Copyright: developed and maintained by TU Darmstadt
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
A subplugin for that uses data from an external server connected with LDAP.
Users that are no longer in the LDAP are archived by moving them to the DB table "mdl_tool_cleanupusers_archive". In the core table "mdl_user" the users will be anonymized: First name is set to "anonymous" and the user name to "anonymous+user-ID", e.g. "anonymous70".
of suspended users can be customized in tool_cleanupusers The "deletetime" setting defines how long users remain archived before they are finally deleted. If users return to the LDAP within this deletetime period, they are reactivated with all previous data from "mdl_user".
Settings located at /admin/settings.php?section=cleanupusers_userstatusldapchecker
cleanupusers_csv folder contains a reworked version of archive_user_task.php from tool_cleanupusers that saves users archived by the cron in a CSV file.
- Copy/Clone to
directory- Alternatively use
git clone admin/tool/cleanupusers/userstatus/ldapchecker
in your moodle root
- Alternatively use
- Enable database upgrade
- Go to
orSite Administration->Users->Clean up users->LDAP Checker