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A foveated object detector that uses the Freeman-Simoncelli model as its visual field, HoG features and a mixture of linear classifiers


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Foveated Object Detector

This repository contains the MATLAB source for the Foveated Object Detector (FOD) described in our paper [1] and technical report [2]. The code was tested on (K)ubuntu Linux 14.04 (and 16.04) using MATLAB R2014a and above.

The script main.m contains example calls that show how to train and run the FOD (and also its sliding window (SW) version) on a sample dataset provided under data/.

[1] Emre Akbas, Miguel P. Eckstein (2017). "Object detection through search with a foveated visual system." PLoS Computational Biology, 13(10), e1005743.

[2] Emre Akbas, Miguel P. Eckstein, "Object Detection Through Exploration With A Foveated Visual Field," Technical report, Vision and Image Understanding Lab, University of California Santa-Barbara. Link


First, prepare your dataset. To do that, open ./data/monitor_dataset/monitor_train01.txt with a text editor and edit the first line to be the absolute path of the parent directory of the images in the dataset. For example, suppose /home/userX/FOD/ is the directory of this repository, then the first line of monitor_train01.txt should read as /home/userX/FOD/data/monitor_dataset\database. You should do the same for other dataset file monitor_test01.txt.


Add the following paths to your MATLAB workspace by running

addpath object_detector/                % object detector
addpath foveated_visual_field/          % Freeman-Simoncelli model
addpath code_from_DPM/                  % for HOG feature extraction and HOG visualization

Training a Sliding Window (SW) Model

The following calls trains a SW model on the monitor_train01 dataset. For help with the input arguments, run help train_model. Typically, on a i7 processor, this process takes about 15 minutes.

model = train_model('descriptor', 'monitor01', ...
    'trainset_filename', 'data/monitor_dataset/monitor_train01.txt', ...
    'num_aspect_ratios', 2, ...
    'peripheral_training', false, 'verbosity', 1, ...
    'cache_dir', 'cache');
fprintf('Training took %.2f minutes.\n', etime(clock(), t0)/60);

Now you have trained a model, you can visualize one of the learned templates for sanity check. If everything went smoothly, you should be seeing the rough shape of your target object in the HOG features.

figure, visualizeHOG(foldHOG(reshape( model.templates(1).w, ...
    model.templates(1).height, model.templates(1).width, [])));

To run the trained model on an image, use the detect_SW function for detection, and use the show_bounding_boxes on the output of detect_SW to visualize the detection results. Try this with your own images or images dowloaded from the web.

img = imread('data/monitor_dataset/database/ZxsobICq.jpg');
[c,bb] = detect_SW(img, model);
figure, show_bounding_boxes(img, bb(:,1), c(1));

Testing the Model

To evaluate the trained model on the test set, use evaluate_model. This will run the trained model on all of the 547 images in the testing set and will return you the precision-recall curve. evaluate_model runs detect_SW on many images in parallel, so don't forget the turn on the matlabpool by calling matlabpool open to speed up the evaluation (it also works without matlabpool).

detect_fun = @detect_SW;
[ap,rec,prec] = evaluate_model('data/monitor_dataset/monitor_test01.txt', ...
    model, 'cache', detect_fun, 1);
figure, plot(rec,prec);

Training a Foveated Model (FOD)

To train a FOD model, we simply set peripheral_training to true and provide the peripheral_filters_filename parameter.

model = train_model('descriptor', 'monitor01', ...
    'trainset_filename', 'data/monitor_dataset/monitor_train01.txt', ...
    'num_aspect_ratios', 2, ...
    'peripheral_training', true, 'verbosity', 1, ...
    'peripheral_filters_filename', 'foveated_visual_field/peripheral_filters_30x4.mat', ...
    'cache_dir', 'cache', 'min_pixel_area', 425);
fprintf('Training took %.2f minutes.\n', etime(clock(), t0)/60);

Visualize the first template:

figure, visualizeHOG(foldHOG(reshape( model.templates(1).w, ...
    model.templates(1).height, model.templates(1).width, [])));

Run the trained model on an image:

img = imread('../data/monitor_dataset/database/89nXYzxK.jpg');
[c,bb,f] = detect_FOD(img, model,'MAP_IOR',[.8 .8],2);
figure, show_fixations_and_detections(img, bb(:,1:2), [], f, true);

Evaluate the trained model on the test set and retrieve the precision-recall curve:

% (don't forget to turn on matlabpool:  "matlabpool open")
detect_fun = @(img,model)detect_FOD(img,model,'MAP_IOR',[],5);
[ap,rec,prec] = evaluate_model('../data/monitor_dataset/monitor_test01.txt', ...
    model, 'cache', detect_fun, 1);
figure, plot(rec,prec);


A foveated object detector that uses the Freeman-Simoncelli model as its visual field, HoG features and a mixture of linear classifiers







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