yarn create r3f-app next my-app sass
npx create-r3f-app next my-app sass
- yarn dev
- yarn lint (Sass and Scripts)
- yarn build
- yarn start
- Es6
- Nextjs
- Eslint
- Babel
- Scss
- Prettier
- Husky
- Threejs: A lightweight, 3D library with a default WebGL renderer. The library also provides Canvas 2D, SVG and CSS3D - renderers in the examples.
- react-three-fiber: A React renderer for Threejs on the web and react-native.
- drei: A growing collection of useful helpers and abstractions for react-three-fiber.
- Post processing
- React Devices Detect
- Code Splitting
- Canvas content and DOM loaded by page
- Custom loading
enable dom events + share events between main dom and canvas + useScroll and useGesture by default
Add heads
Zustand ?
useGesture example
Basic helpers folder
Clean shaders in helpers example
Use use-asset repo to prefetch assets
Update architecture based on sharing materials && geos
Add draco && gltfjsx example
Add Vector3().lerp() && lerpVectors() examples
Flag React to experimental and concurrent attribut to Canvas for Double Buffering (<-- way too much unstable)
other lib for anim ?
Make bash scripts for git && deploy
- Camera custom tracker with 2 depth
- Camera animation
- Improve Blender python script with GUI
- Blender + Camera.blend + Python scripts
- Make bash script to automate blender