.
Before starting using api, you should configure client properties,such as :
- ClientID,ClientSecret, ApiVersion(default v4), password, username.
You can use /src/test/resources/) file as an example required parameters to use this client api.
redirectUri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI - DEFAULT :urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
to get starting using you have to first get token information. then use this token in the Authorization header with Beaerer keyword in each request.
ParasutGetToken.get(httpOptions, ParasutAuthPasswordRequest.builder()
Token can be invalidated in a given time period, you can check that time in the GetToken response. So to be able to get new refreshed token you can use refresh token request.
ParasutGetToken parasutRefreshedToken = ParasutGetToken
.refresh(httpOptions, ParasutAuthRefreshRequest.builder()
Before creating a sales_invoice in parasut api you need to create and get contact id on parasut api first. After that request you can map returning id (parasutContactId) with your user id to prevent to create duplicate records on parasut api.
ParasutContact parasutContact = ParasutContact.create(httpOptions, ParasutContactRequest.builder()
.email("[email protected]")
.name("test parasut")
.token(BEARER + parasutGetToken.getAccess_token())
Even you have your product catalog in house application, you need to create your product copy on parasut system with not-detailed product information. After you create related product on parasut you need to map your product id with parasutProductId.
ParasutProduct parasutProduct = ParasutProduct.create(httpOptions, ParasutProductRequest.builder()
.buyingPrice(new BigDecimal(89.9))
.token(BEARER + parasutGetToken.getAccess_token())
After you successfully created product and contact information on parasut system now you ready to create sales_invoice via parasut api endpoint. All you need to do gather api related informations as in example below :
ParasutInvoice parasutInvoice = ParasutInvoice.create(httpOptions, ParasutInvoiceRequest.builder()
.token(BEARER + parasutGetToken.getAccess_token())
private ArrayList<ParasutInvoiceDetails> generateInvoiceDetailList(ParasutProduct parasutProduct) {
return new ArrayList<ParasutInvoiceDetails>() {{
.unitPrice(new BigDecimal(89.0)) //price without vat value