An ruby instagram bot and scrapper works without instagram api, only needs your username and password.
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'instabot'
and then execute
$ bundle install
or install it yourself as:
$ gem install instabot --no-ri --no-rdoc
here is the basic usage:
require 'instabot'
bot = :manual
bot.comment('media_id', 'comment text here')
and here is the automatic usage:
require 'instabot'
Config.setup do |set|
set.username = 'username'
set.password = 'password'
set.tags = %w[test hello birthday]
# set.use_proxy = true # => it's important to enable the proxy usage
# set.proxy = ["localhost",8888] # without username and password
# set.proxy = ["localhost",8000,"USERNAME","PASSWORD"] # with username and password
# set.use_tor = true # default is false
set.wait_per_action = 5 * 60
set.max_like_per_day = 50
set.max_follow_per_day = 50
set.max_unfollow_per_day = 50
set.max_comment_per_day = 50
set.log_status = true
set.infinite_tags = true
set.add_tag_per_post = 5
set.print_banner = true
set.pre_load = false
set.unwanted_list = ["_id","free_","free"]
set.white_list_users = ["john","alex","nick"]
set.comments = [
%w[this the your],
%w[photo picture pic shot snapshot],
%w[is looks feels is really],
%w[great super good very good good wow WOW cool GREAT magnificent magical very cool stylish beautiful so beautiful so stylish so professional lovely so lovely very lovely glorious so glorious very glorious adorable excellent amazing],
%w[. .. ... ! !! !!!]
bot =
bot.mode(:infinite) # => :cleanup, :infinite, ...
Note: Example files are here and be careful about using
set.use_proxy = true # => it's so important to enable the proxy usage
set.proxy = ["localhost",8888] # without username and password
set.proxy = ["localhost",8000,"USERNAME","PASSWORD"] # with username and password
don't have money to buy a proxy? no problem! continue reading
first of all you have to download the latest tor expert bundle
from here
then navigate to the Tor
folder and run the tor --controlport 9051
also don't forget to enable using tor by set.use_tor = true
option, and that's it! we're done
set | description | value (example) |
username | this is your IG username | your_ig_username |
password | this is your IG password | your_ig_password |
tags | This script use tags for searching medias & users | write whatever you want like this ["hello_world", "test"] in an array |
wait_per_action | wait time per actions | 1 * 60 |
log_status | printing logs in the file | true or false |
unwanted_list | unwanted names in usernames | ["_id","free_","free"] |
white_list_users | white list usernames | ["john","alex","nick"] |
max_like_per_day | this is the max likes per day limitation | 100 |
max_follow_per_day | this is the max follows per day limitation | 100 |
max_unfollow_per_day | this is the max unfollows per day limitation | 100 |
max_comment_per_day | this is the max comments per day limitation | 100 |
infinite_tags | grab new tags by medias (infinite tag grabber) | ture or false |
add_tag_per_post | an limit for infinite_tags |
5 , default is 1 |
print_banner | enable or disable banner | true or false |
comments | the comments you want to post in medias | just change the values in example |
pre_load | load pre configurations in logs folder | followed_users.txt , unfollowed_users.txt , liked_medias.txt , commented_medias.txt |
use_tor | enabling and disabling the tor usage | true or false |
use_proxy | enabling and disabling the proxy usage | true or false |
proxy | http(s) proxy details | write it in an array like this ["IP",PORT] or if it has username and password you have to use this format ["IP",PORT,"USERNAME","PASSWORD"] |
Development description:
Methods are available on rubydoc.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Also thank you guys! Contributors
and if you like it just... hit the star button to make me (us) happy! (≖ᴗ≖✿)
- Activesupport
- Mechanize
- Colorize
- Hashie
- Socksify
- Net-telnet
Still no idea... what do you think?