After reading this amazing blog about training Deep RL of QNetwrok for learning Dino. I decided to implemented it myself in Pytorch.
You need to install the depenedenceis and run the
with the apporopriate arguements.
First you need to download chrome driver from here and extract it in a directory and use its path for the chrome_driver_path
Install requirements of the project:
- pytorch: go to for install instruction
- numpy: pip install numpy
- selenium: pip install selenium
- Pillow: pip install Pillow
- opencv-python: conda install -c conda-forge opencv
Or install them with
You can train or play with the dino with
scripts and its arguemnents which are enumerated as follow:
--chrome_driver_path CHROME_DRIVER_PATH
Path of chrome driver
--checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH
Path of Pytorch model path
--nb_actions NB_ACTIONS
Number of possible actions for Dino. Default is 2 but
you can increase to 3 with do_nothing,jump and dive
--initial_epsilon INITIAL_EPSILON
Starting epsilon value for explorations
--final_epsilon FINAL_EPSILON
Final value for epsilon after exploration
--gamma GAMMA Value of gamma for atenuation of rewards in next
--nb_memory NB_MEMORY
Number of memory to store previous states and rewards
for training.
--nb_expolre NB_EXPOLRE
Number of times for explorations. After this time the
epsilon is in final_epsilon value and the explorations
is in its minumum value.
--is_debug A flag for debugging. If enabled an OpenCV window is
shown that illustrates the feeded image to the netwrok
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Number of batch for training.
--nb_observation NB_OBSERVATION
Number of observation before starting training
--use_cuda Use cuda if it\'s avaulable
--exploiting If enabled, there is no training the qnetwork just
predict the qvalues.
--log_frequency LOG_FREQUENCY
Frequency of logging every time step.
--save_frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY
Frequency of saving satate of the training
--game_speed GAME_SPEED
Speed of the game.
--ratio_of_win RATIO_OF_WIN
Ration of usage of win actions in training. It should
be between (0,1]. 1 means use all actions and 1e-6
means small amount of win actions.
--desired_fps DESIRED_FPS
If you want to reduce processing fps in order to have
constant fps in training and testing time.
There are a number of things in which one can try and test to see for herself!
You can change model of QNetwork or play with the arguments. Here I illustrate some of my trials:
- Train from scratch with default values (This is almost the same as the DeepMind paper in 2013)
- python --chrome_driver_path /path/to/chromedriver
- Train more with failures. One can assume a human can learn more from its failures than its sucesses. You can decrease the amount of train data which is for winning actions by
- python --chrome_driver_path /path/to/chromedriver --ratio_of_win 0.1
- You can change the speed of the game and train it faster but it requires a better CPU/GPU machine
- python --chrome_driver_path /path/to/chromedriver --game_speed 3
- You can see a sample almost trained network playing Dino without learning or exploration
- python --chrome_driver_path /path/to/chromedriver --checkpoint_path freezed_model.pth --exploiting
Here is a sample result of the agent after training with 400 episodes of game:
The trained model exists in this repository under the name of freezed_model.pth