This package provides a library for creating scripts for the Modulove A-RYTH-MATIK eurorack module.
Full Doxyen generated documentation of the library can be found here:
There are two ways to install. Include the library directly in your script
repo as a git submodule, or download the latest release zip and extract the
library into your ~/Arduino/libraries
Include the library as a git submodule to use in your scripts.
In order to include the library source code directly in your repo as a git
submodule, you must follow the Arduino Sketch specifications and place the
code in the location <sketch>/src/<library>
. This is documented in the
src subfolder
section of the Arduino Sketch Specification.
git submodule add <sketch>/src/libmodulove
Download the latest release.
#include "src/libmodulove/arythmatik.h"
using namespace modulove;
using namespace arythmatik;
// Declare A-RYTH-MATIK hardware variable.
Arythmatik hw;
byte counter = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize the A-RYTH-MATIK peripherials.
void loop() {
// Read cv inputs and process encoder state to determine state for this loop.
// Advance the counter on CLK input
if (hw.clk.State() == DigitalInput::STATE_RISING) {
counter = ++counter % OUTPUT_COUNT;
// Read encoder for a change in direction and update the counter.
Encoder::Direction dir = hw.encoder.rotate();
if (dir == Encoder::DIRECTION_INCREMENT) {
counter = min(++counter, OUTPUT_COUNT);
} else if (dir == Encoder::DIRECTION_DECREMENT) {
counter = max(--counter, 0);
// Reset the counter back to 0 when encoder switch pressed.
Encoder::PressType press = hw.encoder.Pressed();
if (press == Encoder::PRESS_SHORT) {
counter = 0;
// Activate the current counter output.
for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_COUNT; i++) {
(i == counter)
? hw.outputs[i].High()
: hw.outputs[i].Low();
// Display the current counter step on the OLED.
hw.display.setCursor(SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, 0);
hw.display.println("Counter: " + String(counter));