This repo contains packages that we can use for consistent color usage across our products. This all began with a confluence doc.
The current approach is to maintain a colors.json
file that contains all
the colors our designers have laid out. Using that JSON file we can generate
the appropriate packages for whatever language we may need those colors for.
This has currently only been implemented for Elm, SCSS, and CSS.
This uses Handlebars for templating.
$ yarn generate
# Automatically runs `node generate_colors.js` and `yarn postgenerate`
This repo is not fully packaged up yet. We simply use the Github URL as a raw npm module.
$ yarn add
@import "~@eSpark/colors";
.example {
color: $es-color-teal-base;
Elm doesn't support private shared modules so we're manually importing it.
// Append this to elm.json
"source-directories": [
We also need the standard elm-color package:
$ elm install avh4/elm-color
import ES.UI.Color exposing (Color)
example : Color
example =